The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Lubricating the Slippery Slope: The Intellectual Astroglide of the Elite

Posted on | September 1, 2013 | 447 Comments

Few are willing to admit the truth, namely that our cultural elite have abandoned the truth — but that is putting it too mildly.

Our cultural elite, of which the editors of the Washington Post and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg are members, have not only abandoned the truth, but have declared war on truth, and have dedicated themselves to the advancement of falsehood.

People saw this coming and sounded a warning. Judith Reisman was one of them, and Robert Knight was another. In 2000, Knight published The Age of Consent: The Rise of Relativism and the Corruption of Popular Culture, addressing the philosophical roots of our current mess. You should also read Reason in the Balance: The Case Against Naturalism in Science, Law and Education by Philip E. Johnson.

Whether or not you follow my reading recommendations, the bottom line is this: Good luck with this “secular conservatism” thing.

It ain’t gonna work, and if the history of the past 10 years or so haven’t convinced you that embracing secularism is doom for conservatism — and, ultimately, for the American republic — I’m sure the next 10 years will, but by then there will be nothing left worth conserving. And we’re probably doomed already.

Paul Weyrich — he totally saw it. A nation that would let President Clinton lie his way through the Lewinsky scandal, and accept all those flimsy rationalizations in his defense . . . Doomed.

There was a sort of post-9/11 bubble of Republican popularity that lasted four or five years, but by 2006, that was completely gone. Then in 2008 somehow, that backstabbing crapweasel John McCain got the Republican nomination and . . . Doomed.

Well, the Tea Party uprising of 2009-2010 was encouraging, but then 2012 came along and, once again . . . Doomed.

How are you feeling about 2014, Republicans? What about 2016?

Exactly: Doomed.

Basically, the enemy got inside the perimeter. The bombardment of liberal propaganda convinced both the Republican Party elite and leading figures of the conservative intelligentsia that all those hillbilly Bible-thumpers were, on balance, a detriment to the GOP’s political prospects, so shut up, Sarah Palin, shut up Michele Bachmann, shut up Rick Santorum and anyone else who doesn’t applaud gay marriage as  enthusiastically as Rachel Maddow and Andrew Sullivan.

Way to go, Republican elite! You saved your reputation as sophisticated, tolerant, enlightened intellectuals and you are . . . Doomed.

The revolutionary turning point is now in your rear-view mirror, and you’re all Vichy Republicans, negotiating with the radical Left the terms of your collaboration with their progressive agenda. In November 2008, I explained where we were heading:

The Lawrence ruling was the culmination of what Justice Antonin Scalia called “a 17-year crusade” to overturn the 1986 Bowers v. Hardwick decision (which had upheld Georgia’s sodomy statute) and, as Scalia noted in his dissent, the Court’s “emerging awareness” argument was a disingenuous way to avoid actually declaring a “fundamental right” to sodomy. The legal effect was the same, however, and Lawrence was repeatedly cited in the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s decision five months later mandating the legalization of gay marriage in that state. . . .
Gay activists do not construe their “rights” in terms of liberty, but in terms of radical and absolute equality. They insist that same-sex relationships are identical to — entirely analogous to and fungible with — traditional marriage.
Common sense resists this assertion, perceiving something fundamentally false in the gay marriage argument. Yet it seems common-sense resistance can only be justified by resort to religious faith, through the understanding that men are “endowed by their Creator” with rights. Eliminate the Creator from discussion, and it becomes impossible to refute the activists’ indignant demand for equality. . . .

You could read the whole thing — if you’re an ignorant hillbilly Bible-thumper like Justice Antonin Scalia. Perhaps you could also confront the reality that we have weighed anchor, sailed off into uncharted waters without a compass, and are now badly adrift in those regions of the ancient maps marked “Here Be Dragons.”


The Lawrence decision stopped just short of declaring a “fundamental right” to sodomy, but they might as well have gone all the way (if you’ll pardon the phrase) because we see how Justice Kennedy struck down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act as though no law prior to the “emerging awareness” had any validity at all. In 2003, the Supreme Court decreed that Texas had no authority to prohibit sodomy. Ten years later, the Supreme Court decreed that Congress itself could not deny recognition to same-sex marriage, and anyone shocked by the hasty destruction of what Chief Justice Warren Burger called “millennia of moral teaching” — well, shut up, haters.

