The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminism: Equality in Misery

Posted on | December 28, 2014 | 142 Comments

Miriam Mogilevsky (@sondosia) is allegedly a human being, although manifestly lacking in empathy and filled with a hateful appetite for sadistic revenge, which is to say she is a feminist. Her numerous efforts to destroy civilization include her advocacy of atheism, because those who hate humanity usually begin by hating God. She developed advanced skills in intellectual perversion at Northwestern University and is now working on her master’s degree in spiteful evil at Columbia.

If my description of Ms. Mogilevsky seems tendentious or perhaps even unfairly pejorative, it is because I’ve decided to adopt her own practices, as evidenced by her column on “affirmative consent”:

This fall, the new affirmative consent law in California, which requires all universities that receive state funding to adopt definitions of consent that translate roughly to “only yes means yes” rather than simply “no means no,” reignited a number of age-old debates about the meaning of consent and sexual assault. One of them is the claim that anti-rape advocacy is attempting to redefine perfectly good sex as rape, and that in this new climate, men cannot ever be safe from being accused of rape no matter how careful they are. . . .

(Translation: Anyone worried about this is paranoid.)

I’ve heard these sorts of remarks too. “I don’t even bother asking women out now,” or “I haven’t had sex for years because I’m scared they’ll call me a rapist.” I feel sad for these men who clearly want sexual intimacy but feel that they have no choice to give it up. And I also feel angry, because this is not what we’ve been saying, and yet they insist that we’re telling them they can’t have sex at all. . . .

(Actually, “we” — that is to say, feminists — have been saying exactly this for decades, as Ms. Mogilevsky would have to admit if she weren’t so disingenuous about her own anti-male ideology.)

I don’t want anyone to be lonely, insecure, and sexually unfulfilled. I don’t want anyone who wants to have sex to be unable to have it. I want everyone to have the confidence to pursue and find the types of relationships they’re interested in. I want everyone to feel worthy and valuable even if they haven’t found a partner yet.
But I also want people to pursue all of this ethically. That means that if you’re ever unsure if someone is consenting, you stop and ask. And if you don’t think you are able to do that, then you should abstain from sex until you are able to do it.

You can read the rest of that exercise in deliberate dishonesty, but let’s pause to notice how Ms. Mogilevsky attributes legitimate concerns about a real danger — false accusations of rape — to men being “lonely, insecure, and sexually unfulfilled.” In other words, feminists have expended enormous effort to terrorize college men with these threats of spurious rape accusations, but if men react rationally to the threat, Ms. Mogilevsky will attribute this to the psychological weakness of males. The sadist revels in the belief that her victims are pathetic and helpless.

Despite her youth, Ms. Mogilevsky has spent years promoting the idea that others are in need of her sexual instruction. In a 2012 column for the student newspaper at Northwestern University, she delivered an unhelpful sermon about “hookup culture”:

Sure, there’s a chance you’ll go to a party one night and meet someone who just happens to like having sex the exact same way you do, but it’s a pretty small chance.
Those lucky people can probably skip the rest of this column, but the rest of us should remember that you can’t get what you want if you don’t ask for it.
Unfortunately, expressing yourself clearly isn’t easy when you’re slurring your words, which brings me right to my next point: In order for hooking up to be safe and fun, we need to stop depending on alcohol as a social lubricant. . . .
I don’t think that casual sex is intrinsically wrong, unhealthy or dangerous. I do think, however, that most of us are going about it the wrong way. For those people who want no-strings-attached sex, hookup culture could be a great thing — just not the hookup culture that we currently have.

Ms. Mogilevsky was active in SHAPE (Sexual Health and Assault Peer Educators) at Northwestern, and is eager to lecture others, as she writes in her recent column about “affirmative consent”:

I wish I could explain consent to all of these men. I wish they could attend one of my workshops about consent, where I help people learn to understand body language, find language to help them ask for and give consent, and show how these skills apply to all areas of life, not just sex.

You see, college men? Your problem is not that you might be falsely accused of rape because you hooked up with a drunk chick whose morning-after regrets morphed into a plan for revenge. Rather, your problem is that you haven’t been lectured by Miriam Mogilevsky.

