The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Stand With Arizona? Not John McCain

Thanks to Barbara Espinosa for posting this picture: That’s Maverick with then-Gov. Janet Napolitano at a 2004 rally against Proposition 200, which requires “individuals to provide proof of citizenship before they may register to vote or apply for public benefits in Arizona.” Prop 200 passed with 56% of the vote and yet somehow, that backstabbing […]

Flotilla of Fools vs. Israeli Navy

Like a scene straight from the pages of Jean Raspail’s The Camp of the Saints, a group of activists calling themselves the “Freedom Flotilla” have attempted — and evidently, failed — to break the Israeli blockade of Hamas-held Gaza: The Israeli Navy made its first contact with a flotilla carrying hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists and […]

‘Indigenous’ Mexicans?
La Raza and the Reconquista Myth

Barbara Espinosa at American Freedom blog sends along these photos from the protest in Phoenix: “We are here as indigenous peoples of this continent . . . to confront the Racist squatters on our continent who dare to call us foreigners. . . . 500 years of European crimes of trespassing, theft, murder, false borders, […]

Now, Are You Going To Believe The MSM, Or Douglas’s Fibbin’ Imagery?

by Smitty Donald Douglas’s lengthy post on the Arizona SB1070 protest really points out why we need to rely on what reputable outfits like the LA Times, NY Times, and Rachel Maddow tell us, and not the defective output of perhaps well-intentioned, but poorly equipped civilian reporters like Don. Somebody could walk away with the […]

Anthropogenic Global Warming
Climate Change Myth Threatens
Noble Savage Myth

by Smitty (h/t InstaPundit) Faced with more and more people asking really hard questions about the second most expensive hoax in human history (what can top Marxism?) the Anthropogenic Global WarmingClimate Change community has been forced to explore new means of re-inflating the guilt-bubble: IT’S not just for the last century that humans have been […]

VIDEO: Canadian Blogger Assaulted by Anti-Israel Union Thug at Protest

Blazing Cat Fur was doing video of an anti-Israel protest in Toronto when he was attacked by Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Union official Ali Mallah: Blazing Cat Fur points out that Mallah is “vice president of the virulently anti-semitic Canadian Arab Federation.”

VIDEO: Is Wes Donehue Evil?
Or Is Will Folks Total Scum?

You may remember these text messages about Nikki Haley from South Carolina GOP consultant Wes Donehue to Will Folks: From: Wes Donehue To: Will Folks Sent: May 13, 2010 2:55 PM I just don’t know who has told more people, you or Nikki. From: Wes Donehue To: Will Folks Sent: May 13, 2010 5:01 PM […]

New MLB Trend: Obama Batting

by Smitty Stunned by his ‘unexpected’ performance as a pitcher, major league baseball batters have taken up the challenge of assuming a more contemplative, thoughtful style while facing men on the mound. This has resulted in the second perfect game of the season, this one going to Roy Halladay of the Phillies. Batters are pleased […]

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