The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Homophobia: Pathology or Tautology?

Posted on | December 16, 2013 | 69 Comments

A good friend, who spent many years as an active lesbian, but then met and married a man, becoming a Christian wife and mother, absolutely hates the word “homophobia.”

The implied psychiatric diagnosis — that the person so labeled has an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals — is absurd, and can probably be best understood as an act of revenge: Whereas the psychiatric community for decades categorized homosexuality as a mental illness, now gay activists seek payback by accusing heterosexuals of being in the throes of an abnormal psychological reaction.


Hustle me no hustles and scam me no scams.

Only people with an idolatrous reverence for the ideological abstraction of “equality” — people willing to discard common sense and ignore plain facts of real life — could be fooled by this humbug. I don’t care if public opinion polls show that a majority of Americans are the kind of total chumps who are the natural prey of Nigerian scam spammers, you’re not going to run that kind of flimsy con on me.

Exactly who are the “experts” delivering these categorical diagnoses? What are their credentials? What is the basis of their authority to declare the most venerable traditions of Anglo-American law and Judeo-Christian morality a species of madness?

To wit: Who the fuck is Mark Joseph Stern?

Can a person oppose equal rights for gay people and not be, in some fundamental way, a homophobe? The answer seems to me to be a pretty obvious no. Opposition to gay marriage isn’t just some abstract principle with little practical effect. It’s a harmful belief with real-world consequences, and it has contributed immeasurable pain, sorrow, and suffering to the lives of gay people throughout history.

Hyperbole much? Stern blames the “suffering . . . of gay people throughout history” on opponents of a policy that had few if any advocates until the past couple of decades.

Of course, during most of human history (and for many millions of people even today), our entire Western notion of democratic “rights” had no meaning. But one can generally endorse the idea of democracy and the concept of individual rights without embracing the radical egalitarian mania to which Stern has evidently succumbed.

Men and women are fundamentally different. Therefore, the difference between heterosexuality and homosexuality cannot be wished away, as if it were irrelevant and, indeed, one might observe that male and female homosexuals are at least as different from each other as either of them are from heterosexuals. In fact, the “born that way” claims of biological determinism for homosexuality (employed as the premise of making homosexuality analogous to race, in terms of civil rights law) would seem to directly contradict the claims of feminists that the inherent biological differences between male and female are meaningless.

So which is it, egalitarians? Would you have us accept the biology-means-nothing argument for androgynous sexual equality, or would you have us accept the biology-is-everything argument that gay people are born with same-sex attraction? Perhaps you can reconcile the two claims, but forgive my street-smart skeptical hunch that you’re just being disingenuously opportunistic.

People need to wise up to these intellectual scams, and not let themselves be bamboozled by egalitarian con artists.



69 Responses to “Homophobia: Pathology or Tautology?”

  1. rsmccain
    December 16th, 2013 @ 12:12 pm

    RT @EricStrobel: B-to-the-OOM!!! RT @rsmccain: Homophobia: Pathology or Tautology? #tcot

  2. wjjhoge
    December 16th, 2013 @ 12:29 pm

    RT @rsmccain: Homophobia: Pathology or Tautology? #tcot

  3. texlovera
    December 16th, 2013 @ 12:34 pm

    Just like the “race card” no longer works, so goes the “homophobia” card.

    But, please, keep trying to play it. It’s entertaining!

  4. Dana
    December 16th, 2013 @ 12:43 pm

    Mr Stern wrote:

    It’s a harmful belief with real-world consequences, and it has contributed immeasurable pain, sorrow, and suffering to the lives of gay people throughout history.

    The esteemed Mr Stern’s argument ignores the rather obvious fact that legalizing same-sex “marriage” would also have “real-world consequences,” which could contribute to sorrow and suffering of other people. We are continually told by the homosexual rights advocates that such would have no bearing on the lives of other people, and that churches would not be required to perform same-sex “marriage” ceremonies, but we’ve already seen plenty of instances in which the law has been used as a weapon against people who do not believe that homosexual relationships can justly be called marriages, with judgements against meeting places and caterers and bakers and photographers who declined to provide their service to such ceremonies.

    Catholic adoption services have already had to fold up in some states because they could not obey state laws requiring them not to discriminate against homosexual couples, something which has cost a few people their jobs, and some children decent family placements.

  5. ??????
    December 16th, 2013 @ 12:48 pm

    It is a word that is over used and therefore misused. There are probably some people who do have an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals, but you are correct in pointing that there are people who have reasons that rational people can believe for opposing certain things that gay activists want, not that I necessarily agree.

    One thing I do wish is that the spirited debates would be more civil.