Only after she has expended a few hundred words about men’s allegedly irrational fear of false rape accusations does Ms. Mogilevsky finally admit how much she enjoys inspiring such fear:

It is possible that someone who doesn’t have to face a high likelihood of being sexually assaulted feels subjectively as bad when they imagine the possibility of “accidentally” assaulting someone as I feel when I imagine the possibility of being assaulted (on purpose).
But for me, personally, the fear of being assaulted is so much worse. . . .
This is why I am glad that men are starting to feel that surmountable fear. I don’t want them to live in terror. I don’t want them to avoid sex out of fear. (That would be how the other half lives.) I do want them to accept their fair share of the responsibility, though. And yes, that means more fear than they may be used to.

Ah, here we have it at last: Fear and Loathing of the Penis!

This existential dread of masculinity has evidently become pandemic among certain sensitive young feminists in recent years, and I’m not sure why, although I suspect it has something to do with the brutal porn-influenced appetites that seem to have taken hold among some young men. Yes, let’s just go ahead and talk about this unfortunate reality:

Due in part to what they see in pornography, teenage boys have no qualms coercing young women into having anal sex, according to a new study, with some of these encounters possibly crossing the line into rape.
Researchers interviewed 130 men and women aged 16–18 from diverse social backgrounds in three different locations in England. The report, published last month, states that young people “frequently cited pornography as the ‘explanation’ for [engaging in] anal sex,” although masculine competition between boys to see who could engage in the activity the most often also played a role.
They found a “key element” in this risky new behavior is the “normalization of coercion and ‘accidental’ penetration. It seemed that men were expected to persuade or coerce reluctant partners.” . . .
Experts say the new research adds to a growing body of evidence that young people, influenced by pornography, are eager to try out the techniques they see online, often with little empathy or regard for the other person’s well-being.

This is obviously a serious problem, but feminists find themselves compelled to avoid confronting the problem directly because:

  1. Criticizing pornography, per se, might result in feminists losing the financial and political support of organizations like the ACLU and the Democrat Party that have long been allied with the pornography industry;
  2. Criticizing anal sodomy, per se, would put in jeopardy feminism’s de facto alliance with gay rights activists whose lifestyle involves the avid pursuit of this practice.

We therefore find that the spread of porn culture has made it something of a competitive sport for young males to inflict upon women a particularly painful sort of degradation, yet feminists dare neither to criticize porn not to criticize specifically the type of assault they most fear. The result? A lot of vague talk about the importance of “consent” and the need to learn “skills” in negotiating sexual activity.

Tell you what: I’m just going to link this first-person account about how such “negotiation” works in real life, so you can click that link, read her story and then join me in deploring the normalization of such activity. And here is feminist Meghan Murphy’s testimony:

My first boyfriend was pissed that I wouldn’t have anal sex with him. Not just because he, you know, wanted to try out all the super sexy things he’d learned watching porn, but because I’d done it before — with other guyswho weren’t him. No fair, amirite?
The fact that the whole, entire reason I wouldn’t have anal sex with him was because I’d tried it already with a couple of other guys and the experience ranged from completely boring and unpleasurable to extremely painful eluded him. My pleasure wasn’t the point. The point was 1) No fair, wah! (i.e. why did other men “get” something he didn’t), 2) The thought of emulating something he masturbated to in porn turned him on, 3) Possible pleasure for him . . .

You can read the rest of that, which must have been embarrassing for Ms. Murphy to admit, but such frankness is preferable to the veil of euphemistic obscurity that has concealed from honest discussion exactly why college women seem so angry about men and sex, an anger that helps fuel the “rape epidemic” hysteria that leads to “affirmative consent” policies and a phony Rolling Stone story about a freshman girl being raped atop a pile of broken glass by a gang of Phi Kappa Psi brothers led by the non-existent “Haven Monahan.”


There, I said it. No matter how much porn performers may make anal sex seem like the ultimate in pleasure, it’s not, at least not for normal people. All evidence suggests that college girls are as willing now as at any previous moment in human history to engage in normal sex. The problem, however, is that some college guys have become bored with normal sex — perhaps because it is so widely available — and are therefore seeking thrills by coercing college girls into abnormal sex.

