The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminist Stupidity Daily: Ideological Aggression and the Kafkatrapping Game

Posted on | February 25, 2015 | 71 Comments

“Once a woman is singled out by a men’s rights group such as A Voice for Men, the misogynist Reddit forum The Red Pill or even just a right-wing Twitter account like Twitchy, she is deluged with hatred.”
Michelle Goldberg, Washington Post

Because I’ve been busy offline the past few days, the stupidity has been piling up, and I need to clear away some backlog. Let’s start by checking in at the repository of amateurish nonsense, Everyday Feminism:

7 Ways to Lovingly Support Your
Gender Non-Binary Partner

(Why is your partner “gender non-binary”? Is there a drastic shortage of normal human beings on the planet? Are you so desperate you’ll date any doomed weirdo that shows up?)

Thinking Critically About Who Pays for the Date
The primary dating script, as advertised by American pop culture (most notably, romantic comedies), supposedly serves as a map to help us navigate romantic love’s rough, rough terrain.
However, in a society that privileges different types of people over others, that map is filled with hazardous roadblocks for some and traffic-free highways for others.
One of the most significant factors in determining who gets assigned which roles from the dating script is money. . . . When we spend it, how we spend it, and who is spending it all come under scrutiny in this classist society.
Consequently, who pays for the date (and the contract that payment supposedly creates) is usually rooted in assumptions about gender and sexuality that deserve a lot more scrutiny. . . .

(Yeah, thinking critically about gender assumptions in classist society. Good luck getting a first date. A second date? No way.)

5 Ways to Deal with Misguided
(But Well-Intentioned) Allies

We’ve all been there. Whether it’s a self-proclaimed “male feminist” making sex-shaming comments on a Facebook post or the “LGBTQIA-friendly” straight ally unwittingly making transphobic slurs at a party – the misguided ally is nearly impossible to avoid.
It’s not that the misguided ally is a bad person. We know they don’t want to hurt us. But they do.
And then, often times, they hurt us even more by choosing to blame to us for whatever awkward experience ensues as opposed to taking accountability.
Though these instances are irritating, their irritation is nuanced. They often facilitate in safer spaces becoming unsafe, which, in turn, expedites the increased formation of identity-exclusive spaces.
And while having spaces just for marginalized people themselves (spaces specifically for people of color, or trans folks, or for women-identified people) isn’t inherently wrong, they often end up being centered around healing from the harmful microaggressions of “allies.” . . .

Do you understand what’s wrong here? These feminist zombies are so desperate they’re scraping around for “gender non-binary” partners, but then it’s time for a lecture about who should pay for the date “in this classist society.” And, although I can’t imagine who would want to be an “ally” to these obnoxious losers, if you do want to be their “ally,” that means you’ve got to watch every word you say, because you can’t make any “sex-shaming” comments or “transphobic slurs.”

Where do they get the idea that the rest of us have nothing better to do with our lives than to scrupulously avoid offending the delicate sensibilities of Special Snowflakes? Hypersensitive political correctness is just a game for moral narcissists — More Progressive Than Thou! — who sit around congratulating themselves on how “inclusive” they are.

Do I seem irritated? You’d be irritated, too, if you’d been reading Yes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power and a World Without Rape, a collection of articles edited by Jaclyn Friedman and Jessica Valenti. This is a very bad book written by very bad women, among them the execrable Stacey May Fowles, whose essay begins thus:

Because I’m a feminist who enjoys domination, bondage, and pain in the bedroom, it should be pretty obvious why I often remain mute and, well, pretty closeted about my sexuality.

