The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Kentucky Atheist Teacher @ChrisRenfrow Wants to Repeal Statutory Rape Laws?

Posted on | September 6, 2013 | 184 Comments

The statutory age of consent in Kentucky is 16, the same as in Florida, where accused sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt is in jail awaiting trial for her lesbian affair with a 14-year-old girl. The “Free Kate” online crusade that Hunt’s parents started in May argues that Hunt, who was an 18-year-old high school senior at the time of her crimes, is a victim of homophobic prejudice. Hunt’s supporters say she should not be prosecuted because she and the younger girl were “peers,” and that having sex with a 14-year-old was merely a “high school romance.” So . . .

Say hello to a high school English teacher who got into a Twitter argument about whether sex with 14-year-olds should be illegal:

Self-described “proud atheist” Chris Renfrow teaches at Fern Creek Traditional High School in Louisville, Kentucky, and seems to have an oddly contemptuous attitude toward statutory rape laws:

After this Twitter argument had continued a while, someone started CC’ing me into the argument, along with Jeanette Runyon, who has been a real warrior in the fight to stop the “Free Kate” campaign to overturn Florida’s age-of-consent law. When someone in the argument pointed out that Renfrow is a high school teacher, I tried to warn him that he had wandered into a minefield, i.e., “Like, maybe this isn’t exactly a smart use of social media for you, hint, hint.”

Rather than take heed of his best interests, however, Renfrow then began to spew ad hominem attacks. Well, OK, then . . .

[DELETED: See update below]

Perhaps Kentucky’s Most Famous Atheist School Teacher™ would like to explain to the parents, taxpayers and school board members in Louisville why having sex with 14-year-olds shouldn’t be regarded as an actual crime, because, y’know, “grey area” and stuff.

[DELETED: See second update below]

The greatest thing about the First Amendment? Arrogant fools have the right to expose themselves as idiots, and then to whine like little bitches when they get called out for their foolishness.

UPDATE: According to Renfrow’s LinkedIn profile, he was recently laid off from his teaching job and is now seeking employment in the retail field, so I’ve deleted the contact information for his former employers. We wish Mr. Renfrow luck in seeking a retail position. Maybe they’re hiring at Toys ‘R’ Us or Chuck E. Cheese . . .

UPDATE II: Longtime commenter Diana Deeley complained about the use of the photo; so I deleted it. Of course, Diana didn’t see how Kentucky’s Most Famous Atheist School Teacher™ was deliberately taunting Christians — “superstitious,” he said to one — and personally attacking Jeanette Runyon, when he imagined he might conduct himself in such a haughty manner with impunity.

I may have more to say later, but for now am pleased to note the accuracy of my prophecy: Renfrow and his fellow atheists are now whining like little bitches, just as I predicted.



184 Responses to “Kentucky Atheist Teacher @ChrisRenfrow Wants to Repeal Statutory Rape Laws?”

  1. thatMrGguy
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:04 pm

    Kentucky Atheist Teacher @ChrisRenfrow Wants to Repeal Statutory Rape Laws?

  2. TheJesusChrst
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:07 pm

    RT @AtheistMel: So fucking sick of these cunts. Read this ridiculous post by cunt of the century, @rsmccain, about @chrisrenfrow.

  3. Julie Pascal
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:18 pm

    Would you rather that the “law” simply be whatever whichever judge decided it was at the time? “Oh, that wasn’t theft because it doesn’t really matter if that person lost some property,” or “Oh, that wasn’t rape because the woman really was asking for it,” or “that wasn’t fraud because the victim should have known better,” or “that 14 year old is a mature slut for her years so it’s stupid to think she might be harmed by a sexual predator.”

    There have to be *lines* in the law. What is the age of consent? What is the age for drinking? What is the age of majority for contracts? What is the age for mandatory school attendance?

    The line drawn by age is going to miss individuals because of the nature of individuals. There will be 18 year old’s too immature to have sex without damaging their psyches, but the age of consent is usually 16… so the law does not protect those who are older than 16 but are still vulnerable. There will be psychologically mature 14 year olds, but *most* 14 year olds are not mature enough to become sexually active without messing themselves up… so we make the age of consent (usually) 16. Is that unfair to a handful of 14 year olds? Sure it is. Individuals are missed on both sides of that.

    Kids know what “jail bait” means. Teens have known for generations what the legal ages are for things in their lives… when they can smoke or vote or drive or drink or *have sex* without breaking the law.

    Society has agreed over-all on the age that most (not all) teenagers are mature enough that they can legally consent to sex. This is NOT at age 14. Nor does it matter how old the other person is, that person is still 14. He or she is 14 if the other person is 18, or 21, or 28, or 50. The 14 year old is still 14.

