The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Charlie Sheen Agrees With Smitty

Posted on | April 20, 2011 | 12 Comments

“I would disband the Fed, like now. Shut that motherf****r down now, and send the I.R.S. to prison.”
Charlie Sheen, in his “Violent Torpedo of Truth” show Tuesday in Washington, D.C.

While I’d have a hard time picturing Smitty banging seven-gram rocks of cocaine and cohabiting with two porn “goddesses,” when it comes to abolishing the Federal Reserve system, I’m pretty sure Smitty and the Warlock are on the same page. “Winning!”

UPDATE: Linked by Mr. G. — thanks! Charlie Sheen’s visit to D.C. caused a minor scandal that didn’t involve coke or hookers, Kerry Picket reports:

DC’s Metropolitan Police Department rolled out the red carpet for Mr. Sheen by providing a high speed police escort from Dulles airport to the show’s venue downtown. . . .
Mr. Sheen arrived almost an hour late to his show due to a child custody hearing in Los Angeles with his ex-wife Brooke Mueller.
According to the Daily Caller, the TV actor said upon his arrival at the show, “I just landed.” He added, “We had a police escort and we ran more red lights than Brooke Mueller heading to a pawn shop.”

More than half of D.C.’s homicides go unsolved, but the police can make sure Charlie Sheen isn’t late for his show.


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