Family Terrorized as Michigan Teachers
Support Colleague Who Molested Boy


Girl Commits Suicide; Rapist
Teacher Gets Just 30 Days in Jail

Only one of these stories was important enough to gain national attention outside of the right-wing media. Why? Because in the Michigan case, the teacher molested a boy. It was a gay thing, and only Bible-thumping hillbillies are against male teachers having gay sex with 14-year-old boys. By contrast, the other case involved a man having sex with a 14-year-old girl, so feminists were upset.

Heard any feminist upset about Kaitlyn Hunt dildoing a 14-year-old? Of course not: Feminists are all about supporting teenage lesbians, and to hell with those hateful puritanical age-of-consent laws.

“It was a quiet ceremony. Elizabeth Miklosovic had an outdoor wedding in June 2004 in Michigan’s Manistee National Forest, where the couple lit candles and exchanged vows. Miklosovic’s marriage lasted only a few months, however. Later that year, the mother of the bride found out that her daughter had, at age 13, become the lesbian ‘wife’ of Miklosovic, who had been the girl’s language arts teacher at Baseline Middle School in South Haven, Michigan. For some reason, state law did not recognize the legitimacy of Miklosovic’s pagan lesbian marriage, and she was convicted of felony sex offenses and sentenced to prison.”
Robert Stacy McCain, “Sexual Anarchy: Progress, Perversion and the ‘Emerging Awareness’ Doctrine,” The American Spectator, June 26

Who knows whither the “emerging awareness” shall henceforth emerge? Certainly I can make no predictions, and it’s hard to imagine the series of court rulings or legislative action by which lesbian child brides could become a legal “right.” On the other hand, a lot of things that once were hard to imagine are happening every day of the week now. The Washington Post column defending student-teacher sex for instance, seemed like a tasteless joke:

All my current friends are 14-year-old girls. We have pool parties and sometimes we massage each other. . . .
Me and my 14-year-old jailbait posse are sick of society looking askance at our Forbidden Love.

No, that’s not from a Washington Post column, that’s Ace of Spades brutally mocking the column, which is funny as hell — the mockery, I mean, not the column itself, which is scary as hell, because editors had to approve that column, edit it, add a headline and put it on the page. And at no point during this process did any employee of the Washington Post look at that column and say, “Hey, wait a minute. This is not just badly written and badly argued, but it’s also grossly offensive and even arguably perverted.” Quoting myself again:

The world is full of idiots with bad ideas and the editors of the Washington Post are obligated to publish only the very worst of them. One cannot reform such institutions as the Washington Post and the New York Times, but can only pray for their well-deserved destruction, because their wicked depravity is not accidental.
The publishers are amoral monsters, their editors are active agents of evil, and their deliberate policy is to employ no honest or decent person. Nor could any honest or decent person ever wish to be associated with publications whose daily business is the destruction of Western civilization. A Christian would no more desire to be published by the Washington Post than to work in an abortion clinic or a bordello. It is a disgraceful stain on the conscience of our nation.

Of course, the editors of the Washington Post are totally pro-abortion — and probably also pro-prostitution, if the truth were known — so exactly why should they be offended by an argument in defense of teachers having sex with their 14-year-old students?

Sure, let’s make fun of the Washington Post, but their editors seriously believe that a woman’s most important “right” is killing her own babies, and if people can believe that, what immoral monstrosity won’t they endorse? At some point, Republicans must either summon the courage to speak the truth — sorry, we’re not going to call you “Chelsea Manning,” you despicable traitor — or else stop pretending that they have any actual disagreements with Democrats.

Do Reince Priebus or John Boehner or Mitch McConnell have any plan at all to halt this headlong descent into lawless perversion?

Children are not inherently unable to consent” to sex with adults. Pedophiles are “unfairly stigmatized and demonized” by society. Sex with kids is tainted by a “cultural baggage of wrongfulness.”

People need to wake the hell up.

This Weimar decadence is very bad. What comes after the decadence is likely to be worse, and if you listen closely you can almost hear the sound of hobnailed boots marching over broken glass.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! Weird to get a ‘lanche four years after I published this, but today I searched for when I first used the sentence, “People need to wake the hell up,” and here were are, eh? The election of Donald Trump, the recent street violence involving white supremacists and left-wing “antifa” radicals — yes, it seems my prophetic warnings from 2013 are being fulfilled.