Yeah, but you had to write a 3,000-word essay about it, didn’t you? Other contributors to Yes Means Yes include Kimberly Springer, a Ph.D. in Women’s Studies whose essay is entitled, “Queering Black Female Heterosexuality,” and Kate Harding, a “fat-acceptance” blogger who provides an essay called, “How Do You F–k a Fat Woman?” My favorite (and by “favorite,” I mean most wretched) of the whole collection, however, is “Reclaiming Touch: Rape Culture, Explicit Verbal Consent, and Body Sovereignty,” which asks the question: “Can we really draw a sharp line between sexual assault and unwanted nonsexual touch?” Most people would have no problem answering “yes” to that question, but here we encounter a feminist claiming that a hug between friends is an act that should require Explicit Verbal Consent.

My first instinct when I read craziness like this is to investigate the source. It is my common-sense suspicion that crazy ideas are usually the product of crazy minds, and in this case we’ve hit the Big Jackpot of Crazy. The author of the “Reclaiming Touch” essay is Hazel/Cedar Troost, who uses the “gender-neutral pronouns” ze and hir. What kind of crazy is this? Let’s read the “about” page at Hazel/Cedar’s blog:

This is a blog by a Chicago transsexual queer/woman who’s tired of making herself as small as possible to fit the demands of trans misogynistic feminism and trans activism.
It’s also a blog about gender theory & activism (simultaneously feminist and trans), misogyny (trans & NOS), transphobia, anti-racism, intersectionality, sustainability, privilege, language & terminology, power, body sovereignty, gender/sex self-determination, radical politics, “radical” politics, bad allies, accountability, BDSM, violence (domestic, intimate, sexual, emotional, physical, stranger, hate, racialized, institutional, systemic, and more), disabled, fat, & survivor politics, healthcare, and whatever else ze feels inspired to write on.

To translate: “Stay away from me, normal people!”

Aggressive weirdness — an insistence that the ordinary behaviors of normal people are oppressive — has become increasingly characteristic of the feminist fringe. If you greet a friend with a common gesture of affection, your hug might be “unwanted touch” that violates their “body sovereignty,” while your expectation that people are either male or female could infringe their right to “gender/sex self-determination.” And if you point out how strange these attitudes and behaviors are? You’re obviously some kind of hater.

What feminists and their allies are doing here is creating a landscape covered with opportunities for Kafkatrapping:

One very notable pathology is a form of argument that, reduced to essence, runs like this: “Your refusal to acknowledge that you are guilty of {sin racism, sexism, homophobia, oppression…} confirms that you are guilty of {sin, racism, sexism, homophobia, oppression…}.” I’ve been presented with enough instances of this recently that I’ve decided that it needs a name. I call this general style of argument “kafkatrapping” . . .
The aim of the kafkatrap is to produce a kind of free-floating guilt in the subject, a conviction of sinfulness that can be manipulated by the operator to make the subject say and do things that are convenient to the operator’s personal, political, or religious goals. Ideally, the subject will then internalize these demands, and then become complicit in the kafkatrapping of others.

Activists manufacture opportunities to accuse others of moral failing, and if you cooperate with them — if you attempt to be an “ally” of these progressives who continually produce demands that you acknowledge your guilt — then you must “become complicit” by routinely accusing others of these political sins. This is why feminists have manufactured a “rape epidemic” hysteria on college campuses. Using phony statistics and false accusations to mau-mau politicians into enacting bad legislation, feminists provoke criticism, and then demonize critics — e.g., George Will and K.C. Johnson — whom they brand “rape apologists,” so that critics are accused of being pro-rape merely because they point out errors in feminist arguments or flaws in policies that feminists advocate.

“With enough fear, you can manufacture a crisis, and a crisis gives you ‘an opportunity to do things . . . you could not do before,’ as President Obama’s former chief of staff noted in his famous remarks about not letting a crisis ‘go to waste.’”
Hans Bader, Minding the Campus


It’s all about silencing and discrediting opposition, see? Feminism is a totalitarian movement directly derived from the Marxist/Leninist model of the Bolshevik Revolution. “All power to the Soviets!” has become “All power to the feminists!”

