The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

More Tumblr Feminism

Posted on | January 10, 2016 | 119 Comments

The logic of totalitarian hatred is impeccable:

Psst: men will never support actual feminism because actual feminism is about female liberation from males. Think critically about it. Why would the dominant class want to help those they’ve built an entire society around the domination of? They wouldn’t. The only feminism that men support is the ~libfem~ shitfuckery that caters to them; they love that rebranded patriarchal tripe. And why wouldn’t they?

Males are “the dominant class” and “actual feminism is about female liberation from males” and, therefore, short of moving to a lesbian separatist commune somewhere in the Oregon woods, nobody will ever have “actual feminism.” Because men have “built an entire society around the domination of” women, the “only feminism that men support is . . . rebranded patriarchal tripe.” This belief, that systematic male “domination” of women is the defining characteristic of “society,” is the fundamental basis of feminist ideology.

“Marriage means rape and lifelong slavery. . . . We reject marriage both in theory and in practice. . . . Love has to be destroyed. It’s an illusion . . . It may be that sex is a neurotic manifestation of oppression. It’s like a mass psychosis.”
Ti-Grace Atkinson, 1969

“Women are an oppressed class. . . .
“We identify the agents of our oppression as men. . . . All men have oppressed women.”

— Redstockings, 1969

“We are angry because we are oppressed by male supremacy. We have been f–ked over all our lives by a system which is based on the domination of men over women, which defines male as good and female as only as good as the man you are with. It is a system in which heterosexuality is rigidly enforced and Lesbianism rigidly suppressed.”
Ginny Berson, “The Furies,” 1972

“The heart of lesbian-feminist politics . . . is a recognition that heterosexuality as an institution and an ideology is a cornerstone of male supremacy. Therefore, women interested in destroying male supremacy, patriarchy, and capitalism must, equally with lesbians, fight heterosexual domination — or we will never end female oppression.”
Charlotte Bunch, “Not for Lesbians Only,” 1975 (quoted in Materialist Feminism: A Reader in Class, Difference, and Women’s Lives, edited by Rosemary Hennessy and Chrys Ingraham, 1997)

“The radical feminist argument is that men have forced women into heterosexuality in order to exploit them . . .”
Celia Kitzinger, The Social Construction of Lesbianism (1987)

“From the beginning of second-wave feminism, sexuality was identified as a key site of patriarchal domination and women’s resistance to it. . . .
“While heterosexual desires, practices, and relations are socially defined as ‘normal’ and normative, serving to marginalize other sexualities as abnormal and deviant, the coercive power of compulsory heterosexuality derives from its institutionalization as more than merely a sexual relation.”

Stevi Jackson, “Sexuality, Heterosexuality, and Gender Hierarchy: Getting Our Priorities Straight,” in Thinking Straight: The Power, the Promise, and the Paradox of Heterosexuality, edited by Chrys Ingraham (2005)

“Heterosexism is maintained by the illusion that heterosexuality is the norm.”
Susan M. Shaw and Janet Lee, Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions (fifth edition, 2012)

“All women are prisoners and hostages to men’s world. Men’s world is like a vast prison or concentration camp for women. This isn’t a metaphor, it’s reality. Each man is a threat. We can’t escape men.”
Radical Wind, August 2013

“I don’t particularly like babies. They are loud and smelly and, above all other things, demanding . . . time-sucking monsters with their constant neediness. . . . I don’t want a baby. . . . Nothing will make me want a baby. . . . This is why, if my birth control fails, I am totally having an abortion.”
Amanda Marcotte, March 2014

Feminism is a totalitarian movement hostile to men, marriage and motherhood. The Tumblr blogger who rants that men do not support “actual feminism” is certainly correct. If a man really wants to support feminism, all he can do is to commit suicide.



119 Responses to “More Tumblr Feminism”

  1. Daniel Freeman
    January 11th, 2016 @ 6:00 pm

    It’s a tough question. Mandatory military service has the added advantage of eliminating the separation between the army and the citizenry, which can be dangerous, so it’s a twofer. And the Boy Scouts are preparation for it, not a substitute.

  2. NeoWayland
    January 11th, 2016 @ 6:05 pm

    My main objection to mandatory service is that it’s mandatory. That tromps Lady Freedom’s toes, especially in peacetime. I also suspect that once it was in place for the military, some politico would try to put it in place for some other form of government service.