A nation that has abandoned religion and morality (e.g., “Thou shalt not kill”) must sooner or later pay the price for its decadence, although it’s difficult to predict what form the consequences might take. For example, why should sexual deviance give rise to racial hostility? This connection doesn’t seem obvious, but nevertheless the perversity that flourished in Weimar Germany was followed by the ascent of a Nazi regime that murdered not only Jews, but also Poles, gypsies and other “untermenschen.” While it seems unlikely that any such thing could happen in America, who can predict the future? Just a few years ago, did anyone expect we’d be confronted in 2017 with transgenderism as a “mainstream” issue? When you’re off the map and deep into the “Here Be Dragons” territory, it’s hard to know what to expect next.



447 Responses to “Lubricating the Slippery Slope: The Intellectual Astroglide of the Elite”

  1. NeoWayland
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 8:13 am

    I think that recognizing someone as adult means recognizing they have to make their own choices and they have to accept responsibility.

    Even if those choices are bad.

    Especially if those choices are bad.

  2. NeoWayland
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 8:16 am

    Are you so sure that is the only way?

    Generally speaking, risk takers aren’t going to play by somebody else’s rules.

    Would you know change if you stood next to it?

  3. NeoWayland
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 8:18 am

    I just agreed that some people want to force others.

    Which leads back to my question.

    If someone doesn’t share your beliefs, why should they be governed by those beliefs?

  4. NeoWayland
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 8:23 am

    Agreeing on those minimal standards are the issue.

    For example, I agree that fraud, murder, and theft should be punished. I also believe that you shouldn’t be allowed to mess with underage kids.

    But homosexual behavior between consenting adults? It’s not my business or yours. Anymore than we need to know the flavor of that guy’s toothpaste, or if that woman likes her shampoo.

  5. Alessandra
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 8:23 am

    Have you ever seen a spouse batterer that goes on his or her own to seek therapy for their problem? Doesn’t usually happen. Homosexuals have mostly gone the same way. The more deformed they are, the less they want to face their problems and go deal with them.
    Now they have usurped the social power to claim they are “normal” and “just like heterosexuals,” and they are going to shove their claims down everyone’s throats.

    The only light at the end of the tunnel is that these sexuality pigs cannot make all of the world stop researching or throw away our therapeutic knowledge no matter how tyrannical and invidious they become.

  6. rmnixondeceased
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 8:29 am

    Yes, through experience. I have stood along side people fighting and dying to change their society and government. I have had long late night discussions with them over coffee and cigarettes over the span of years.
    Everything of value has a price, often a price greater than people understand when they undertake the task.
    You cannot have your cake and eat it too. But you can sacrifice and feed cake to your children.

  7. Alessandra
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 8:34 am

    oh uh, it looks like a shithead is very angry we pointed out he’s not normal!

    No matter what his little psychological association or porn magazine says!

  8. Alessandra
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 8:35 am

    Insulting is just a normal variation of shitheads according to the APA, so it’s OK! LOLOLOLLOL

  9. NeoWayland
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 8:37 am

    You might want to take another look or two.

    Maybe in some of those times and places you would never expect.

  10. Alessandra
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 8:38 am

    Why is it that you can only say f*** and shit? Clearly there’s too much f*** shit in your mind to allow you to think!

  11. rmnixondeceased
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 8:53 am

    Heh. The non-answer answer. If you had an example as proof you would cite it.
    I’ll cite a few:
    Angola – Democracy
    South Africa – Apartheid.
    Iraqi Kurdistan – Baathist Government
    United States – Civil Rights
    Sierra Leonie – Democracy
    Libya – Democracy
    Egypt – Democracy
    Tunisia – Democracy
    The Birth of Israel
    Poland – Solidarity Movement
    Hungary – 1956 uprising
    Any South American nation.
    Need I go on?
    Show your cards or toss them in.

  12. NeoWayland
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 9:12 am

    There are a couple of guys on a weekly cable show who arguably have done more to teach critical thinking than almost anyone else in the past decade or so.

    There’s this other guy who talked about putting a computer on every desk.

    Then there was this little girl born in Mississippi and raised in Milwaukee who managed to make a low rated talk show into a big deal (pun intended).

    Change is where you find it.

  13. tlk244182
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 9:28 am

    “unfortunately taken over etc.” Was that a typo? You meant to write “inevitably taken over the …movement,” right?

  14. tlk244182
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 9:43 am

    Does it bother you that you are tinkering with the basic building block of civilization, the nuclear family? Whence comes your confidence in your ability to build a better world on a different foundation?