    A system where the age of consent is dependent on the age of the other party is still going to have an absolute minimum for the ability to consent to sex. But most of those age-gap systems I’ve ever heard about go for 4 years at most. And you know what? 14 and 18 is still skanky. In high school the 14 year olds and the 18 year olds live in different worlds. They aren’t PEERS in any meaningful sense. Bringing a 14 year old into the elevated social realm of seniors is *easily* abusive because what would *you* do for that kind of social elevation?

  4. robertstacymccain
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:25 pm

    OK, your concern caused me to delete the photo.

  5. Fareedi al Laayla al Qakhaul
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:34 pm

    It was a wee bit creepy…

  6. Dianna Deeley
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:34 pm

    Wow, that’s gracious.

  7. rsmccain
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:35 pm

    It was @chrisrenfrow’s arrogant taunting of @Jeanette_Runyon that was the trip-wire, really.

  8. suthernboy100
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:39 pm

    RT @rsmccain: It was @chrisrenfrow’s arrogant taunting of @Jeanette_Runyon that was the trip-wire, really.

  9. Fareedi al Laayla al Qakhaul
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:45 pm

    I’d like to see the age of consent raised for homosexual behavior, with harsher penalties and minimum sentences for offenders!

  10. Mm
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:46 pm

    I wish I could up vote more than once!

  11. Garym
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:51 pm

    Agreed. It seems to me that “activist” atheist means that you are an a-hole first.
    I’ve known many conservative agnostics and non-believers who are good people first. They refuse to call themselves atheist because they don’t want to get lumped in with these idiots.

  12. Fareedi al Laayla al Qakhaul
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:52 pm

    Log out and give her a “guest vote”!

  13. Jeanette Victoria
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:52 pm

    I think he needs this liberals are a delicate sort!

  14. fallamham
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:53 pm

    RT @MrEvilMatt: #FreeKate Kentucky Atheist Teacher @ChrisRenfrow Wants to Repeal Statutory Rape Laws?

  15. Fareedi al Laayla al Qakhaul
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:59 pm

    Smoker?! Tsk, tsk…

  16. Ratzsa1
    September 6th, 2013 @ 7:59 pm

    RT @AtheistMel: So fucking sick of these cunts. Read this ridiculous post by cunt of the century, @rsmccain, about @chrisrenfrow.

  17. Jeanette Victoria
    September 6th, 2013 @ 8:00 pm

    I would liked to see all consent laws raised to 18 HS kids should NOT be having sex with anyone even their peers. It was that way until a few decades ago.

  18. DocWashburn
    September 6th, 2013 @ 8:00 pm

    RT @rsmccain: It was @chrisrenfrow’s arrogant taunting of @Jeanette_Runyon that was the trip-wire, really.

  19. Fareedi al Laayla al Qakhaul
    September 6th, 2013 @ 8:10 pm

    I’ll see your 18, and raise you 21 for any homosexual behaviour…

  20. richard mcenroe
    September 6th, 2013 @ 8:10 pm

    What has been seen… cannot be unseen….

  21. OhioAtheist
    September 6th, 2013 @ 8:16 pm

    I have a questions that is directed solely at the author of this blog. This question is about his intent, and can be answered by no one but him, as no one else can speak to his state of mind or intent.

    Mr. McCain, the title of this blog is “Kentucky Atheist Teacher @ChrisRenfrow Wants to Repeal Statutory Rape Laws?”

    Is the title of this article the implication, either implicit or explicit, that Chris Renfrow stated or implied on Twitter that it is acceptable for anyone of any age to engage in sexual activity with another of any age? This is a yes or no question.

  22. Paratisi
    September 6th, 2013 @ 8:18 pm

    Updated: Kentucky Atheist Teacher .@ChrisRenfrow Wants to Repeal Statutory Rape Laws?

  23. Plmyers
    September 6th, 2013 @ 8:32 pm

    RT @Paratisi: Updated: Kentucky Atheist Teacher .@ChrisRenfrow Wants to Repeal Statutory Rape Laws?

  24. La Pucelle
    September 6th, 2013 @ 8:33 pm

    To be fair, these simpletons aren’t really atheists per se. As far as I understand it, atheism supposes a lack of belief in a god/gods/goddess/The Force/etc and religion. Renfrow clearly has both: he’s elevated himself to the role of a god, and his malignant narcissism and hedonism to a religion.

  25. Does Unemployed Atheist @ChrisRenfrow Need to Work on His Anger Issues? : The Other McCain
    September 6th, 2013 @ 8:36 pm

    […] argument that enforcing statutory rape law is unfair to people who have sex with minors and his “angry atheist” act may be correlated to some kind of underlying personality […]

  26. DaveO
    September 6th, 2013 @ 8:40 pm

    Most disturbing: Renfrew’s agreement that statutory rape is “legitimate rape.” Folks tore up Todd Akin and that other fellow about defining down rape.
    Perhaps Renfrew should move to Michigan. There’s a school district that loves them pedophile teachers.