Exactly how are we to fix this problem? How is “affirmative consent” supposed to work? When a college guy meets a college girl at a party, should they have a loud and explicit conversation about what they’re going to do together — making sure that there are witnesses to their sexual agreement — before they leave the party? Can you imagine the testimony at the ensuing university discipline hearing if she claims he broke their agreement? The dude’s fraternity brothers can be expected to testify that the girl agreed in advance to the activity she claims was non-consensual, while her sorority sisters will testify that she’s not that kind of girl and would never voluntarily do such a thing.

The attempt to enforce “affirmative consent” policies should certainly provide amusement for university officials forced to listen to this kind of testimony, although perhaps some administrators will find it sad and ironic. Here is this intelligent girl with an excellent SAT score and a near-perfect GPA tearfully insisting that after guzzling booze at a party she had no idea that the guy who invited her to his dorm room intended to have sex with her. Then here is the guy, also with a high SAT score and a near-perfect GPA, saying that he has no idea why this girl is so angry at him just because — oops! — he accidentally put it in the wrong hole. Also, he didn’t reply to her text message the next day, so now she’s telling everybody he’s a rapist, which could put a damper on his social life.

It’s difficult for me to muster much sympathy for either the guys or girls in these predictable “he-said, she-said” situations, but I have exactly zero sympathy for an inhuman monster like Miriam Mogilevsky. Anybody who can afford to attend Northwestern University (annual tuition $47,251) is too rich to demand sympathy from me, even if she wasn’t a hate-filled atheist. But her sadistic glee at the thought of inspiring fear in men was certainly enough to earn my complete contempt:

When I first read that Bloomberg piece about waning “hookup culture,” my initial reaction was, honestly, to shrug. Let them be scared. Let them avoid sex and intimacy. I’ve certainly done that because I was afraid of sexual assault.

Yet she must add to such injury the insult of pretended sympathy:

[Men] seem afraid because they still don’t understand that their female partners are human beings with their own subjective experiences, experiences that they would do well to listen to and try to understand.
I don’t want men to live in fear. I don’t want men to stop flirting with women and asking for their number. I don’t want men to start refusing sex with eager, consenting women because what if they’re actually lying and not consenting.
I want them to listen to us. I want them to respect our agency. I want them to let us write the story together with them, rather than writing each chapter themselves and then handing it to us to read, perhaps accepting some critique if they are especially gracious.

“Hell hath no fury,” et cetera. We should never wish ill on people, and must be content to know how unlikely it is that anything good could ever happen to someone as hatefully dishonest as Miriam Mogilevsky.




142 Responses to “Feminism: Equality in Misery”

  1. joethefatman
    December 28th, 2014 @ 9:12 pm

    Congrats on your award

    HERE THEY ARE: The 2014 Fabulous 50 Blog Award Winners #Fab50

  2. Modern Comments
    December 28th, 2014 @ 9:28 pm

    But I also want people to pursue all of this ethically. That means that
    if you’re ever unsure if someone is consenting, you stop and ask. And if
    you don’t think you are able to do that, then you should abstain from
    sex until you are able to do it.

    I’d like to turn this around on her: If you’re unsure you can handle the responsibility of a pregnancy, you stop and ask. And if you don’t think you’re able to do that, then you should abstain from sex until you are able to do it.

    Imagine how feminists’ heads would explode if that was said to them. In fact, I have said it — on numerous occasions — when debating with people extolling the liberating virtues of abortion.

    They are hypocrites, dangerous ideologues, who want to control our sex lives. When will people realize this? After sex is outlawed? After we’re required to report our bedroom interactions to a government official who will make sure their rules of consent and proper sexual conduct was adhered to?

  3. Dana
    December 28th, 2014 @ 9:31 pm

    If Elliot Rodger manages to read The Other McCain on his computer screen in Hell, he’ll be happy that Miss Mogilevsky doesn’t “want anyone to be lonely, insecure, and sexually unfulfilled” or “anyone who wants to have sex to be unable to have it.” It’s a shame that she really has no clue about sexual interactions between males and females.