  15. Wombat_socho
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 9:55 am

    Watch your language.

  16. Labor Day news! | Walla Walla TEA Party Patriots
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 10:12 am

    […] Lubricating the Slippery Slope: The Intellectual Astroglide of the Elite […]

  17. bet0001970
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 10:26 am

    That was unnecessary.

  18. robertstacymccain
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 10:31 am

    Thanks. Interesting.

  19. bet0001970
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 10:40 am

    Finrod, she called that person a troll…because that person trolled her. You know, if people here want to live in a vacuum, go for it. But I actually like having someone introduce a little robust debate. It keeps the mind sharp. I don’t understand why anyone here would be afraid of having these ideas challenged. Especially, if they’re solid. It only gives you the opportunity to strengthen your arguments.

    It’s one thing to have an actual troll like that “bronze book” atheist from the other day. But if you get someone who can actually discuss the issues and offer some give and take…what is the problem?

  20. bet0001970
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 10:58 am

    What is wrong with you?

  21. bet0001970
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 11:06 am

    You’re not talking about liberals. You’re talking about progressives. We need to start making that distinction. There are plenty of liberals who don’t subscribe to the progressive cult and they don’t want to control and destroy other people.

  22. bet0001970
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 11:08 am

    Progressives are both sides of the aisle. The two main goals of progs are control and destruction of those who deny them control.

  23. Wombat_socho
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 11:14 am

    I agree, and if it keeps up some people are going to get a nasty surprise.

  24. bet0001970
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 11:17 am

    Finrod, do you think you’re making Christians look good right now? I’m just speaking as an agnostic.

    You guys have been insulting these two the second they arrived. They have attempted to be polite and have attempted to engage in civil discourse. Despite what has been some pretty unsavory behavior. These are not trolls.

  25. Wombat_socho
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 11:19 am

    Finrod. Dude. Chill out.

  26. K-Bob
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 11:33 am

    Wow. That last line segue’s into the theme of what we’re discussing this week at Scoop’s, regarding Levin’s new book. Freaked me out a bit, really.

    (If anyone’s interested, it’s the post I did titled Run Away! We’re gonna do one per week until we cover all aspects of Levin’s proposals, and related commentary by folks like Randy Barnette, etc.)

    I’m personally less inclined to think of these as Biblical end times, but they are damn well some sort of end times, and even the atheists are probably worried.

    Let’s just hope the death toll this time is not as high.

  27. K-Bob
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 11:35 am

    My overworked joke at Scoop’s is that the mods get to watch all the videos for free.

  28. K-Bob
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 11:43 am

    I have a proposed minimal standard regarding freedom of religion:

    If it advocates murder, it isn’t a religion.

    If we could get some level of agreement on that, we could take away tax breaks for certain, very dangerous groups.

  29. K-Bob
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 11:52 am

    A lot of sick #$%^’s there state that it’s natural for men to want young, teenage girls.

    I think it’s natural for real men to want to see people like that in jail.

  30. rmnixondeceased
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 12:00 pm

    But is all change for the better? Experience (and history) shows it is not. Evil far outweighs good in this world.

  31. rsmccain
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 12:02 pm

    ICYMI, more than 300 comments on this post “Hobnailed boots marching over broken glass” @wgstweets @EdDriscoll

  32. wgstweets
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 12:30 pm

    RT @rsmccain: ICYMI, more than 300 comments on this post “Hobnailed boots marching over broken glass” @wgstweets @Ed…

  33. WaterTiger2
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 12:37 pm

    Yeah, real good, we’ll turn the USA into Saudi Arabia, with morality cops roaming the streets. You’re an evil human being but sadly, and like most evil blights, you can’t see it.

  34. WaterTiger2
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 12:42 pm

    Theocracy is a form of collectivism.
    And so what are you saying since there is no biological imperative for oral sex or S&M they should be illegal too? Really? That is what you’re saying but there is no way you would say it out loud because then you would sound like a kook, which you are. I think your problem is not so much with homosexuality but with sex in general and feel deep seated guilt for any sexually pleasurable experience that doesn’t result in a child. Your religion has really done you a favor! PATHETIC.

  35. WaterTiger2
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 12:45 pm

    Ancient Greece and Rome didn’t collapse because of buggery or sexual hedonism, it collapsed for the same reasons we are: bad monetary policy, too much debt, the cost of keeping up an empire abroad, and failed, costly military adventures. When people start talking about trying to enforce strict moral codes and run fleeing back to religion like scared children it’s just another symptom of our inevitable collapse.