  6. RKae
    December 16th, 2013 @ 12:58 pm

    Let’s get something straight (so to speak). We have to stop saying “legalizing gay marriage” – unless you can show me a story where two gay people were having a ceremony and a SWAT team burst in, raided the place, and arrested everyone in the room.
    The term is “recognized by the state.” Gays could get married any time they want to. Would it be recognized by the state? In most states, no. So what? There are a lot of strange cults where people get married in their own contrived ceremonies and never apply for a license because they believe the state to be evil. (My brother is in one of these cults.) And contract law is so wide-open in America that there are people who leave their fortunes to their dogs and cats.
    So gays don’t want to be on the fringe? Big deal. They could have had their own ceremonies all these years and that would make their current quest for marriage acceptance far easier – because they’d have marriages already that the states could see as a reality.
    The truth is: gays wanting to get married is an entirely new phenomenon, and it has more to do with shattering religion… excuse me: shattering Christianity.

  7. richard mcenroe
    December 16th, 2013 @ 12:59 pm

    Considering the overt politicization of the psychiatric/psychological sciences these days, when “malignant narcissist” magically disappears from the lexicon when people begin observing it in the President; when “Asperger’s” is displaced by the meaningless noise of “autistic spectrum disorder” after a single “Big Bang” episode; when schoolboys are drugged into a walking haze for “felony rambunctious”, I don’t put much stock in “expert” terminology these days.

  8. richard mcenroe
    December 16th, 2013 @ 1:00 pm

    I’m more concerned about the sorrow and suffering of a baker sued and harrassed out of his life’s work than the hurt feelings of a few gays.

  9. Quartermaster
    December 16th, 2013 @ 1:02 pm

    In the Engineering world we have a definition for the word “expert,”
    ex – has been
    spert – drip under pressure
    Another is “A blowhard far from home.”
    The pathetic thing is both often apply at the same time.

  10. LeatherPenguin
    December 16th, 2013 @ 1:03 pm

    “Hustle me no hustles and scam me no scams.”

  11. RS
    December 16th, 2013 @ 1:06 pm

    . . . [I]t has more to do with shattering religion… excuse me: shattering Christianity.

    Quite so. I would add, it is about destroying the institution of Marriage and by extension, the Family. As you correctly point out, this debate is not about doing anything or being precluded from doing something. It is only about mandating acceptance and approval among /by those of us who wish to maintain traditional values.

  12. Mm
    December 16th, 2013 @ 1:17 pm

    The word doesn’t even make sense, as it is used. Homophobia is properly defined as an irrational fear of men or mankind as a whole.

    And a question for Mr. Stern: Can a person oppose individual freedom of thought and not be, in some fundamental way, a homophobe?

  13. AwD
    December 16th, 2013 @ 1:36 pm

    Yes, not being able to get a piece of paper from the government saying that you are married is a direct cause of untold pain and suffering. No committed sexual relationship is complete without it. That’s why heterosexual couples NEVER cohabitate instead of getting married!

  14. RKae
    December 16th, 2013 @ 2:01 pm

    And psychology wasn’t much to rave about in the past. Ask Frances Farmer.

  15. robcrawford2
    December 16th, 2013 @ 2:28 pm

    Wow, you’re really butt-hurt over that. Financial interest?

  16. rsmccain
    December 16th, 2013 @ 2:34 pm

    RT @donnew: Homophobia: Pathology or Tautology? #tcot #teaparty #icon #tlot #p2

  17. Dana
    December 16th, 2013 @ 2:35 pm


    One thing Mr. McCain could do to contribute to civility is take down his misleading post he made about the gay dating app that he wrongly claims is targeted at minors. Or make a retraction.

    Perhaps ??????doesn’t realize that 12-year-olds are minors in this country?

    Or, perhaps ??????translates into “Concern Troll”?

    The problem is that while not all homosexuals are interested in underaged boys or girls, it seems that the reported pedophile cases do include homosexuals in a far greater percentage than their proportion of the population. That is the elephant in the room that far too many people in the homosexual rights movement are trying desperately to avoid.

  18. richard mcenroe
    December 16th, 2013 @ 2:37 pm


  19. concern00
    December 16th, 2013 @ 3:20 pm

    I guess I’m off the hook then in relation to homophobia, as my fear and hatred is entirely rational.