    Oh, and please, drop the (non)honorific “Ms.” Not only is it an abomination unto the Lord, but referring to feminists as “Miss” really pisses them off. 🙂

  4. Jim R
    December 28th, 2014 @ 9:34 pm

    Frankly, I don’t find what these women have to say to be objectionable. As I read it, they are saying:

    1. That it’s normal for men and women to want to have sex and that they want men and women to have such sexual relations as they choose

    2. They want men to continue to pursue women with the reasonable caveat that they don’t pressure / force women to do things they don’t want to do

    3. They get that men feel afraid to pursue women for fear of being accused of being rapists

    4. They understand the very dangerous role alcohol can play in the “hookup culture” (which she seems to dislike)

    5. They understand that porn is very damaging to how men see sex with women as it creates highly unrealistic expectations of what sex is supposed to be like

    This is a damned sight better than the crazed rantings of somebody like Marcotte, the lies of Dunham, or the dishonest fantasies of Erdeley. I can support workshops that teach women to be in control BEFORE something happens rather than teach them to view everybody with a Y chromosome as a threat and that regret is the same as rape.

  5. robertstacymccain
    December 28th, 2014 @ 9:34 pm

    As I say, we should not wish ill on people, so I won’t speculate what manner of ironic justice might befall Ms. Mogilevsky if the karmic wheel turns. In my experience, however, they never see it coming, and lament how unfair it is when it happens.

  6. M. Thompson
    December 28th, 2014 @ 9:35 pm

    This overeducated fool does not understand that for the majority of people, the most life altering consequences are what will affect them, and it’s what they are afraid of.

    Also, there is the refusal to see the possibility that malfactors will use the law as a club against people. Note the First Sergeant who who got an Army Commendation Medal for going after people online. (

  7. robertstacymccain
    December 28th, 2014 @ 9:42 pm

    What she is saying, if you scrape away all the disclaimers, is that she considers males her moral and intellectual inferiors, and thinks them in need of her lectures. From this Olympian height of condescension, she mocks as unrealistic the danger of false accusations inspired by the “rape epidemic” hysteria, and then concludes by saying in essence that, because women must fear sexual assault, it is a good thing that law-abiding men should be made to fear false accusations.

    She’s a cruel and selfish monster, without any moral scruples at all, but of course, what else do we expect any feminist to be?

  8. Brian Lynchehaun
    December 28th, 2014 @ 9:47 pm

    “yet they insist that we’re telling them they can’t have sex at all. . . .

    (Actually, “we” — that is to say, feminists — have been saying exactly this for decades, as Ms. Mogilevsky would have to admit if she weren’t so disingenuous about her own anti-male ideology.)”

    Citation needed.

  9. Brian Lynchehaun
    December 28th, 2014 @ 9:48 pm

    “What she is saying, if you scrape away all the disclaimers, is that she considers males her moral and intellectual inferiors”

    You appear to be just making this up as you go along.

    Where is your evidence for this?

  10. gothamette
    December 28th, 2014 @ 9:53 pm

    “according to a new study, with some of these encounters possibly crossing the line into rape.”

    That’s apparently what happened to Emma Sucowitz of Columbia. They were having consensual normal sex. The rape was anal. You expressed skepticism of this a while back but I believe her.

    I think a lot of girls are very naive about this. They think that if they are sleeping with a nice male feminist everything’s OK and I also think it’s possible that if he had initiated rough normal sex, it would have also been OK. But it was anal sex, so that’s wrong.

    And it IS.

    December 28th, 2014 @ 9:54 pm


    Upon reading this link at the tope of your article: (@sondosia) ; I clicked it and I find out I have been BLOCKED. Well it’s not that I have ever had any words with the subject online as tonight is the first I ever heard of it’s name. I will just assume she found my name on a conservative list and spam-blocked me in hopes she could get me thrown off of twitter. Progressive atheists are well known to treat their fellow citizens with utmost respect like that.

    Because of those assumptions of mine I returned her actions and I also hope everyone else follows her lead. Merry Christmas Miriam, Here’s hoping you can afford the surgery to fix that lazy eye and some penicillin for the STD’s.

  12. Dana
    December 28th, 2014 @ 9:58 pm

    Actually, I’l give her (some) credit for realizing that women getting stinking drunk is not a good idea. The downside is that she still places all of the blame on men for drunken coitus.