    Still, I think we might need something. Although the Spartan tradition of sending boys out naked to see who lives might be just a tad drastic.

  3. Daniel Freeman
    January 11th, 2016 @ 6:12 pm

    Which is why MRAs exist: because every privilege is someone else’s responsibility, and they used to be symmetrical; but to a large extent, women got “equal rights” by getting rid of their responsibilities while keeping most of their privileges, and even gaining new ones.

  4. Daniel Freeman
    January 11th, 2016 @ 6:18 pm

    Well, obviously it should be combined with a purely defensive stance, like Switzerland and Finland. Peacetime service is so that if the country is ever attacked, the whole thing is one big army.

    It would be obscene to combine mandatory military service with our global adventurism, but I think we can agree that the latter should end.

  5. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 6:58 pm

    Okay, I say no. I am opposed to mandatory military service on moral grounds, one area in which I have moved more libertarian with age. I consider it the height of immorality to compel another to kill and die on my behalf.

    A society lacking volunteers to defend it is not worth preserving. If you have any familiarity with the late Roman Empire you will know that at the end the army was comprised entirely of non-Romans, in many cases of so-called “barbarians” who were granted land to settle in exchange for providing troops for the army. The legions were dead (though there were still military formations carrying some proud numbers and names) and the Roman army no longer had the edge in training and discipline of the late Republic and the Principate. Their tactics and equipment was much the same as the foes they fought.

    There are still physical dangers in our society, but they are on the fringes, far from the sight of today’s urban hipsters. They not only do not serve in the military, but they do not work in the offshore fisheries or on oil rigs or the merchant marine or in logging or as fire fighters. They may watch these professions on “reality TV” at the same time they smugly sneer at the coarse rednecks doing these outlandish jobs. They’re smarter and better and much much more moral than these ignorant hardhats, even as they pass unconsciously by high rise construction in the midst of their own cities, where men casually walk along steel beams hundreds of feet above them.

    So I don’t know what the answer is. How do we instill an appreciation for the dangers that lurk on the edges of our comfortable lives, in a real and non-condescending sense?

  6. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:01 pm

    I do agree with that point. A very real danger, I think, is the split today between the military (or at least that segment of society that enlists) and the larger society.

    And don’t even bring up the Boy Scouts – unless you want the Salon and Vox reading stata to choke on their lattes.

    Okay, bad example. I for one would laugh heartily at the sight of Ezra Klein, for one, turning blue in front of a pumpkin spice soy latte.

  7. Fail Burton
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:01 pm

    The Sad But True Noble Lesbian Queer Theory of Evolution:

    *A sexually androgynous race of humans evolves from slime

    *A few of these humans – cast out of the Garden for their crime of mimicking animal binary sexual behavior – invent murderous weapons in order to kill and sacrifice the animals they worship

    *These rebels use their weapons to overcome the plucky but peaceful vegetarian androgynous community

    *These rebels institute a religious cult of compulsory binary animal sex and put themselves in charge

    *All who cooperate are allowed to be members of this new oppressor class dubbed the “patriarchy”

    *A limit of 50% is set due to overwhelming popularity

    *Noble lesbianism is banished and only a few plucky rebels survive in secret back-to-nature cabals where they hone skills in telepathy, levitation and sorcery they learned from a dying race of lizard-people, usually only to be burned as witches

  8. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:02 pm

    Not certain I agree on that last point. I’d sooner we kill jihadis overseas than watch them kill themselves to make smoking craters on our own soil.

  9. Fail Burton
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:04 pm

    You might be thinking of Rich. Lorde’s shamanic power was more along the lines of “C-I-L-L my landlord.”

  10. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:04 pm

    Dude, that is soooooo a macro-aggression.

    Wonder why nobody complains of those, by the way? Can they not see how pampered and secure they are when all they can complain about are “micro” aggressions?

    Anyway, feminists scorn the dick. Marxists insist on inflicting one on everybody else.

  11. Fail Burton
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:05 pm

    I don’t get it.

  12. NeoWayland
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:06 pm

    I agree we should stop being the world’s cop.

    I’m blanking on the title, but there was a libertarian novel where the newly elected President made the military defensive, concentrating on aniti-missile defenses like the a BB sized particle cloud launched in front of a missile.