  20. Illbay
    December 16th, 2013 @ 3:59 pm

    RT @donnew: Homophobia: Pathology or Tautology? #tcot #teaparty #icon #tlot #p2

  21. PCachu
    December 16th, 2013 @ 4:09 pm

    Sorry, “Richard!”, but we’ve seen the one-sided Civility Now! game played out before, on multiple topics. The adults will be able to conduct themselves in a genuinely civil manner once all of the screaming children are in time-out. At the moment, however, the screaming children seem to be the ones convinced they’re driving the “debate”, and their response to “come, let us reason together” is “UR A H8R GET REDY 4 A LAWSUT LOL PWND”.

  22. Zohydro
    December 16th, 2013 @ 6:10 pm


  23. Freddie Sykes
    December 16th, 2013 @ 6:11 pm

    RE: Whereas the psychiatric community for decades categorized homosexuality as a mental illness, now gay activists seek payback by accusing heterosexuals of being in the throes of an abnormal psychological reaction.

    Would Bloomberg, et al, have withheld guns from gays when they were officially judge nutcases? Will they now try to confiscate guns from us breeders since we are now officially labelled psychologically impaired?

  24. Alessandra
    December 16th, 2013 @ 6:26 pm

    Exactly who are the “experts” delivering these categorical diagnoses? What are their credentials?
    It’s the same junk of experts that took pedophilia out of the the mental illness category. The same junk of “experts” that want to bring down age of consent. The same junk of “experts” that are ignorant and incompetent in treating most sexuality dysfunctions – because they are too busy pretending it’s normal in order to cover up their own ignorance.

    the more perverted liberals are, the more they call decent and healthy people mentally disturbed. It’s an attempt to silence everyone else, and to stop decent people from demanding accountability in the sphere of sexuality and relationships.

  25. Alessandra
    December 16th, 2013 @ 6:29 pm

    “It is a word that is over used and therefore misused. There are probably
    some people who do have an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals,”
    Nothing compared to the legions of sexual perverts who irrationally fear and/or hate decent social conservtives!

    Tell a piece of sexuality junk of a human being that they must try to resolve their perverted minds and they revolt!

    No one must stand in the way of any sexually perverted person in today’s America. Demanding ethics and health just enrages these people.

  26. Alessandra
    December 16th, 2013 @ 6:33 pm

    One thing I do wish is that the spirited debates would be more civil.

    That time is way past. What SoCons need to do now is to set society in its right course (in the media, entertainment, law, academia, etc.). Either SoCons pull society more in a direction that is wholesome and decent, or it will be a drive to the lowest common denominator. In the name of freedom, civil rights, and any other “ideal” buzzword that liberals succeed in plugging into their propaganda.

  27. Alessandra
    December 16th, 2013 @ 6:38 pm

    Whereas the psychiatric community for decades categorized homosexuality
    as a mental illness,
    Having a homosexuality problem doesn’t make anyone psychotic – it makes that person profoundly perverted, dysfunctional, and deformed. This is why they will never stop shoving homosexuality as normal down everyone’s throats.

    Is anyone so naive not to see how broken the liberal psychiatric ideological system is?

  28. Alessandra
    December 16th, 2013 @ 6:39 pm

    Not to mention healthy and sane. Rejecting perverts is a sign of mental and ideological health.

  29. Alessandra
    December 16th, 2013 @ 6:45 pm

    What people with a homosexuality agenda want is to be free from any and all kind of criticism or censure about sexuality – especially in all its harmful aspects. Everyone must submit, everyone must applaud.

    Otherwise, it’s the critics who are labeled “crazy.” You know, submit to the dominant, liberal sexuality party line or it’s off to the liberal whipping post for being a “homophobe” and questioning the
    wisdom of millions of MTV and porn-fed 20 yr olds.

  30. Alessandra
    December 16th, 2013 @ 6:47 pm

    Complete lack of censure is how liberals define being “good,” have you
    noticed? You must clap and you must submit to everything, otherwise
    you’re a Bad person. It’s like the manipulation of a three year old that
    does not want to be censured when they do something wrong, but with
    very destructive adult consequences.

  31. Alessandra
    December 16th, 2013 @ 6:52 pm

    The point is: people criticize pro-homosexuality because it entails a
    myriad of destructive and detrimental attitudes and practices. Similar
    criticism is made to other sexuality problems (pro-pornography,
    pro-prostitution, pro-SM, pro-pedophilia, etc). It’s not a question of
    fear, but of knowledge and responsibility.

  32. Dai Alanye
    December 16th, 2013 @ 6:57 pm

    Besides, it rightly should be homodeimia, if I know my Greek gods and demigods.

  33. Alessandra
    December 16th, 2013 @ 6:58 pm

    ” it has contributed immeasurable pain, sorrow, and suffering to the lives of gay people throughout history.”

