The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Anti-Marriage and Anti-Motherhood: Feminism’s War Against the Family

Posted on | June 29, 2016 | 53 Comments


Feminism is the ideology of the Darwinian Dead End. It is a rationalization of human extinction, a philosophy that justifies self-imposed sterility as more personally fulfilling than motherhood. Because feminists hate babies, they advocate abortion, promote contraception, and encourage hatred of men, marriage and heterosexuality, per se.

“Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the Women’s Movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage.”
Sheila Cronan, “Marriage,” 1970, in Radical Feminism, edited by Anne Koedt, et al. (1973)

“We want to destroy . . . polar role definitions of male and female, man and woman. We want to destroy patriarchal power at its source, the family. . .. We want to destroy the structure of culture as we know it, its art, its churches, its laws . . .
“The nuclear family is the school of values in a sexist, sexually repressed society.”

Andrea Dworkin, Woman Hating (1974)

“The first condition for escaping from forced motherhood and sexual slavery is escape from the patriarchal institution of marriage.”
Alison M. Jaggar, Feminist Politics and Human Nature (1988)

“The view that heterosexuality is a key site of male power is widely accepted within feminism. Within most feminist accounts, heterosexuality is seen not as an individual preference, something we are born like or gradually develop into, but as a socially constructed institution which structures and maintains male domination, in particular through the way it channels women into marriage and motherhood.”
— Diane Richardson, “Theorizing Heterosexuality,” in Rethinking Sexuality (2000)

“Heterosexuality and masculinity . . . are made manifest through patriarchy, which normalizes men as dominant over women.”
Sara Carrigan Wooten, The Crisis of Campus Sexual Violence: Critical Perspectives on Prevention and Response (2015)

Feminism is a movement devoted to destroying the family. Feminist theory condemns marriage and motherhood as institutions of “male domination,” which is why taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood is sacred to feminists: The road to “equality” is paved with dead babies.

Misery loves company, and the leaders of this anti-male hate movement therefore encourage young women to pursue lifestyles that will lead them to the same attitude of embittered resentment that defines feminism. Crucial to this project is the promotion of abnormal sexual behavior.

“Sex is about reproductive biology,” as I have previously explained. “Human beings are mammals, and any eighth-grader can figure out what that means in terms of sex. Once you understand this scientific definition of sex, everything else is just details.” Rejecting this normal common-sense understanding of sex, feminists adopt intellectual theories that are directly hostile to the reproductive purposes of human sexuality. One obvious reason for this hostility is because so many leaders of the feminist movement are lesbians:

Australian feminist Denise Thompson described how “countless numbers of lesbians” joined the feminist movement [in the 1960s and ’70s] because it offered them “the possibility of a cultural community of women whose primary commitment was to other women rather than to men.” Furthermore, Thompson added, the rise of the feminist movement produced a “mass exodus of feminist women from the confining structures of heterosexuality” in such numbers as to raise questions about “the institution of heterosexuality in the consciousness of those feminists who, for whatever reason, chose not to change their sexual orientation.” . . .
Women “changed their sexual/social orientation from men to women,” Thompson explained, “in response to the feminist political critique of their personal situations of social subordination.” If the personal is political (as feminists say) and if women’s relationships with men are “confining structures” of “social subordination,” why would any feminist be heterosexual?

That quote from my book Sex Trouble is worth repeating because it helps explain why so many young women who mistakenly believe they can be both feminist and heterosexual discover that attempting this only results in personal misery. Heterosexual feminists become permanently unhappy in their romantic lives, because the movement’s ideology — a paranoid anti-male conspiracy theory — was so significantly influence by lesbians.

Left to right: Jill Johnston, Mary Daly, Marilyn Frye, Sheila Jeffreys.