    It seems that the default assumption is that the women are too drunk to really consent, and the men are stone-cold sober, and even though they know better, are taking unfair advantage of inebriated women. Perhaps Miss Mogilevsky is reckoning on the obvious truth that when 120 lb women try to match 200 lb men drink for drink, the women will become more intoxicated, more quickly.

    But the brute reality — referencing her own “brutereason” — is that men and women are different, different in ways that really matter, and she cannot stand this, because, deep down, she is persuaded that those differences leave women inferior.

    Feminism is simply the fancy name for a deep-seated inferiority complex.

  13. Jim R
    December 28th, 2014 @ 10:04 pm

    She comes across to me more like a person who is in the unfortunate position of having gotten exactly what she wished for. She feels “angry” that men are giving up on women because – SOMEHOW – men got the idea that they were setting themselves up for a rape charge if they so much as asked a girl for her phone number: “That’s not what we’re saying!!!”

    Sorry, Miri: that’s EXACTLY what feminists have been saying.

    Hopefully, more “feminists” will realize just how much damage they’ve done not only to men but to themselves. I gather that competition for men is pretty fierce amongst educated women (there was that controversy several months ago where Yale women were urged to find a man before graduation if not by the end of the sophomore year); maybe Mogilevsky has realized that she has helped make that competition even stiffer by driving away a significant fraction of men.

  14. Jim R
    December 28th, 2014 @ 10:06 pm

    Feminism is simply the fancy name for a deep-seated inferiority complex.

    Well said!

  15. robertstacymccain
    December 28th, 2014 @ 10:10 pm

    “That’s apparently what happened to Emma Sucowitz of Columbia. They were having consensual normal sex. The rape was anal. . . . I think a lot of girls are very naive about this.”

    Yes, exactly. They suppose that when they meet a guy at a party, they can judge his character based on his appearance and manner. He’s kinda cute, he seems nice and so … surprise! They discover that cute nice guys can be perverted freaks.

    Really, it’s smarter for guys to cultivate a bad reputation, to convey implicitly the message that they’re savage beasts whose only interest is in carnal degeneracy. That way, the girl who decides to risk a night alone with him has no reason to complain — he’s The Sex Machine, everybody knows that’s how he rolls — and, if he finds her companionship pleasant and believes her to be trustworthy, then he can take the risk of showing her his human side.

    Been married 25 years. I found her companionship pleasant, and still do.

  16. robertstacymccain
    December 28th, 2014 @ 10:12 pm

    I was also pre-blocked. Obviously, Miriam has been using the SJW “blockbot” list that targeted supporters of GamerGate.

  17. Dana
    December 28th, 2014 @ 10:14 pm

    Part of the problem is that, yes, the anal was non-consensual, and by definition rape, but that’s damned hard to prove in a situation in which the normal copulation was consensual. It’s absolutely true that either party has the right to withdraw consent, at any point, and say, OK, time to stop now, but the practicalities involve in that are immense. If you are copulating with someone you don’t know really well, these kinds of “misunderstandings” are more probable.

  18. Adobe_Walls
    December 28th, 2014 @ 10:15 pm

    Is there a cash prize or just a bust in the pantheon?

  19. Adobe_Walls
    December 28th, 2014 @ 10:27 pm

    If we shouldn’t wish ill on people is it OK to celebrate when ill does befall them?

  20. Adobe_Walls
    December 28th, 2014 @ 10:31 pm

    She doesn’t mean any of that. It’s about control as is every element of the left.

  21. Adobe_Walls
    December 28th, 2014 @ 10:47 pm

    She’s a feminist.

  22. M. Thompson
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:01 pm

    As I am a Nobody on Twitter, I’m not under the list.


  23. Fail Burton
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:02 pm

    Affirmative Consent is an insane law meant to solve a non-existent problem with an unworkable unverifiable verbal contract put forward by an insane ideology.

    The fact this particular women has had boyfriends is in keeping with my theory that most men will bonk anything that moves and this is where so many otherwise objectionable women get their arrogance from.

    It never occurs to women like this that there are certain types of men who will in fact NOT bonk everything that moves and that they can detect these joyless and conceited women from across a room. What that leaves these women with are a second-class herd of men from which these women get second-class results and so create their own special little hell about them that never really goes away.

