The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Donald Waelde Wants to Be a Woman — and Also, Perform Oral Sex on a Horse

Posted on | April 27, 2014 | 89 Comments

The Craigslist ad (left) led to arrest of Donald Waelde (right).

Far be it from me to say that Donald Waelde’s alleged interest in horse sex is typical of Arizona’s LGBT community:

Once again, deputies from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office have busted someone who went to Craigslist looking for sex with an animal.
This time, a 22-year-old Phoenix man went to the “Missed Connections” section of Craigslist seeking a male horse “on which to commit the act of fellatio,” according to the MCSO.
The ad on Craigslist . . . was listed on April 8, and states:

I am 22 years old and I want to play with a male Horse. simple as that. If you have access to a Male horse, and can allow me access to a male horse, then contact me please đŸ˜‰ I will do something in return.

Detectives were able to identify the poster as 22-year-old Donald Waelde, according to MCSO. . . .
According to an MCSO spokesman, “In the undercover investigation, Sheriff’s deputies contacted the suspect and engaged Waelde in conversation where the suspect stated the sex act he wished to perform on the horse and agreed to meet the undercover detective on Tuesday.”
The detective actually went to the meeting place in Anthem with a horse, borrowing one from the MCSO’s Mounted Posse.
Waelde was immediately arrested after showing up to the meeting place, and the Sheriff’s Office says he admitted to placing the ad and “stated his intentions to consummate the act.”

Phoenix New Times made no mention of Waelde’s transgender interest, but WKAZ-TV did, and apparently this was sufficient cause for Huffington Post to declare Donald Waelde a woman:

An Arizona woman has been arrested on bestiality charges after allegedly trying to arrange sex with a horse via Craigslist.
The woman, who’s described as transgender and who the police report is legally known as Donald Waelde, 22, posted this ad on the Missed Connections section of Phoenix Craigslist on April 8 . . .
During the meeting, Waelde allegedly admitted to placing the ad and her sexual intentions with the animal.
She was arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit bestiality.

The radical feminist blog Gender Trender called attention to this linguistic transformation, noting how often crimes committed by transgenders are attributed to “women.” And there is certainly an element of deception involved in the appropriation of female pronouns — “she” and “her” — to describe a man with a penis named Donald.

Might as well call him a “filly,” I suppose.



89 Responses to “Donald Waelde Wants to Be a Woman — and Also, Perform Oral Sex on a Horse”

  1. Funeral guy
    April 28th, 2014 @ 1:58 am

    “Without God, all is permitted.”
    -Fyodor Dostoyevsky-

  2. Funeral guy
    April 28th, 2014 @ 1:58 am

    “Without God, all is permitted.”
    -Fyodor Dostoyevsky-

  3. Funeral guy
    April 28th, 2014 @ 1:58 am

    “Without God, all is permitted.”
    -Fyodor Dostoyevsky-

  4. K-Bob
    April 28th, 2014 @ 2:03 am

    Now I’m gonna cringe everytime I hear: “Coming soon to the Disney channel!…”

  5. K-Bob
    April 28th, 2014 @ 2:03 am

    Now I’m gonna cringe everytime I hear: “Coming soon to the Disney channel!…”

  6. DonaldDouglas
    April 28th, 2014 @ 2:22 am

    Glad that’s a different Donald! đŸ™‚

  7. trangbang68
    April 28th, 2014 @ 2:25 am


  8. trangbang68
    April 28th, 2014 @ 2:26 am

    A horse is a horse, of course, of course unless it’s Mr. Sex Toy

  9. trangbang68
    April 28th, 2014 @ 2:28 am

    That would be in the Southern tier of New York state, wouldn’t it be, near Corning and Binghamton?

  10. trangbang68
    April 28th, 2014 @ 2:30 am

    and a Village of the Damned is missing their idiot

  11. Kirby McCain
    April 28th, 2014 @ 3:05 am

    He should have taken a left in Albuquerque

  12. concern00
    April 28th, 2014 @ 4:15 am

    I would have thought that once they declared as a tranny they would be pretty much free to engage in any sexual activity they would desire…hate free.

  13. Zohydro
    April 28th, 2014 @ 6:23 am

    Or Elmira and Ithaca….