Women who had no interest in marrying men or having children (Jill Johnston, Mary Daly, Marilyn Frye, Sheila Jeffreys, et al.) could demonize men as patriarchal oppressors and be celebrated by their feminist comrades for doing so. Yet any heterosexual woman who adopts this hateful ideology will find that her feminism causes decent, honest and intelligent men to avoid her. She is forced to seek boyfriends among the vile dregs of the “progressive” movement, and she will not find good men among the corrupt adherents of socialism and other immoral causes.


Heterosexual feminists like self-proclaimed “Shameless Slut” Paloma Brierley Newton are notoriously promiscuous. All decent men shun such women, so that in seeking male companionship, the heterosexual feminist invariably finds herself scraping the scum from the bottom of the barrel. This in turn leads to profoundly unhealthy outcomes.

“I am able to embrace my herpes positive status. . . .
“I have no shame in who I am. . . .
“I have sex, great sex. I write about sex. I talk openly about sex.”

Emily Depasse, April 18, 2016

The disease-infected feminist Emily Depasse boasts of her “herpes positive status.” She is proud to call herself “The Carrie Bradshaw of Herpes” and seeks to “destigmatize” her disease, because otherwise someone might think irresponsible promiscuity is a bad thing. No one is really surprised to read Emily Depasse’s declaration on her blog: “I do not foresee myself having children, nor do I really want them. . . . Yes, I am self-admittedly too selfish to have children.” The Death Cult ideology of feminism celebrates selfishness for the same reason feminists celebrate lesbianism, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases. Anything that leads young women toward the Darwinian Dead End is good, from the perspective of feminism, which is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It.

This destructive purpose explains why feminists are never content merely to ruin their own lives and wallow in their misery. No, the feminist must encourage others to emulate her self-destructive example.

Having made such a disastrous public spectacle of her life — her name is now practically synonymous with herpes — Emily Depasse’s future romantic prospects are obviously rather bleak. In addition to justifying herself with sour-grapes rationalizations, she must also disparage the aspirations of other women for whom marriage and motherhood are major sources of happiness. At her blog, Emily Depasse describes her decision to cease associating with a former friend who “became toxic” to her. What happened?

I think the one phrase that echoes in my head (probably more often than it should) was when this person said, “If you met the right man, you’d want to drop everything to get married right now. But you have goals and dreams and things, don’t you, Emily.” . . .
This person feels that her sole purpose in life is to be a wife and mother . . . But along her path to becoming a wife, she seemed to lose herself in the process. . . . Your quest for happiness and lack of self-esteem eventually manifests itself in all facets of your personality, and thus, you became a draining and toxic individual. . . .
From the moment I cut this person out of my life, I felt such a weight lifted from my shoulders. It felt freeing that my lips no longer had to mouth her name, or voice one more remark regarding my negative feelings towards her.

Translation: “Only women who lack self-esteem want husbands and families. Getting married and having children makes you toxic.”

The belief that marriage is incompatible with “goals and dreams and things” has been a central theme in feminist discourse for more than 50 years, since Betty Friedan compared suburban housewives to inmates of Nazi concentration camps (which implies that every husband is Hitler). Feminists have spent decades declaring that marriage is “slavery,” a prison of “male domination” from which women must “escape,” and this anti-marriage ideology has come to define the feminist movement to such a degree that young feminists now simply take it for granted. The young woman who calls herself a “feminist” in 2016 thereby effectively declares she has no desire for a husband or children. Having thus rejected human sexuality in its normal manifestation (i.e., as reproductive biology), the feminist may next begin to wonder, “Why bother with men at all?” Considering the low quality of men available as partners for the herpes-infected feminist, this is not an unreasonable question. No one would be surprised if Emily Depasse decided to reject the “subjugation of women by means of a phallocentric sexuality,” to quote Denise Thompson’s argument for “Lesbianism as a Political Practice.”

