The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminism: Impossible to Parody

The thing about covering feminism is that craziness piles up so fast that it’s hard to keep up. No sooner do I get through with one wacko — recovering cocaine addict and topless Bernie Sanders supporter Tiernan Hebron — than someone calls my attention to another nutjob. Or two, as in the case of Katherine […]

Recovering Coke Addicts for ‘Equality’!

A lot of stupid things are marketed as “feminism” in the 21st century, as the Feminist™ brand has become more obviously a racket than a political movement. People get rich peddling the Feminist™ brand, and the gullible young women targeted as the market for this product seldom stop to ask the simple question, “Cui bono?” Who benefits from the […]

“Open Up Your Hate And Let It Flow Into Me”

— by Wombat-socho Or, Not Long Before The End With a little more than a week to go before MidAmericon II closes up nominations for the Hugo, both the Kindly Ones in charge of running Sad Puppies 4 and Our Supreme Dark Lord have prepared lists for your consideration. Predictably, there’s been a rush of […]

In The Mailbox: 03.24.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho Apologies for the lack of posts these last few days; have not been 100% but am better now. OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Ted Cruz Has A Gift Da Tech Guy: Geert Wilders On Trial in the Netherlands While Jihadis Attack Brussels The Political Hat: The Economic Racket – Screwing Over Western […]

Gnostic Feminism

In a post Sunday (“Feminist Tumblr: ‘Broken People’ and the Tragedy of the Darwinian Dead End”), I made reference to how “an evil idea has flourished in our time . . . latter-day gnosticism,” remarking: “When theologian Peter Jones wrote, ‘Gnosticism and feminism are a match made in heaven,’ he was only half-right — this ‘match’ […]

Everybody Hates @PennyRed (And Really, How Can You Blame Them?)

  “I have spent most of my twenties single, sometimes by choice, and sometimes because I was dating men and unable to locate one of those who didn’t try to hold me back or squash me down.” — Laurie Penny, Feb. 14, 2016 Last time we checked in with British “genderqueer” feminist Laurie Penny, the […]

Feminism Is a Cult (and Feminists Who Say They Don’t Hate Men Are Lying)

Three quick hits. Item Number One: the idea that males are socialized to work hard to provide for women is so disingenuous. because like it has nothing to do with benevolence or ~female privilege~ and everything to do with making women dependent on males to perpetuate and uphold male dominance over women. like if it […]


  Islamic terrorists struck early Tuesday morning in Europe, as bombs exploded in the Brussels airport. Early reports indicate at least two bombs were used in the attack, which came just days after authorities in Belgium arrested a fugitive sought in the 2015 massacre in Paris. UPDATE 4:45 a.m. ET: The exact number of killed […]

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