  13. Fail Burton
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:06 pm

    The irony is the MRA movement is based on legal rights, not supremacy.

  14. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:07 pm

    I live in Western WA, across the Puget Sound from Seattle. Sure we have espresso stands in the gas stations and hardware stores out here, but, for example, if you know any rural gays they probably drive pickups. And they probably have a gun stashed beneath the seat and maybe an old Bush/Cheney bumper sticker on the rear bumper.

    An old friend who lives in Seattle, on the other hand, had his car keyed (certainly because of the Romney sticker) and had signs taken from his yard. Because tolerance.

  15. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:09 pm

    Throw down a couple shots of Bourbon (or take some massive tokes) and then read some Joseph Campbell.

    It’ll make perfect sense then.

  16. NeoWayland
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:09 pm

    The saying or my second paragraph?

  17. Fail Burton
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:10 pm

    Third Wave Feminism literally celebrates and even brags about their mental illnesses. It’s like a rank in the military, so in intersectionalism one must have a way of displaying one’s rank. They do it by sending up signal flares on blogs and Twitter. It is unique in that respect. Like Rochester said, “That is offering a premium on incapacity: I shall now endeavour to fail.”

  18. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:10 pm

    Rich hell, I was thinking of Rush.

    No, not the radio talk show dude.

    “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”



  19. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:12 pm

    You left out the majikal healing powers and telepathy of the androgynous race.

    Oh, no, wait, there it is… the lizard people! But where does Roswell fit into all of this?

  20. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:13 pm

    As Erma Bombek once noted, the grass is always greener over the septic tank.

  21. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:18 pm

    About five or so years ago I saw a one man (well, actually, one and a half person) stage performance of The Screwtape Letters.

    If it comes near, you I highly recommend it. Excellent adaptation (oh, and the “half” is an actress playing Screwtape’s secretary Toadpipe in mime).

  22. NeoWayland
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:19 pm

    The Third Wave aren’t the only ones.

  23. Fail Burton
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:20 pm

    If 1% of Americans are lesbians, that means 64,000 in every state in the Union, a thing I find hard to believe.

  24. Valerie Stewart
    January 11th, 2016 @ 7:38 pm

    I find it a bit difficult to believe, too.

    One thing I’ve always wondered: if lesbians — and feminist lesbians — why don’t they form a large commune? We very rarely hear of them in Orego, but why not anywhere else?

    I think we know the answers to that… one of them relating to a famous failure in the 70s.

  25. NeoWayland
    January 11th, 2016 @ 8:07 pm

    Wish I could give you more than one upvote on that one. It was a well considered answer.

  26. NeoWayland
    January 11th, 2016 @ 8:10 pm

    As long as we’re clear that it’s some women we’re talking about.

    I have a thing for strong women, they don’t whine and throw tantrums.

  27. NeoWayland
    January 11th, 2016 @ 8:13 pm

    Well, I was trying to give her the benefit of a doubt. Poetry can be pretty powerful stuff.

  28. NeoWayland
    January 11th, 2016 @ 8:17 pm

    One of my high school English teachers inflicted modern poetry on the class. We spent two weeks listening to rock lyrics.

    That was a trip. And a lesson I never forgot.

  29. Finrod Felagund
    January 11th, 2016 @ 8:28 pm

    “Slut!” (/rockyhorror)

  30. Joe Guelph
    January 11th, 2016 @ 8:54 pm

    What failure was that?

  31. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 8:56 pm

    Satanic? You mean like… (da da DUM!)…


    Nope, not my idea. PBS made that connection. Bekuz dey m rilly smirt.

  32. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 9:02 pm

    What that you say, Citizen? Unfairness is occurring?

    This shall not stand! Hand me my broadax!

  33. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 9:05 pm

    When in college I carried in my wallet a piece of paper with Yes lyrics written on it.

    Because totally intense, maaaaan.

  34. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 9:06 pm

    Not nearly as powerful as my right thumb.

    The left is far too powerful for you.

  35. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 9:07 pm

    You know.

    That famous one.

  36. Valerie Stewart
    January 11th, 2016 @ 9:07 pm

    The Furies Collective, which disbanded a year later.

  37. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 9:10 pm

    I think the best estimate now is 2-3% of the US population is gay.

    I don’t think there are any numbers regarding the transsexuals, but they are basically a rounding error.