We are all now constantly monitored by Feminist Commissars, the enforcers of a Police State regime. You must be careful, comrade, because your “harmful microaggressions” and your failure to obtain “Explicit Verbal Consent” before hugging someone are political crimes for which you might be subjected to a reenactment of the Moscow Show Trials before you are sent to the Feminist Gulag.

Americans understand that feminism’s ambitions are ultimately incompatible with human liberty. Yet if you dare speak out against it, your’re terrorists, and the monstrous ideologues who aspire to be your totalitarian overlords claim to be victims!

By the way, am I the only one who has noticed that while feminists have taken to repeating stories about how terrorized they are by the Internet — death threats, rape threats and the like — we haven’t seen anyone arrested, prosecuted or even served with a restraining order by any of these helpless feminist victims? Having been targeted for harassment by deranged sociopaths (who have proven they are willing to target people in real life), I know how to successfully fight back: Identify the cowards who are perpetrating such behavior, and call them out by name.

What are the names of the people who are perpetrating harassment against feminists? Identify them. Call them out.

Give me a list of names of these anti-feminist “terrorists,” with proof of their wrongdoing, and I will denounce them.

Expect to be waiting a long time before we ever see such a list, because the vagueness of these claims of feminist victimhood serves the purposes of political propaganda:

A. Opponents criticize feminist arguments;
B. Feminists are victims of harassment;
and therefore
C. Critics are responsible for the harassment of feminists.

This faulty syllogism is about falsely creating collective guilt, so that George Will is implicitly accused of inciting people to “dox” Brianna Wu and K.C. Johnson is smeared with responsibility for rape threats against Anita Sarkeesian. If all critics of feminist (collectively) are to blame for every harm experienced by feminists (collectively), you see, then anyone who writes in opposition to feminism can be Kafkatrapped.

Feminists can demand that, e.g., Professor Glenn Reynolds denounce the harassment of, inter alia, Jessica Valenti, even though the harassment is committed by some dimwit Reddit troll who has nothing to do with Professor Reynolds. It’s the same thing with “rape culture.”

Everybody is against rape, right? Yet if you criticize feminist rhetoric on this issue — if you suggest, for example, that there would be fewer sexual assaults on campus if university officials cracked down on underage drinking — then you are engaged in “victim blaming” or “slut shaming,” so that you then can be branded a “rape apologist” no matter how strongly you condemn rape. The purpose of feminism’s “rape culture” discourse is to create this generalized accusation of collective guilt, so that anyone who disagrees with feminists can be portrayed as responsible for crimes they have never committed.

Welcome to the 21st century, comrade. The commissars have taken over our culture and it’s Kafkatrapping all the way down.



71 Responses to “Feminist Stupidity Daily: Ideological Aggression and the Kafkatrapping Game”

  1. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    February 25th, 2015 @ 12:47 pm
  2. dwduck
    February 25th, 2015 @ 12:49 pm

    There’s a word for that: takfir.

  3. robertstacymccain
    February 25th, 2015 @ 12:57 pm

    Is that even a question?

  4. joethefatman
    February 25th, 2015 @ 12:58 pm

    About that pic at the top of the article… Kind of a mixed message on their part, isn’t it?

    Thorazine. That seems to explain the feminist movement.

    And I wish I could take you fishing McCain, just to give your mind a break from the insanity you’ve chosen to investigate and expose. Reading and cataloging that crap has got to be taking a toll.


    “How Do You F–k a Fat Woman?”

    Flour. Lots.

  5. Adobe_Walls
    February 25th, 2015 @ 12:59 pm

    This wouldn’t be happening if we’d oppressed them enough in the first place. The crisis of Peak Oppression grows daily.

  6. joethefatman
    February 25th, 2015 @ 12:59 pm

    It’s an entire spectrum of mental disorders.

  7. robertstacymccain
    February 25th, 2015 @ 1:01 pm

    “… I wish I could take you fishing McCain, just to give your mind a break from the insanity …”


  8. Adobe_Walls
    February 25th, 2015 @ 1:05 pm

    Your diagnosis is correct. Actually there are numerous problems from global warming to Kafkatrapping femnazis that could easily be solved with Thorazine. Some institutionalization may be required.