Feminism requires an all-encompassing contempt for men, based on a fanatical belief in male inferiority, and Emily Depasse has a proper scapegoat on which to focus blame for her misery. “The man who infected me just spat me out,” she writes, after she let him use her as “a living sex toy.” Alas, this was her choice, her decision. She practically stalked him for two years from the time they met until they finally had sex, and yet she is so invested in her victimhood that she cannot acknowledge her own bad judgment or her responsibility for having pursued him. Nothing that goes wrong in a feminist’s life can possibly be her fault, you see. The blame must be externalized, and every man in the world must be made to suffer in her campaign of sadistic revenge — “Male tears!”


Perhaps they are tears of pity, or maybe her father’s tears of shame at the way his daughter has brought such disgrace on herself and her family.

Anyway, today was #HeterosexualPrideDay on Twitter, and no one can accuse me of failing to do my part for the cause.



53 Responses to “Anti-Marriage and Anti-Motherhood: Feminism’s War Against the Family”

  1. CrustyB
    June 29th, 2016 @ 10:53 pm

    A very liberal friend of mine (long time ago) was a pastor with the Night Ministry in Chicago. She was telling me that homosexuals often have to wear adult diapers by the time they’re 40 or 50 years old. Their rectums are so stretched out from years of “gay love” that they’ve lost bowel control.


  2. mole
    June 29th, 2016 @ 11:02 pm

    Your daughter in law looks brutally oppressed in that picture, you can almost see her overwhelming miser at being shackled to an oppressive slave master through her mask of extreme happiness.

    I might also note the reason she cut out her “toxic friend” is so she doesnt have to see triggering images like Staceys above. Imagine convincing yourself that being shackled to a man is worse than Belsen and yet your facebook is full of happy pictures.
    It would be a constant signal of cognitive dissonance in your otherwise perfect theoretical worldview.

  3. Daniel Freeman
    June 29th, 2016 @ 11:56 pm

    1. If feminism is cancer, as Milo says; and

    2. Masculinity and domesticity are toxic, as feminists say; then

    3. Manliness and pair-bonding are chemotherapy for anti-natalism. Also,

    4. SWPLs have a birth dearth, because androgyny isn’t sexy; and

    5. Submission is feminine, so women can’t force masculinity; hence

    6. Western Civ needs the manosphere to virilize men.

  4. Daniel Freeman
    June 30th, 2016 @ 12:03 am

    The belief that marriage is incompatible with “goals and dreams and things” has been a central theme in feminist discourse for more than 50 years, since Betty Friedan compared suburban housewives to inmates of Nazi concentration camps (which implies that every husband is Hitler).

    This brings to mind the Godwin-Warhol Law: In the future, everyone will be Hitler for 15 minutes.

  5. mole
    June 30th, 2016 @ 12:46 am

    Oh and is this sort of depravity legal in the USA?
    Apparently we are sweet with viable babies being left to die here in Oz.
    “…THE Australian Christian Lobby says Queensland will be shocked by revelations 27 Queensland babies were born alive then left to die after failed late-term abortions.

    Australian Christian Lobby Queensland Director Wendy Francis said the revelations were made by the Minister for Health, Cameron Dick, in response to a question on notice from Cleveland MP Mark Robinson.

    Mr Dick revealed that last year 27 Queensland babies were born alive after late-term abortions, and allowed to die. It would seem that medical assistance was not rendered. This is more than one baby per fortnight….”

    So how does “MY BODY-MY CHOICE” get around the inconvenient fact its not in your body anymore?

  6. Joe Joe
    June 30th, 2016 @ 1:48 am

    Have you seen this?

    RSM should read this article and comment.

  7. Rhino ?
    June 30th, 2016 @ 7:13 am

    Contemplating being the father of such a person explains the allure of honor killings. Who wouldn’t want to expunge the shame of having a broadcasting, herpes-infested, shameless slut of a daughter?

    Thankfully, killing such people is not a norm in our society, for this person wouldn’t last very long.

  8. robertstacymccain
    June 30th, 2016 @ 7:37 am

    “Who wouldn’t want to expunge the shame of having a broadcasting, herpes-infested, shameless slut of a daughter?”