  14. Zohydro
    April 28th, 2014 @ 6:34 am

    Robert/Michelle “Herm” Kosilek…

  15. Zohydro
    April 28th, 2014 @ 6:35 am

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

  16. Zohydro
    April 28th, 2014 @ 6:35 am

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

  17. Zohydro
    April 28th, 2014 @ 6:35 am

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg?

  18. Phil_McG
    April 28th, 2014 @ 9:20 am

    Frau BlĂ¼cher!

  19. Durasim
    April 28th, 2014 @ 9:42 am

    Did the horse turn out to be a broom?

  20. Shep Schultz
    April 28th, 2014 @ 10:52 am

    Next thing you know the GLA/GLAA/GLBAA/GLBTAA will have to change their initials again so that animal lovers can be included.
    Soon we will see reality shows where an animal lover is the kindest, wittiest, nicest, wisest character. He will be picked upon by normal males who will be compelled to leave the show by a gaggle of sympathetic fat chicks whose ancestry must surely have included at least one harpy and a sperm donation from the Loch Ness monster.
    After that every sit com will have an animal lover.
    George Soros will fund ad campaigns against Christians who think men and womyn should not have sex with animals.
    During the big legislative push to legalize animal loving, The Tides Foundation will put out a set of talking points, included in these will be “outed” animal lovers in history. On that list we’ll find Abraham Lincoln, Baden Powell, Joseph Smith, George Washington, Tutankamun, Imhotep, Ragnar Lothbrook, Charlemange, Mick Jagger and Moses.
    Soros will pay internet trolls and provide them with the talking points so they can cut and paste responses to the animal haters on the forums.
    In a surprise move, the Girl Scouts will be an early promoter of acceptance and tolerance for this alternative lifestyle.

  21. Stogie Chomper
    April 28th, 2014 @ 11:26 am

    He/she could have sex with a horse’s ass, but for him/her that would amount to self-gratification.

  22. ThomasD
    April 28th, 2014 @ 11:50 am

    Well, nothing says tremendous dick quite like The Donald. But, fearing a lawsuit he settled for plain old Donald.

  23. Shep Schultz
    April 28th, 2014 @ 2:14 pm

    My apologies in advance to Mom and my other lady followers, if it were possible, I would ask you to leave the room so I could have some words with a man who has been behaving badly.
    Hey K-Bob!
    I feel like I just bumped into that guy who’s AXX needs kicking!
    For those of you who don’t know, K-Bob is not a troll, he is worse. He moderates TRSCOOP. He routinely pulls down hundreds of comments with which he doesn’t agree, and then he bans the commentator. He is on the right/individual liberty side of the political spectrum in his own comments, but he behaves like a leftist/statist.
    OK K-Bob, you little bit of filthy coccidiotic chicken-squeeze. Why don’t you show me that you are a man with enough self-esteem to tolerate those with differing opinions than yours. Review my comments on your site, and ask yourself why you pulled them down and banned me.
    K-Bob, you suck. You are the worst moderator ever. Anybody can when an argument when he uses his authority to pull down his opponents arguments.
    K-Bob pulled down my comments and banned me not because I disagreed with him, but because I was critical of him not leaving innocuous and inoffensive comments of our mutual opponents up on TRSCOOP’s Discus site. Your actions have driven hundreds of commentators from TRSCOOP’s stories. Frankly I’m amazed Drudge still links with them.
    K-Bob, I’m sure you were only drawn here because you were prowling for tips on how to find donkey shows which encourage audience participation.
    Ever hear the old American saw, “Sir, I may not agree with what you say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it.”?
    If you agree with this idea, then you are probably a fine American and you’ll agree with me that K-Bob sucks, and that TRSCOOP sucks because they permit him to moderate.
    K-Bob, here is a thought, be a moderator and not a judge with an agenda participating in the argument.
    K-Bob, there is a parasitic bacterium that infests the bowels of pinworms which in turn infest the bowels of ticks commonly found in the perianal folds (look it up, scumbag) of tired old steers who are only allowed to live so that they can be used 30 or 40 times a day to collect semen from prize bulls. That parasitic bacterium thinks about you when it needs to raise its own self-esteem.
    K-Bob, TRSCOOP sucks because you’re the moderator. I probably agree with most of your politics, but I detest you because you are a little weenie coward who pulls down your opponent’s comments.
    K-Bob, I’m amazed that a cowardly weenie like you ever comments outside of a website where you moderate. Since you can’t take it down and ban me, I guess you’ll just have to cry to your mommy over this one.
    “Molon Labe”? Really K-Bob? Given that you don’t have sufficient manhood to tolerate a minor difference of opinion, I seriously doubt that you have what it takes to resolve a real conflict when the other guy arrives with guns and an overwhelming desire to win. In fact, you are exactly what Patrick Henry had in mind when he spoke of “…sunshine patriots…”. That’s right K-Bob. You and people like you were the treasonous villains Henry warned us about in the greatest speech of our revolution.
    I am 100 percent certain that you were raised in the age of peer conflict resolution committees and not in the age of defending yourself with your fists. I am also certain that you load up your shorts everytime you encounter a real threat.
    You suck. Capiche? Own it. Be it. Accept who you are and what your sorry little mindset is. When the bad times come, you will be first in line to become a collaborator. “Molon Labe” my AXX.