    Now, I firmly believe in leaving them to hell alone. I only wish they would extend us the same courtesy, because were we, as a nation, ever to act towards them the way they claim we do, they would cease to exist.

  38. Fail Burton
    January 11th, 2016 @ 9:14 pm

    The saying.

  39. Fail Burton
    January 11th, 2016 @ 9:16 pm

    There is no movement in American history I am aware of which proudly wears mental illness on their sleeve. I’m talking about actual lists. See: Strange Horizons Diverse Editors List.

  40. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 9:52 pm

    The paradox is that as a society some of us strive to isolate danger from our loved ones.

    That leads to the rest of society coming to believe that the dangers some of us face are imaginary. You can look to Col. Jessop’s “You want me on that wall!” speech for both an example, and an illustration of how the comfortable classes mock us, as Jessop was (rightly) the bad guy.

    Back when that movie came out I had a discussion with a cowworker who stated that Jessop was a tragic hero, betrayed by an uncaring system. I responded that he was far from heroic, as when his subordinates took the fall for his orders he lift them to hang. A heroic leader would stand up for his men.

    So the point is, will you die for those under your responsibility? Dying for friends and family is easy. Even the proggies will claim they would, though you and I would suspect they’re only saying what they think they ought.

    Hypocrisy being the tribute vice pays to virtue.

  41. Prime Director
    January 11th, 2016 @ 9:55 pm

    sex is to feminism as work is to marxism, kinda sorta

  42. Daniel Freeman
    January 11th, 2016 @ 10:09 pm

    My point is that while women can choose to act responsibly, it is self-driven. They will not be held accountable by society in anything like the way men are. Not even within an order of magnitude.

  43. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 10:15 pm

    All analogies are valid to the point they break down.

  44. Steve Skubinna
    January 11th, 2016 @ 10:36 pm

    There have been millennial collectives across America practically since the Founding. Nearly all, to my knowledge, have failed (though the Shakers produced some beautiful and practical furniture which is still copied to this day).

    It amazes me that some feminists haven’t sequestered themselves in Montana or North Dakota or Alaska and set up a utopian community to prove their theories. Go for it, gals! Money, mouth, some assembly required.

  45. Fail Burton
    January 11th, 2016 @ 11:26 pm

    They await cloning. Otherwise it’s a die-off.

  46. Scottie M
    January 11th, 2016 @ 11:41 pm
  47. Joe Joe
    January 12th, 2016 @ 1:01 am

    We may not have a choice. Those that are using these whiners will take it from us.

  48. Joe Joe
    January 12th, 2016 @ 1:22 am

    Add some eggs.

  49. Joe Joe
    January 12th, 2016 @ 1:26 am

    Monty Python.

  50. Joe Joe
    January 12th, 2016 @ 1:41 am

    How feminism succeeded in destroying family relationships
    January 8, 2016 By Erin Pizzey

    Women were also moving into powerful positions in the education system and in universities, civil service and international organisation like the United Nations. What no one seemed to notice is that feminists were quietly appointing other feminists to jobs and slowly men were
    being pushed out of many spheres in the job markets.

    A rising number of broken men began to surface on the internet telling of how false accusations meant that they were dragged from their homes by partners who no longer had to offer any evidence to back up their allegations. In Western democracies everyone has the right to be considered innocent until proved guilty. Men lost that right and they were deemed guilty and had to prove their innocence. Men lost their children when vicious women decided that they would abort any attempt to let a father see his children and the courts did nothing about it.

    As the years went by the suicide rates for men began to rise and far outstrip the rate for women and nothing was done. I was alone for many years trying to get my voice heard. It was a lonely place to be because it was impossible to get people to understand what I could see was happening. People tended to write me off as paranoid. Nothing I wrote could be published because editors tended to appoint women journalists to interview me with the result that I was silenced. There was an equal censorship in publishing houses. The editors wanted novels about women victims and brutal men.

    The feminists running refuges/shelters falsified research figures. Time and time again figures for women who were brutalised were given but no mentioned was made for men who were also victims. Figures for women who were murdered were also given to the press but there was no mention of men dying in the hands of their female partners. None of the feminist
    research figures stand up to scrutiny. International evidenced-based research has been with us for many years and the results always argued that in intimate partner violence both men and women are equally guilty but this information fell on deaf ears and no government was interested.

    No attempt has been made to stem the tide of demonising men and boys…