    The Feminist Tell-All Memoir genre — a phenomenon I first noticed more than 15 years ago — has become so widely accepted that young women don’t even think of the potential consequences. You see this all the time in feminist Tumblr: “Let’s list all our mental illnesses and sexual perversions on our ‘about’ page, because total revelation to complete strangers is cool.”

    No. No, actually it’s not. It is one thing for a wealthy celebrity, well-established in their career,to reveal SHOCKING SECRETS of their decadent youth. It is something else entirely for a young person — a college girl or a 20-something — to go spewing out their every fault and weakness on the Internet. The celebrity is getting PAID to write her tell-all memoir and, besides, she’s already pretty rich. Whereas you, the college sophomore blabbering about your bipolar disorder and your bisexuality on Tumblr, well, you’re not rich or famous and nobody would pay you a dime for your revelations, as crazy bisexual Tumblrinas are a dime a dozen.

    THINK! Stop and THINK!

  9. Jack_of_Spades
    June 30th, 2016 @ 8:12 am

    …and yet today’s women complain that men won’t commit, that they have a “fear” of commitment.

    Of course, they do have a point. Magazines like Playboy and Maxim are all about bagging as many chicks as possible, not finding and winning The One True Love of Your Life.

    And don’t get me started on the enduring popularity of romance novels. I mean with women, since men as a rule hate them.

    But you have to wonder on which world feminists live?

  10. Dunning Kruger
    June 30th, 2016 @ 9:22 am

    In her defense, I’m kinda glad she doesn’t want kids.

  11. Grandson Of TheGrumpus
    June 30th, 2016 @ 10:50 am

    I think they’re a dime a gross, actually…

    As to your comment in the piece on male tears: perhaps shame is a component, but I’m certain it’s more so a deep sadness for the stagnant painful life that the daughter is choosing.

    Though at the time of embarkation on such a journey it might seem otherwise, ‘wickedness never is happiness.’

  12. Grandson Of TheGrumpus
    June 30th, 2016 @ 10:59 am

    And to be completely honest, I appreciate her and others announcing their “social disease”… and STD, (*grin*)!

    It saves my descendants time and effort by eliminating those proggies from consideration as prospective mates… assuming that their personality is loudly disagreeable enough to warn everyone off anyway.

  13. Daniel Freeman
    June 30th, 2016 @ 12:06 pm

    Easy: they were lying, so they don’t care when we point out the inconsistencies in their lies. They just ignore it and double down, demanding first-year infanticide be a trivial misdemeanor, then demanding decriminalization, etc. without end. No matter how many concessions, their death cult will never be satisfied until “I brought you into this world, I can take you out” is literally true.

  14. Daniel Freeman
    June 30th, 2016 @ 12:42 pm

    Ordinary men are completely invisible to the kind of woman who gets to talk about her love life in national publications, and why should a high-status man commit to her? Why should he give up his de facto harem and risk losing half his stuff on a woman’s whim, when she has spent her whole life aggressively avoiding the question of what traits he might find desirable in a lifemate?

    And I think the One True Love myth has done more damage to family formation and natalism than anything, even more than feminism, because its perniciousness is better hidden. For example, I would love to see data on American Christian wedding rates before and after the “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” phenomenon.

  15. Kirby McCain
    June 30th, 2016 @ 2:43 pm

    Not being angry all the time, another drawback to being hetro.

  16. DeadMessenger
    June 30th, 2016 @ 3:05 pm

    Props to you, sir. That anecdote was simultaneously informative and TMI. It’s not often you get that in a mere three sentences.

  17. DeadMessenger
    June 30th, 2016 @ 3:09 pm

    +1000 for #3

  18. DeadMessenger
    June 30th, 2016 @ 3:10 pm

    Good one.

  19. Steve Skubinna
    June 30th, 2016 @ 3:14 pm

    I have heard the same, several times. I have never decided whether to believe it or chalk it up to gays trying to squick out straights.

    I still don’t believe “fisting” is real. I think that’s them trying to make straights squirm. But me, I can’t stand having my prostate checked and that’s one finger.