  24. Durasim
    April 28th, 2014 @ 2:29 pm

    It seems that playing “red rocket” just wasn’t enough for the poor dear.

  25. Minicapt
    April 28th, 2014 @ 10:42 pm

    So it’s a crime to horse around?


  26. K-Bob
    April 29th, 2014 @ 1:34 am

    Special snowflake, when you build your own website, you can write your own comment policy. All I do is enforce Scoop’s policy.

    I write stuff over here that wouldn’t be allowed at Scoop’s.

    I write stuff at Ace’s that wouldn’t be allowed over here.

    That’s how the internet works. Figure it out and save your spleen.

  27. alex
    April 29th, 2014 @ 8:28 am

    Probably didn’t come from a stable family

  28. Shep Schultz
    April 29th, 2014 @ 8:45 am

    Don’t pretend you’re limiting your moderation to SCOOP’s policy.
    I’ve read your comments as you shut down speech. It is clear that the only real comment policy at SCOOP is your whim. What is particularly offensive is that a website on the individual liberty side of the spectrum is moderated more poorly than ABC or CBS websites. Why don’t you leave the we’re-going-to-delete-you-because-we-don’t-like-you nonsense to the fascist left.
    Just to refresh your highly revisionist memory, you banned me for being critical of your moderation after you banned folks who were politely disagreeing with you. Tell me, which policy at SCOOP were you enforcing then?
    Snowflake? You’re the princess forcing everyone at TRSCOOP to carry your train.

  29. K-Bob
    April 29th, 2014 @ 9:59 pm

    To bring your problems here is rude. And I looked up why you were banned. Shockingly enough, it was for being rude. So you’re batting a thousand on the “why people might not want you on their site” score.

    I’d recommend the mod here delete this subthread for being off topic.

  30. Shep Schultz
    April 29th, 2014 @ 11:19 pm

    You are a liar. L-I-A-R.


    Your first lie was “All I do is enforce Scoop’s (sic) policy.


    Your second lie is that I was rude. I was polite to the Paulista’s with whom we were talking. The following two quotes are the reason you took down my comments and banned me:


    “…I don’t agree with you but your post was inappropriately flagged. It was wrong, and probably lazy for the moderator to remove it.”

    “I don’t agree with your post, but it was wrong for it to be flagged, and it was lazy of the moderator to remove it.”

    You see, I thought you were like the ABC and CBS moderators who simply remove anything that has been flagged. Boy was I wrong. You are anything but lazy. You are very active in your quest to make yourself the funniest, smartest, and snappiest guy on your website. You’ll read every comment to see if it makes you look good, and if it doesn’t? BAN HIM. We can’t have anyone talking about the warts on the Princess of TRSCOOP’s face.

    There are many examples of your being obstinately rude on TRSCOOP. I’ve been uncharacteristically rude to you in this thread, but hey, you started it.
    And like the cowardly little worm you are, you make an appeal to the moderator to have me deleted here.
    You still suck. You are really squirming because you can’t shut me down here. What a freakin’ princess you must be in real life.
    Once again, “Molon Labe” is inappropriate for you. I really think you would run from the sound of your own wet farts.
    Here’s a thought, if you must use your faux bad-AXX icon when you are poorly moderating at your own site, you should create another alias so you won’t be singled out for a dose of your own medicine every time you comment on another site, or you could follow your own rules for moderation and this issue will completely go away.
    I just have to say it again. You suck!