  9. joethefatman
    February 25th, 2015 @ 1:06 pm

    If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m broke… I would.

  10. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    February 25th, 2015 @ 1:07 pm

    Not really. The science is most definitely settled on that issue.

  11. Finrod Felagund
    February 25th, 2015 @ 1:20 pm

    The cretins with their no-hugging world want to implement the kind of control and authoritarianism seen in the 1990s movie Demolition Man.

  12. concern00
    February 25th, 2015 @ 1:44 pm

    “7 Ways to Lovingly Support Your Gender Non-Binary Partner”

    The headline itself implicitly suggests that there is something not quite right, not quite normal about your gender non-binary partner and that you need “special” advice as to how to sustain a basic human relationship with such a person.

  13. Zohydro
    February 25th, 2015 @ 1:51 pm

    I didn’t ask…

  14. Adobe_Walls
    February 25th, 2015 @ 1:56 pm

    So from now on the the ”Well intentioned male-feminist” will be the guy with the ball-gag?

  15. Adobe_Walls
    February 25th, 2015 @ 2:01 pm

    Doesn’t the Non-Binary part suggest that they don’t have to actually ”be” a ”person”? Unless they want to ”be” of course.

  16. M. Thompson
    February 25th, 2015 @ 2:05 pm

    My rule when dating was that whoever asked the other out for the first date pays. That usually was me.

    Now that I’m engaged, we don’t worry about it.

  17. trangbang68
    February 25th, 2015 @ 2:08 pm

    What is a gender non binary partner? Man, get a freakin’ dog.

  18. Dana
    February 25th, 2015 @ 2:52 pm

    I couldn’t get past the quote:

    Consequently, who pays for the date (and the contract that payment supposedly creates) is usually rooted in assumptions about gender and sexuality that deserve a lot more scrutiny.

    Uhhh, just what “contract” is created? Beyond say, “Yes, I will have dinner with you,” something which can be abrogated if the contracting party turns out to be a jackass, there is no obligation assumed in any way, other than who is paying for the date. Normally, it is the male, because, normally, it is the male who asks out the female; if the woman asks out the man, it is her obligation to pay.

  19. Jeanette Victoria
    February 25th, 2015 @ 2:53 pm

    I’m still trying to figure out what a Gender Non-Binary Partner is!

  20. Dana
    February 25th, 2015 @ 3:05 pm

    When you tell us that Yes Means Yes was edited by Jaclyn Friedman and Jessica Golis — as a married woman, Mrs Golis is properly identified by her husband’s name — then you are telling us, inter alia, that Miss Friedman and Mrs Golis should have been including introductions to individual articles or chapters, complete with critical reviews; that’s normally how these things are (supposed to be) done.

    If these critical editing functions are not performed, then the book is nothing more than slapping together a bunch of other people’s articles in an attempt to make money; if they were performed, I would be very interested in knowing how the editors responded to the notion that going out on a date implies a contract.

  21. Dana
    February 25th, 2015 @ 3:05 pm

    Are you sure you want to know?

  22. Dana
    February 25th, 2015 @ 3:07 pm

    As for the pic on the top, I just wish the tall blonde in the grey toboggan had held the sign a bit lower!

  23. Zohydro
    February 25th, 2015 @ 3:09 pm

    Aren’t we forgetting something?

  24. RS
    February 25th, 2015 @ 3:19 pm

    Quite. I was reared by parents who told me that the guy pays with absolutely no expectations. It was called “courtship” in an earlier time. It presaged “romance,” and, if one were lucky, “engagement,” “marriage,” and a “family,” quaint institutions, all.

  25. Jeanette Victoria
    February 25th, 2015 @ 3:21 pm

    It just just occurred to me (I know I’m slow sometimes) that these loons are gaslighting each other. This is a group insanity project.