  36. WaterTiger2
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 12:51 pm

    One, Im not gay, but undoubtedly will defend them from sick, theocrats like you, and two if homosexuality is curable why would Exodus, after three decades close their doors an apologize for the harm they caused? Conversion therapy was discredited as quackery decades ago. If social conservative, anti-science, jackasses like you want run around preaching pseudo-science then go right ahead, meanwhile the scientific community is abandoning you and the states are declaring it illegal to practice. You have no evidence to support your claim that homosexuality is a mental illness.

  37. WaterTiger2
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 12:52 pm

    Im not gay, you evil, little maggot but will definitely defend them from the likes of disturbed Christbags like you.

  38. rmnixondeceased
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 1:02 pm

    Hysterical fag-hag BS.
    I could give a flip is gays want to “marry” nor do I wish to see them deprived of equal rights. I protest them getting preferential treatment under the law, their depraved behaviors not being deplored but celebrated and mandated. Teaching my grandchildren that homosexuality is not only OK but is preferred, teaching grade school children fisting and how to perform cunnilingus and anal sex. I find the fact that a businessman, through his own religious beliefs refuses gays service is open to criminal charges and civil litigation. I deplore churches being forced to perform gay “marriages” or face the same consequences as the businessman.
    I see you have a new name, perhaps you are too dense and full of youthful stupidity to recognize where you are not wanted.

  39. rmnixondeceased
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 1:03 pm

    Denial is your stock in trade I see.

  40. rmnixondeceased
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 1:05 pm

    We are not, never have been and never will be a Theocracy. I lived in the middle east and know from direct experience what a Theocracy is. Try actually living life in the real world instead of in your diseased and deluded mind.

  41. SheepDogVet
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 1:16 pm

    Lubricating the Slippery Slope: The Intellectual Astroglide of the Elite #TGDN (Sounded alarm on this 40 years ago)

  42. TxAv8r
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 1:26 pm

    “The enemy got inside the perimeter.”
    Lubing the Slippery Slope: The Intellectual Astroglide of the Elite @rsmccain

  43. Max9line
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 1:27 pm

    RT @SheepDogVet: Lubricating the Slippery Slope: The Intellectual Astroglide of the Elite #TGDN (Sounded alarm on th…

  44. rsmccain
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 1:29 pm

    RT @TxAv8r: “The enemy got inside the perimeter.”
    Lubing the Slippery Slope: The Intellectual Astroglide of the Elite @rsmccain…

  45. nolongerlib
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 1:40 pm

    RT @TxAv8r: “The enemy got inside the perimeter.”
    Lubing the Slippery Slope: The Intellectual Astroglide of the Elite @rsmccain…

  46. kettermobile
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 1:41 pm

    RT @rsmccain: ICYMI, more than 300 comments on this post “Hobnailed boots marching over broken glass” @wgstweets @Ed…

  47. rmnixondeceased
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 1:59 pm

    Try actually putting that belief into practice in Saudi Arabia …

  48. WaterTiger2
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 2:43 pm

    And if homosexuality was a mental aberration what would be the most likely cause? Sexual trauma leading to homosexuality as a defense mechanism? But yet majority of gay people have no traumatic background and come from healthy, happy, homes. Saying there are “unconscious causes” is not going cut it. You’re claiming it’s sexual dysfunction and the majority of dysfunctions have some incident or series of incidents one could point to as their origin. Instead you can’t account for that. If homosexuality was in fact a mental aberration there would be some link between the “afflicted” but instead you, nor anyone else, can find any. And to compare homosexuality to pedophilia when in fact there is common link with most pedophiles and that is a childhood filled with sexual abuse, is again, wrong. Now before you fly off on an ad hom attack Im not gay so have no need to try in what is in your view “normalize my sickness”. It’s untreatable because there is no root cause for the behavior. If there was it could be identified like it is with a host of other dysfunctions and then treated with either therapy, medication, or both. And saying that conversion therapy has been discredited by doctors due to an agenda is also a pathetic cop-out.

  49. NeoWayland
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 2:51 pm

    One nation at a time. I like living here.

  50. NeoWayland
    September 2nd, 2013 @ 2:55 pm

    That’s your belief.

    I certainly don’t agree.

    Life is change.