  31. K-Bob
    April 30th, 2014 @ 2:49 am

    No, it’s never rude to decide to insult your hosts. You insulted a team of volunteers in the middle of a thread with nearly 3000 comments.

    And no one could possibly mistake your bizarre outburst here as rudeness, could they?

  32. Shep Schultz
    April 30th, 2014 @ 10:48 am

    Once again, I am being deliberately and uncharacteristically rude to you here. I was being polite at TRSCOOP when the Princess of Rudeness deleted and banned me. This is simply another attempt on your behalf to project your bad behavior in the TRSCOOP thread on to me.
    3000 comments? My counter shows a little under 2000. Did you really delete 1000 comments? Strangely enough, this is believable given your bizarre narcissistic behavior.
    Well, Princess, one day, after you grow up, you’ll learn the difference between criticism and insults.


    Until then, here are two examples of criticism:


    “…I don’t agree with you but your post was inappropriately flagged. It was wrong, and probably lazy for the moderator to remove it.”

    “I don’t agree with your post, but it was wrong for it to be flagged, and it was lazy of the moderator to remove it.”

    Now, here is an example of an insult:
    You’re really butthurt over this whole thing now, arentcha!
    Can you really not tell the difference? Are you suffering from some sort of cataloged cognitive disability? If you are, name it, and I’ll leave you alone. Otherwise, you’re a “competent” adult who is not quite ready for prime time in the free marketplace of ideas.
    Nice try on deflecting this to some sort of insult addressed at “…a team of volunteers…”. My criticism (and insults) are not directed at anybody at TRSCOOP but you. The amazing thing is that no one at TRSCOOP has called you in regarding your poor moderation. When you’re not there, I don’t see a problem. Maybe they need to adopt a stricter supervision rubric.
    Own this. Nobody else’s action is the cause of this. You, and only you at TRSCOOP, suck. If you left, TRSCOOP would immediately stop sucking.
    As an American I am congenitially p****d at anybody who tries to shut down the free exchange of ideas. That is you, cupcake. You are probably enthralled by the individual liberty movement, but until you learn to tolerate the ideas of others, you are part of the problem, and not the solution.,
    Perhaps you should re-read the TRSCOOP comment policy with a group of people. Words have meaning and apparently you don’t think they have the same meaning as the rest of the world.
    My little butthurt cupcake, you need to stop trying to redirect criticism and to stop projecting your shortcomings onto other people. The first step to ending this self-absorbed sorry stage in your life, so you can move on to become a better, happier, human being, is to admit that you, and no one else, is the problem.

  33. K-Bob
    April 30th, 2014 @ 3:16 pm

    I’m bored with your childishness.

  34. Shep Schultz
    April 30th, 2014 @ 3:28 pm

    “I’m bored with your childishness”
    K-Bob to Standard English Translator ON
    I’ve been caught in three lies, my position is indefensible, I need a way to end this conversation.
    You still suck.
    Molon Labe, dillweed.

  35. K-Bob
    April 30th, 2014 @ 4:40 pm

    Grow up.

  36. Shep Schultz
    April 30th, 2014 @ 5:06 pm

    (chuckle) Really K-Bob?
    You are the little girl tea party princess dictating what her toy animal guest can and cannot talk about. (We’re not talking about the political movement here, I doubt if your fragile mentality is discriminating enough to tell the difference.)
    Maybe we should embroider “Molon Labe” on your tea dress, tough guy.
    Betcha you really wish you could silence me here too, dontcha!
    Did you really delete 1000 comments from a 3000 comment thread?
    You know, there is not a nickle’s worth of difference between the snotty attitude you display and that of your new fem friend, Heironymous.
    You still suck.

  37. K-Bob
    April 30th, 2014 @ 6:32 pm

    Unhinged stalking is not a good sign.

  38. K-Bob
    May 1st, 2014 @ 4:03 pm

    No one is reading your little deranged stalker jihad in a thread this old.

  39. Shep Schultz
    May 1st, 2014 @ 4:54 pm

    Did you really delete 1000 comments from a 3000 comment thread?
    I notice that you have not bothered to disillusion me of my notion that you’re a liar. I wonder why.
    Now that no one is watching are you dropping your hurtbutt-bottom-lip-sticking-out “You insulted the volunteers.” act and letting your narcissistic inner child run free?