  26. joethefatman
    February 25th, 2015 @ 3:22 pm


  27. Dana
    February 25th, 2015 @ 3:24 pm

    No, I don’t think so. 🙂

  28. Dana
    February 25th, 2015 @ 3:30 pm

    Well, I’d amend that only to state that the woman pays if she is the one who asks the man out in the first place.

    Of course, now we’re told that a third date means sex! Apparently there is a contract.

  29. RS
    February 25th, 2015 @ 3:45 pm

    “How Do You F–k a Fat Woman?”

    Every day, a new wrinkle.

    Thank you everyone! I’ll be here all week. Tip your servers well and . . . Good Night!

  30. Zohydro
    February 25th, 2015 @ 4:56 pm

    Paging Dr Venn!
    Everything should be crystal clear now…

  31. The original Mr. X
    February 25th, 2015 @ 4:58 pm

    “I was reared by parents who told me that the guy pays with absolutely no expectations.”
    Oh, that’s still the case. Feminism never gets worked up about gendered social expectations when these expectations benefit women in some way. It’s all about rights and responsibilities: women have rights, men have responsibilities,

  32. JeffWeimer
    February 25th, 2015 @ 5:29 pm
  33. Feminist Stupidity Daily: Ideological Aggression and the Kafkatrapping Game | That Mr. G Guy's Blog
    February 25th, 2015 @ 5:33 pm

    […] Feminist Stupidity Daily: Ideological Aggression and the Kafkatrapping Game. […]

  34. Daniel Freeman
    February 25th, 2015 @ 5:52 pm

    That’s what happens with thought police: they’re authoritarians, all about power over others, and their fellow thought police are the most vulnerable to being held to the highest standards, due to having necessarily expressed complete buy-in to the premise. The quest for ideological purity is never-ending, and the sweetest thrill is exercising the same power over one of their fellow enforcers.

    Authoritarian movements always end up eating their own, and ever since “political correctness” hit the scene, authoritarianism has been ascendent in the American left. The cannibalizing purges have barely even begun, but they have begun.

  35. DeadMessenger
    February 25th, 2015 @ 5:55 pm

    Great, great article, Stacy. I’m gonna hit the tip jar, just for that.

    All the feminist quotes here are just crazy talk, and normal people should just point at these insane women and laugh. One problem involves responding to their stupid accusations except mockingly. If accused of racism, etc., I respond with “I know, right?” or “I know I am, but what are you?” If vegetarians scold me about eating meat, I say “Mmmm…beef” and suggest we go out for a burger.

    They don’t get mocked enough is the thing.

    If I got falling down drunk and pass out in my own vomit, people would rightly mock me for being stupid. If I put all my money into a pyramid scheme and lost it, people would mock me for being stupid. If I, a woman in her 50’s, threw on clothes fit for a teenager, people would mock me for being stupid.

    In a similar fashion, men who dress like women, or vice versa, people who expect to be praised for their bizarre sexual proclivities, numbskulls who make up new pronouns, for pity’s sake (bet he/she/whatever has an imaginary friend), or damn fool feminist beyotches, ought to be mocked at all times until they learn to shut the heck up.

    That was the good thing about mocking. If you got mocked enough for idiotic behaviors, you were finally able to determine a relationship between the idiotic behaviors and being a laughing stock and the butt of jokes.

    Personal note to schools: Mocking is NOT bullying. Bullying is physical menacing or attack. Mocking is a tool used appropriately by children to teach other children to control their behaviors, or also to learn life’s most valuable lesson, which is “Man up, because things can always be worse”. Because sticks and stones. And because words can never harm you.

  36. Mike G.
    February 25th, 2015 @ 6:07 pm

    Dang, you must have went to the same kind of school and had the same type parents as me and my Brothers.

  37. DeadMessenger
    February 25th, 2015 @ 6:08 pm

    That will probably make a lot more sense after a couple of shots. Or rather, it does make sense, it’s just the words other than “male” and “female”.