    And yet, if we think about who does violence to LGBTs today – the perpetrators are overwhelmingly LGBT people! Millions of LGBTs are disguting violent people. Who all think homosexuality is normal! Who all call SoCons “homophobic”! See the trick?

    30-50% of junk of LGBTs experience violence in interpersonal relationships. Obviously when LGBTs contribute immeasurably to the pain, sorrow, and suffering in the lives of “gay” people because they are such sexuality pigs, Mr Stern goes blind and deaf. And that’s not including all the millions of acts of harm and violence that LGBTs contribute to the lives of heterosexuals, both children and adults.

    The time for any civility is past. Now is the time for accountability.

  34. ??????
    December 16th, 2013 @ 7:49 pm

    It appears the wording of that post I was referring to has changed slightly. That I guess is a slight step in the right direction. I wish he would have admitted his errors.

    If you spend ten minutes reading into the psychological research into that topic you would learn the people who have sexual attraction to prepubescent children are usually not attracted adults. Those who are might be heterosexual or in their adult attractions and indifferent in their attractions to children, take Jerry Sandusky for example, he was married to a woman and he was molesting boys. Probably because his position as a coach gave him more access to boys.

    Saying that gay people all want to molest children is wrong and offensive. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and say you are making that comment out of ignorance. Perhaps you are reading some of the fraudulent research by Dr. Paul Cameron that has been discredited.

  35. concern00
    December 16th, 2013 @ 8:32 pm
  36. Homophobia: Pathology or Tautology? | Dead Citizen's Rights Society
    December 16th, 2013 @ 8:38 pm

    […] Read the rest … […]

  37. Dana
    December 16th, 2013 @ 8:48 pm

    This abstract of a behind-the-paywall article comes from National Institutes of Health, a very politically correct government agency:

    Previous investigations have indicated that the ratio of sex offenders against female children vs. offenders against male children is approximately 2:1, while the ratio of gynephiles to androphiles among the general population is approximately 20:1. The present study investigated whether the etiology of preferred partner sex among pedophiles is related to the etiology of preferred partner sex among males preferring adult partners. Using phallometric test sensitivities to calculate the proportion of true pedophiles among various groups of sex offenders against children, and taking into consideration previously reported mean numbers of victims per offender group, the ratio of heterosexual to homosexual pedophiles was calculated to be approximately 11:1. This suggests that the resulting proportion of true pedophiles among persons with a homosexual erotic development is greater than that in persons who develop heterosexually. This, of course, would not indicate that androphilic males have a greater propensity to offend against children.

    Even with all of the disclaimers, the study cannot avoid the fact that homosexual attraction amongst reported pedophilic attacks is greater than the percentage of homosexuals in the general population, even with an odd definitional restriction thrown in.

    The John Jay report on child sexual abuse by Catholic priests noted that 80.9% of the victims were boys, even though there were a host of attempts to state that this was not related to homosexuality.

    Numbers don’t lie: they say that same-sex child abuse is very much disproportionate to the percentage of homosexuals in our society. But liars do lie, and we’ve seen many of them try to explain away the huge numbers disparity.

  38. You Can’t Have It Both Ways, Homosexuals | The Camp Of The Saints
    December 16th, 2013 @ 9:16 pm

    […] McCain on the contradictions of the Homosexual Rights cells of the Egalitarian […]

  39. JohnWilmot
    December 16th, 2013 @ 9:49 pm

    I’m guessing the “reformed”(hahaha!) lesbian that McCain is referring to is you? What else but such overwhelming self loathing due to the fact that you still crave cunt, and can’t handle it, could produce such a sick, despicable, mind?

    Such a vile, evil, and wretched creature you are. You would have done quite well as a member of the SS.

  40. trangbang68
    December 16th, 2013 @ 10:28 pm

    Mark Joseph Stern takes it up the poop chute, I bet.

  41. trangbang68
    December 16th, 2013 @ 10:31 pm

    Why should Mr. McCain apologize to a whiny , self righteous troll like you?

  42. trangbang68
    December 16th, 2013 @ 10:34 pm

    booty banditry aversion syndrome

  43. trangbang68
    December 16th, 2013 @ 10:39 pm

    I’m guessing you’re the guy in the barrel at the bathhouse doing twenty hummers for 10 bucks. Listen, piggie, the only, vile evil wretched critter around here is you.