  20. DeadMessenger
    June 30th, 2016 @ 3:15 pm

    And, lots of people are saying to their parents, “You brought me into this world, now I can take you out” by sending their “troublesome” elderly parents to hospices, where they’re kept comatose until you feel like pulling the plug.

    Note that sometimes the situation demands this, but not always, and “elderly euthanasia” is getting a lot easier these days, with the help of inherently selfish progressives, of course.

  21. Steve Skubinna
    June 30th, 2016 @ 3:15 pm

    The same applies to some professional body builders, at least the ones using steroids. Roid rage, boils, and incontinence! I can see why that pastime is so appealing!

    Oh, and bitch tits too. Look in the back of a body building magazine and you’ll see ads for plastic surgeons specializing in removing them.

  22. Steve Skubinna
    June 30th, 2016 @ 3:19 pm

    Exactly. Nearly all of these feminists live in an environment where “masculine” is defined by Obamacare Pajama Boy. When they discuss what masculinity means they don’t really know what they’re talking about.

  23. DeadMessenger
    June 30th, 2016 @ 3:27 pm

    When I was young and knew everything, I thought arranged marriages were some horrible form of slavery. When I got older and actually came to know a few things in reality, I began to see that by and large, they are a great idea.

    I also learned that if a person is generous, unselfish, happy, loving and willing to compromise on unimportant life issues, he or she has ten thousands of potential “true loves.”

  24. DeadMessenger
    June 30th, 2016 @ 3:32 pm

    Somebody needs to explain to Ms. Depasse that when you get married, you don’t “lose yourself,” you find more of yourself. As Mr. and Mrs. Army Bob could confirm for us already.

  25. DeadMessenger
    June 30th, 2016 @ 3:36 pm

    From Denise Thompson quote: “…feminists who, for whatever reason, chose not to change their sexual orientation.”

    Wait, wut???

    But…but…haven’t we been told that people don’t choose their sexual orientation, it’s a part of their nature that they’re born with?

    We can’t have it both ways, so which is it, progressives?

  26. DeadMessenger
    June 30th, 2016 @ 3:46 pm


  27. CrustyB
    June 30th, 2016 @ 3:55 pm

    I don’t know how true it is either but, believe me, this woman was progresssive as hell and had no reason to lie about these people. I don’t even want to relate the tranny story she told me.

  28. Finrod Felagund
    June 30th, 2016 @ 4:04 pm

    Wuv. Twue wuv.

  29. jakee308
    June 30th, 2016 @ 5:28 pm

    Some have said that lesbianism is a natural outlet for women and they tend to have the personalities and predilections that embrace it.

    And it started long ago. While the men were off hunting the women were surrounded by each other with no other outlet. It would be a natural situation to be comforted and loved by the other women or one special one as a temporary substitute for her man.

    Women are not so resistant towards the idea or the surrounding support system.

    And child birth is no fun. Dangerous and painful and with the man unable to understand the process she naturally had to turn to her sisters for comfort and assistance.

    That said, the species cannot and will not propagate and thus continue into the future if lesbianism is embraced fully and men rejected completely. And any woman who can’t see that is rejecting her being the gateway to the future for the species.

    Which at the very least must set up some very strong tensions among such a woman’s psyche. Enough to cause them to become mentally unstable.

    Men have other issues but none quite so completely at odds with reality. (women however make up for this and create a tension all their own.)

  30. Steve Skubinna
    June 30th, 2016 @ 5:47 pm

    Yeah, the guy who first told me about the diapers was gay. He said that in SF whenever somebody audibly farted, another would invariably say “At least both sides still touch!”

  31. Steve Skubinna
    June 30th, 2016 @ 5:49 pm

    Mawwiage… bwings us togevver today.

  32. Steve Skubinna
    June 30th, 2016 @ 5:50 pm

    Orientation is completely fluid.

    Unless you’re gay, in which case you were born that way.