    Men are not complete morons; when they meet a women who honestly believes (as does this dope) that men generally are “socialized to feel entitled to others’ bodies or attention” or refers to “clueless white people,” that is patter that is going to come out during a date or party and any men worth having are going to run in the other direction as fast as they can. It is a self-sealing doom reminiscent of Groucho’s admonition he’d never be a member of a club that would have him as a member. It is karmic punishment such women enact on themselves.

    Such women never detect how much they attract only relatively desperate men who are made to jump through hoops to get next to them. Once there, it is only psychologically apt that such men will enact their own little revenges and that often means throwing them aside once they’ve wrung what little pleasure they can from such women. Since I have never crawled under barbed wire to have a girlfriend I’ve never been placed in such a passive aggressive role but I have observed how men do treat such women if they gain 15 lbs or something better comes along. If you want love and loyalty you give it, and from day one. If you give a disdainful sort of stay-on-your-toes approval that is what you will eventually receive in return. Miss Mogilevsky probably should make sure she always stays in good form and never loses what looks she has or a breast or a limb because petty and shallow spite are not bound to make men love you for what you are but rather what you look like. Mogilevsky’s looks are just on the right side of being able to attract men but when you have no personality that is scant insurance as such things tend to go south along with the men while a personality is forever. It reminds me of the young Jane Eyre saying that to avoid Hell “I must keep in good health, and not die.”

    It is my pleasure to not know Miss Mogilevsky as much as it is no doubt her pleasure to never know me. But the proof is in the pudding and who laughs last. Living a good life is its own revenge But it’s not really revenge but realizing how much people like this woman suffer at the hands of their own value system, arrogant laziness and lack of character.

    The bottom line is this woman is shaping her own sad destiny anyone with a brain can see coming from a mile away and I feel absolutely no sympathy for what happens to her in 15 years when she realizes arrogance and looks is neither talent nor accomplishment. I can’t tell you how many women I’ve seen this happen to who stand bewildered at the age of 40 and wonder why the accolades which are their due never quite got there. Such women have their own sense of entitlement that I “would do well to listen to and try to understand.” The truth is that is a two-way street and I am neither a giant ear nor a microphone and no, I will not #justlisten. Mogilevsky’s disdain for men is palpable; why wouldn’t she attract men who just want to use her?

  24. Daniel Freeman
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:03 pm

    Ditto, but I don’t even have an account. Can you see if there’s anything worth storifying?

  25. robertstacymccain
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:05 pm

    Well said. Feminism is ultimately a sour-grapes rationalization dressed up as politics.

  26. Fail Burton
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:09 pm

    You’re not missing anything: it’s the usual stuff about conservative trolls and a mindless worship of Ta-Nehisi Coates because he’s black.

    There must be robots churning Miri’s out of a stereotype factory somewhere.

  27. Fail Burton
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:12 pm

    The point is trying to get me to believe there is a great trend of changing consent in mid-stream and then calling it “rape” and “rape culture” Feminists are chipping away at definitions so that men more closely conform to their mythological view men are rapists.

  28. Fail Burton
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:18 pm

    You are naive if you think this young nothing can see into the hearts and minds of 3.5 billion men. Which is more likely: she has correctly pegged tens of millions of men she doesn’t know or her own ideological bias? A normal person would see this as bad men and either leave it to the criminal justice system or join it. Instead she just profiles men; and notice how these profilings are never positive. What are the odds of that? Get real, or be a chump.

  29. Fail Burton
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:18 pm

    The ability to read.

  30. Trazymarch
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:23 pm

    It isn’t Mogilevsky but does the case of David Pakman being pecked by angry feminists for not being submissive enough to them counts?

  31. joethefatman
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:25 pm

    Bust? Nah, just silhouette cameo.

  32. trangbang68
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:28 pm

    hate to engage in looksism but what’s with that girl’s left eye? She looks a little like Bill the Cat in the old “Bloom County” comics with her eyes lacking single focus.

  33. Galen Broaddus
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:40 pm

    Here’s hoping you can afford the surgery to fix that lazy eye and some penicillin for the STD’s.

    Stay classy, nameless person.

  34. Galen Broaddus
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:41 pm

    You live up to your name, then.