  38. DeadMessenger
    February 25th, 2015 @ 6:47 pm

    Probably, given the fact that I’m the only girl and have four brothers.

    We lived on a farm, and nobody gave a crap about name-calling or your tender feelings. And if you got hurt and nothing was broken and there was no arterial blood spray, then you’re fine. Here’s a band-aid. Man up and get back on that tractor, so we can get done before dark. I loved that life. That’s truly “keepin’ it real”.

    That mind set ringing any bells?

  39. Mike G.
    February 25th, 2015 @ 7:00 pm

    We lived in the city, but we did have a garden in the backyard. Plus summer trips up to grandparents’ farm in Idaho where we helped feed the critters and hoed and weeded big ass garden.

    The reward was fishing on the Snake river and various mtn creeks. Oh, and cow chip fires.

  40. Fail Burton
    February 25th, 2015 @ 7:00 pm

    The foreword to that Valenti/Friedman book is by Margaret Cho, and it is not only par for the course with gender feminists, it is one of the more extraordinary things you’ll ever read from a human who is not retarded.

    Cho asserts that a type of rape is when she has sex with her boyfriend because he’s whining or as she puts it “rape as the alternative to having to explain my reasons for not wanting to
    have sex.” Worse, in anticipation he MIGHT whine, she writes “Often I would initiate the encounter just to get it over with, so it would be behind me, so it would be done.

    Now, imagine a mind like that in a courtroom, or defining a moral ethos. Do you think that person can even understand or maintain a thing like the U.S. Constitution let alone create one?

    This type of feminism is dedicated to taking actual crimes or acts of immorality and smearing them onto all men. It is no different than looking at a black criminal or white collar Jewish criminal and saying “Blacks” and “Jews.” It is a KKK in all but name. These are extraordinarily dangerous people.

  41. Southern Air Pirate
    February 25th, 2015 @ 7:08 pm

    They aren’t gas lighting each other. Rather like the Terrors of the first French Revolution. They are so busy sending others to the show trials for crimes against the state, that like Robbespierre they have become afraid of each other and the human in the mirror. The danger is going to be when one realizes all these loons are destroying the movement and then leads a counter-revolutionary movement to swept the terrorists away and bring about the real changes, just like the little French Artillery Officer did.

  42. Jeanette Victoria
    February 25th, 2015 @ 7:39 pm

    Yup and we are seeing that happen now. I wonder if I will still be alive to see what comes next after the rot gets to be too much.

  43. Individualist6_z44
    February 25th, 2015 @ 7:45 pm

    “Women-identified people”

    *Bangs head against wall*

  44. Individualist6_z44
    February 25th, 2015 @ 7:47 pm

    If only I had a dollar for every time a “LGBTQIA-friendly” straight ally unwittingly made transphobic slurs at a party…

  45. kilo6
    February 25th, 2015 @ 8:27 pm

    This shit is crazy enough to be a bizarre sub-plot in a Tarantino film.
    How about the good old fashioned
    Whatcha See Is Watcha Get approach?

  46. Zohydro
    February 25th, 2015 @ 8:36 pm

    What colourful outfits!

  47. DeadMessenger
    February 25th, 2015 @ 9:54 pm

    *sigh*. Yeah, those were the days…fishin’ for sure, and me and my brothers would take our rifles out to “our” spot and practice shooting cans and bottles off of fence posts.

    To this day, I love the smell of gunpowder and barn. =)

  48. DeadMessenger
    February 25th, 2015 @ 9:56 pm

    Maybe you jumped the gun on that “not retarded” thing.

  49. Zohydro
    February 25th, 2015 @ 10:33 pm

    My own hat rack is a bit lumpy these days…

  50. DeadMessenger
    February 25th, 2015 @ 11:09 pm

    I know, right? Those parties should be a safe place from bullying and micro-aggression. Now it’s getting to the point where you can’t even dress up like the opposite gender without somebody looking at you funny, which is really hurtful.