  33. Quartermaster
    June 30th, 2016 @ 6:08 pm

    You’re not supposed to notice those hate facts you bigoted homophobe.

  34. Mushrikoon
    June 30th, 2016 @ 6:08 pm

    What made warehousing the elderly possible?

    “Social Security”

  35. Quartermaster
    June 30th, 2016 @ 6:09 pm

    Mrs. has accomplished her mission in finding her patriarchal oppressor.

  36. bob from the south
    June 30th, 2016 @ 6:26 pm

    You’re calling it feminism but it just sounds like the logical result of the whole American individualist “I got my rights” culture. “Women are slaves”, who else apart from Americans care whether they are “slaves”? It used to be a romantic metaphor, “I’m your slave”.

    Oh I guess you’ve convinced some Brits that they can be defacto Americans too, I hear they’re all saying “literally” and “OMG” all the time now. I’m just saying I think the roots are much deeper than you realise, the cancer is more widespread.

  37. Quartermaster
    June 30th, 2016 @ 6:29 pm

    He’s an OCS grad. Whether the OCS is at Newport, Benning, Quantico, or Maxwell, efficiency is the name of the game.

  38. Steve Skubinna
    June 30th, 2016 @ 8:53 pm

    Hey, I’m an OCS grad. Newport.

    My Dad graduated from there in ’52 and ended up retiring after 27 years. He was in the second year of the school and used to say his kids would have no problems getting college degrees – the smart ones would get scholarships, and the dumb ones could go to Annapolis.

    Speaking of Quantico, my roommate at Newport was a former Marine. So he and I, ex-Army, had the place wired. I never knew if they screwed up putting us together or figured it was the best way to minimize the damage we’d do.

  39. Steve Skubinna
    June 30th, 2016 @ 8:55 pm

    Used to be, your kids and grandkids were “social security.” But thanks to the benevolent state, it’s more cost effective to stuff the parents into a home than to have them move in or have the family pool resources to care for them.

  40. Steve Skubinna
    June 30th, 2016 @ 8:58 pm

    Well, the practitioners are calling it feminism. RSM is reading (God bless him) and quoting from the same books used by Women’s Studies programs across the US.

    Of course it all stems from the same poisoned well, Marxist post modernism.

  41. Quartermaster
    June 30th, 2016 @ 10:39 pm

    You had mentioned that you had gone to OCS in the Navy. Since you weren’t an Airedale, I knew you went in my old stomping grounds in Newport. The east coast QM ‘A’ school was in the fleet training center at Newport in ’72. They were still basing destroyers in Newport at the time, but the number was decreasing.

    I loved Newport. I went over to Special Services and took the sailing course, which was fun, then spent my spare time in a Mercury, single handing most of the time, bumming around Narraganset Bay.

    There were a couple of Ossifers that took the course with me that looked down on me. Another Officer was a Dentist. I had eaten a box of Cracker Jacks in the terminal at Orlando and had a popcorn hull impacted under my gums and I was in the chair in the periodontist’s office when he came, looked down at me and said “I know you from sailing class!” I said “uhnhnhuh” in response, and both Dentist’s laughed. I also became the subject of the Perio’s lecture the next afternoon. He said I saved his life since he had no idea what he was going to talk about until he saw what was bugging me. He took several pics and I heard he had a high old time the next day from the guy who was in the sailing course with me.

    I later met those Ossifers on the water. The had a Rhodes 19 footer to my 15′ Mercury. I sailed rings around them. Literally. They should have been able to beat me with 4′ more of waterline.

  42. mole
    June 30th, 2016 @ 10:39 pm

    Your ability to raise functional, working children was your retirement plan.
    Still is in a lot of traditional countries.

  43. DeadMessenger
    July 1st, 2016 @ 2:35 am

    Speaking of Ossifers. My Dad was Navy, and got a battleline commission during the Korean war. Not sure about why; he won’t talk about those days much, so I’m sure it’s horrible.