  35. Galen Broaddus
    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:41 pm

    She’s a cruel and selfish monster, without any moral scruples at all

    You owe me a new irony meter. While you’re at it, why don’t you order yourself a new moral compass?

    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:46 pm

    I won’t speculate on your case, but mine… no. I have 43 Tweets dated for 2014. I could care less about gamers or whatever their problem is,, probably orange penis’ from cheetos. I’m a military parent who has kept their mouth shut because I have to worry about the safety of my child until their tour of duty is over. Probably explains why I got blocked, because me and my family believe in America and give back, More than most.

    December 28th, 2014 @ 11:47 pm

    “Smoke um, if you got um.”

  38. Adobe_Walls
    December 29th, 2014 @ 12:07 am

    I’m sure there’s still hope. I doubt it takes much effort.

  39. Daniel Freeman
    December 29th, 2014 @ 12:16 am

    That was a nice schoolyard burn, but adults are talking. Our host has presented a ton of evidence for his theses over the months. You can provide evidence and reason for your criticism, or you can be ignored.

  40. gothamette
    December 29th, 2014 @ 12:19 am

    What is wrong with her half-shut eye?

  41. Phil_McG
    December 29th, 2014 @ 12:21 am

    To look at Miriam Mogilevsky is to know that, somewhere, a cathedral is missing a gargoyle.

    There sure are a lot of unattractive girls who take it upon themselves to lecture normal people about sex.

  42. Phil_McG
    December 29th, 2014 @ 12:23 am

    “maybe Mogilevsky has realized that she has helped make that competition even stiffer by driving away a significant fraction of men.”

    To be fair, she doesn’t need to say anything to drive away men. Perhaps that’s why she went feminist in the first place.

    Light is not her friend.

  43. Phil_McG
    December 29th, 2014 @ 12:27 am

    “There must be robots churning Miri’s out of a stereotype factory somewhere.”

    They’re called universities.

  44. Phil_McG
    December 29th, 2014 @ 12:33 am

    I thought it was hilarious.

    I’m not saying Miriam Monoclops is ugly, but I’m pretty sure I saw Perseus slay her in Clash of the Titans.

  45. Phil_McG
    December 29th, 2014 @ 12:36 am

    She should wear an eye patch and pretend to be going for a pirate theme.

    The Peter Falk look didn’t even look good on Peter Falk.

    December 29th, 2014 @ 12:36 am

    Ditto to Daniel below.. The next time you show up here, you are to sit at the children’s table while the adults are talking, SON.

  47. M. Thompson
    December 29th, 2014 @ 1:16 am

    Note Fail Burton’s post above.

  48. concern00
    December 29th, 2014 @ 2:06 am

    Well written, but eventually I just get sick of this cult of victim-hood…and it’s not just the feminists; it’s the whole toxic culture of the left.

  49. RKae
    December 29th, 2014 @ 2:09 am

    No matter how much porn performers may make anal sex seem like the ultimate in pleasure, it’s not, at least not for normal people.

    I actually have something to say on this unpleasant topic.

    I have worked for a very long time with a large group of low-class people. Porn tends to come up in general conversation with them A LOT. There actually was a noticeable shift in the last couple of decades from “Gross! That’s for f*ggots!” to “Heh! Heh! I’d like to put it in her pooper!” Porn did this. Porn manufactured this paradigm shift, and it’s been an enormous boon for gay activism, because now so many men are behaving in a manner that is basically gay.

    When I was a kid, porn was basically Playboy magazine. If you wanted anything hardcore you had to go to one of those windowless shops out by the airport. Now hardcore is commonplace. It’s free. It’s an image search away.

    some college guys have become bored with normal sex

    Sad that some people don’t wonder how they can be instantly bored with something that only a short while ago they HAD to have and swore they couldn’t live without. Dissatisfaction is not a sign of brilliance.

  50. Fail Burton
    December 29th, 2014 @ 2:24 am

    People who are identity-addicts don’t understand irony and satire. They cannot make simple comparisons. They don’t understand analogy and metaphor. That is how you produce the Orwellian anti-racist racist.

    They often contradict themselves in perfectly Orwellian sentences, such as this actual quote from an SJW: “‘Lazy’ is a code word white people use to dismiss.”