  44. Happy Monday: Barack’s Back From Africa Edition | Regular Right Guy
    December 17th, 2013 @ 1:54 am

    […] Homophobia: Pathology or Tautology? […]

  45. Tuesday opinions and news | Walla Walla TEA Party Patriots
    December 17th, 2013 @ 3:03 am

    […] Homophobia: Pathology or Tautology? […]

  46. Alessandra
    December 17th, 2013 @ 4:28 am

    **Self**-loathing? Ha! No, the loathing is towards your sick, despicable kind of people – because you have such sick, despicable, vile, and evil minds.
    The SS was full of sexual perverts like yourself – and Hitler, a big pervert himself, just loved his brutal homosexual and fanatically pro-homosexuality BBF Ernst Rohm to pieces.
    Given your twisted mind, you obsess that decent people must have a perverted sexual mind like yourself. The more decent people criticize you, the more you lash out at them projecting your evil, disgusting, twisted vision of sexuality on them.
    And seriously, the question that needs to be asked is: if you lash out at people every time the issue of real violence and abuse that LGBTs perpetrate is brought to light – is this a sign that you want the matter covered up because of your own doings?
    It’s clear to see that you don’t call all these millions of garbage of LGBTs doing violence, harassment, and abuse “vile, evil, and wretched!” Hits close to home, does it?

  47. Joe Dokes
    December 17th, 2013 @ 5:45 am

    Many years ago (very early ’90s) I knew a retired NYPD officer. He was, best I recall, a lapsed Catholic – that is to say, not particularly religious at all and so had no theological axe to grind. So just from the standpoint of fact, he pointed out that the news media in NYC had a standing blackout on not only the stats of sodomite-on-sodomite crime in the city, often forcible rape, but also on the utter SAVAGERY that is typical when one sodomite murders another – usually with a knife or some other stabbing instrument and usually dozens of stab wounds, over and over and over again. I’ve since heard this pointed out elsewhere but still…blackout. As far as the media is concerned, homo-on-homo crime does not exist and when it does, the perp is really a repressed, self-loathing Christianesque hetero or something.

  48. Joe Dokes
    December 17th, 2013 @ 5:51 am

    What about the sodomites with an irrational hatred and loathing of straights? “Breeders”? What about the sodomites with an unnatural and unholy attraction to children and teens? “Chickenhawks”? What about the sodomites who use gov’t to force straight people to accept the presence of openly practicing sodomites in violation of the people’s own consciences and of the holy Scriptures?

    Do you have a problem with any of that? Does your criticism cut both ways here? Or are you a hypocrite?

    Oh…allow me to repost yesterday’s comment to you, which you ignored, about the TONS OF ABUSE poor homosexuals suffer at the hands of straights everywhere:

    “Sodomites who for YEARS never step foot outside of Castro District-type enclaves, if they so choose, and so never see a Bible or hear a Christian have been surveyed in the past as being, on average, thoroughly unhappy with life…this while surrounded by NO ONE but like-minded sodomites and their leftist supporters, enablers and worshipers, meaning whatever bullying, harassment or violence they encounter COMES FROM OTHER SODOMITES.”

    But yeah, whatever misery they still feel is the straights’ fault.

  49. NeoWayland
    December 17th, 2013 @ 7:05 am

    30-50% of junk of LGBTs experience violence in interpersonal relationships.

    Assuming you meant that “30-50% of LGBTs experience violence in interpersonal relationships,” that span is pretty big. Is it one in three or every other one?

    Where do those stats come from? If it’s people in therapy, then it’s probably higher than the norm. Just like people at Disneyland are more likely to have seen Mickey Mouse in the last two hours than people in Atlanta.

    How do those numbers compare to non-LGBT relationships? If 50-70% of non-LGBTs “experience violence in interpersonal relationships,” then LGBTs have it better. Awfully hard to compare if you only measure part of the world.

    “Experience violence.” That’s pretty vague. Do you mean somebody punched them in the nose, that they punched someone in the nose, that they watched someone else across the street get punched in the nose, or that they watched Iron Man 3 on Blu-Ray last month?

  50. Alessandra
    December 17th, 2013 @ 7:59 am

    There are no absolute numbers when talking about tens of millions of people – it depends on the study, etc. If you claim to have a precise number, it only shows you are ignorant about issues with measuring tools. We already know you are completely ignorant of any science related to homosexuality – I’m sure you’ll be happy to write more of your scientific ignorance in your following comments!

    “Where do those stats come from?”

    From the ugly reality of LGBT people – the reality you live to lie about because it’s so ugly. And because you are completely ignorant about science.

    “Awfully hard to compare if you only measure part of the world.”

    Awfully easy to see how violent LGBTs are without any comparison! And it has been compared to many other groups. Here is a very interesting comparison:

    “Who does more violence in society and is the most extremist: liberals (including LGBTs) or the Westboro folks?”

    The group of people with your ideology is an extremely violent and nasty group of people! And that’s a scientific fact.