  27. OhioAtheist
    September 6th, 2013 @ 8:58 pm

    I don’t know why the down votes. The author has made a claim here, and I want to make sure that I properly understand his implications. If his characterization is honest, then he will gladly defend his position and answer my question(s) seeking clarification. Any reasonable person would defend such a position, especially one made in a public forum.

  28. LiberalMediaSux
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:00 pm

    RT @Paratisi: Updated: Kentucky Atheist Teacher .@ChrisRenfrow Wants to Repeal Statutory Rape Laws?

  29. Mm
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:08 pm

    Nah, that’s cheating.

  30. rmnixondeceased
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:08 pm

    You are just a trolling assclown, thus, unworthy of the pixels or time necessary to answer your assholery.

  31. Guest
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:13 pm

    I’m more interested in a discussion than insults. Again, my question is for the author of the blog.

  32. rmnixondeceased
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:15 pm

    Poor little Special Snowflake. Will he cry like a 14 YO if we continue to mock him?

  33. rmnixondeceased
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:15 pm

    They taste like … freedom!

  34. rmnixondeceased
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:17 pm

    A sammich AND a cold beer, and be damn quick about it!

  35. rmnixondeceased
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:18 pm

    Heh. You should see the smoke rising from me! … damn, I wish I had a ciggie …

  36. rmnixondeceased
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:21 pm

    Perhaps? My, you are kind and understanding!

  37. From Around the Blogroll « THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL.
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:21 pm

    […] the Other one — who has spent a lot of bandwidth on the Kaitlyn Hunt statutory rape case is now on the case of Chris Renfrow, a now-former Kentucky teacher and atheist,2 who doesn’t regard sex between younger adults and […]

  38. Garym
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:22 pm

    Narcissists always care more about themselves and their own self interests first.

  39. rmnixondeceased
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:23 pm

    Self deleted …

  40. rsmccain
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:23 pm

    RT @ActivistAtheist: Remember yesterday’s thread about statutory #rape? Read about it:

  41. rmnixondeceased
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:24 pm

    There is only one demon child I would allow him to watch …

  42. arik matthews
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:29 pm

    In Ohio, the overall age of consent is 16, but there’s a rolling scale to avoid the problem with Sr/Fr dating; 14 can consent with an 18 y/o, 15 w/ a 19 y/o.

  43. rmnixondeceased
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:30 pm

    Then send him an email assclown, don’t post on the public comments section. All that does is signal that you are trolling him. You really are quite dense aren’t you Special Snowflake?

  44. Fareedi al Laayla al Qakhaul
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:35 pm

    Foreigners! St Boffin here is either barmy or gormless to dare challenge the dear proprietor of this fine establishment with its witless puzzlers!

  45. OhioAtheist
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:37 pm

    No. He made a public statement. I’d like a public explanation. I’m not interested in empty insults, thus I have nothing more to say to you. My questions still stands for the author.

  46. rmnixondeceased
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:44 pm

    Exactly as I stated, you are a troll. Only Special Snowflakes believe they are due an explanation for anything they are offended by. Grow a pair and act like an adult. Mr. McCain owes you specifically not a damn word, who are you to demand anyone answer to you about a blog post concerning another person?. To even post as you did smacks of pure unadulterated narcissism and Special Snowflake Syndrome. Go away pestilential fool before you infect this place with your dreaded disease and it needs fumigating prior to occupancy by thinking adults again.

  47. OhioAtheist
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:45 pm

    Author? Response?

  48. rmnixondeceased
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:48 pm

    Do us all a favor and hold your breath waiting for a response …

  49. Bob Belvedere
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:55 pm
  50. robertstacymccain
    September 6th, 2013 @ 9:58 pm

    1. Who appointed you Grand Inquisitor?

    2. The effect of Renfrow’s argument is toward the nullification of age-of-consent laws.

    Renfrow states flatly that he is against criminalizing sex “solely based on age,” and says that a high school senior having sex with a freshman “is not a criminal.” Yet the legal age of consent in Kentucky, as in Florida, is 16, and while some have said that the “Romeo & Juliet” exemption in Kentucky gives wider latitude than is the case in Florida, it only reduces the charge to misdemeanor (or so I am told).

    Renfrow did not specify any particular reform he had in mind, but rejected criminalizing sexual conduct “solely based on age,” i.e., he “wants to repeal statutory rape laws.” I’m not sure how else I should characterize such an argument or why Renfrow, having so adamantly attacked statutory rape laws, objects to my characterizing his argument thus.