    But later, when I was fixing to graduate from HS, the armed forces sure wanted a smart, take-charge girl like me, and I tested for all branches, but wanted JAG Corp. I was a Daddy’s girl and wanted to follow in his (and my grandfather’s) military footsteps, preferably Navy. My Dad told me to give it up, that there was no way that I was prepared to take orders. I said, “Dad, I’m not going to take orders, I’m going to give them.” Not sure when I ever heard him laugh his ass off like that before or since. Later, the Navy came back and said they wanted to send me to med school, and Harvard if I wanted, but I said JAG or nothing. So they said “OK, nothing” and that was the end of my Navy dream, and Dad laughed heartily again. =) So I went to engineering school instead, and now I’ve been unemployed for 7 months, lol. Wait. That’s not lol.

  44. DeadMessenger
    July 1st, 2016 @ 3:01 am

    A gay guy I knew at work would say “That queen could suck the whole room up,” every time this other gay guy would bend over. And frankly, I don’t really need that sort of imagery.

    Unbelieveably, early in my engineering career, I was a support engineer in an off-shift manufacturing area, where every single other employee besides me was gay. Reason being, the shift manager owned a local gay bar, and hired the patrons (except engineers). Criminy Christmas, the stories I could tell.

    Which brings up the Orlando shooter.

    Once I went to a big, new dance club-slash-gay bar in Orlando with a bunch of my gay friends from work. No one had been there before, and it was a pretty good drive, but was new and they wanted to check it out. My friends walked right in, but the burly gay bouncer at the door blocked my way in and said, “You know this is a gay bar?” My friends stepped in and told him that I was with them, so he let me in. I asked them, “How did he know that I’m straight?” and they rolled their eyes and said it was obvious, and plus, I was a woman and not likely to cause trouble.

    This lesson makes me wonder why they let the Orlando shooter in the bar at all, unless…you know…

    I’ll tell you Skubina, I hope some day we can meet for a few drinks (shots of whiskey, please) and share funny/weird stories. Mr. DM has a bunch, too.

  45. DeadMessenger
    July 1st, 2016 @ 3:01 am

    You gotta tell the tranny story now, after that build-up.

  46. DeadMessenger
    July 1st, 2016 @ 3:24 am

    Thank you.

  47. DeadMessenger
    July 1st, 2016 @ 3:26 am

    And a manly oppressor he is!

  48. DeadMessenger
    July 1st, 2016 @ 3:37 am

    Jakee, we agree on a lot of things, but not ancient women turning to each other for love. Sure, I think that gayness has been around for milennia, but I don’t think it’s ever been more than 2%, and I think that in a lot of ancient cultures, that 2% could get you seriously killed as a freak of nature by the others in your society.

    There is no way in ten hells that a non-mentally-ill straight woman would get desperate enough to turn lesbian. I can definitively say that there is literally zero-point-zero chance that I myself could take “pleasure” in another woman, and if my thoughts and experiences are typical of heterosexual women, then point proved.

    Further, men think linearly, and so, yes, they think differently than women, who think non-linearly because they typically have a lot more balls in the air, responsibility-wise, than men do at a single point in time. God made us different in this way, because He’s totally smart and awesome.

    Besides those things, we agree, as usual. =)

    p.s. As for men and childbirth, he doesn’t have to understand, he just has to be available so he can be blamed.

  49. DeadMessenger
    July 1st, 2016 @ 3:47 am

    Well, because they don’t see it. In small towns in the Bible Belt and rural areas you see it.

    This is a problem with city living, I believe. Because when a woman sees a man sweaty and dirty and tanned and all muscled up…well…that changes everything.

  50. DeadMessenger
    July 1st, 2016 @ 3:55 am

    Of course America exports its toxic culture, but its not America’s fault, per se, don’t you see? It’s the fault of depraved humanity in general, that accepts such things. The Brits could reject it, but they don’t, because they are just as depraved as the Americans, and everyone else on Earth, and throughout history.

    It’s the story of the Bible, actually.