The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

HOLY FREAKING CRAP! Casey Anthony Becomes the O.J. Simpson of Baby-Killers

Posted on | July 5, 2011 | 129 Comments

The Florida jury just acquitted her of killing her 2-year-old, and I expect her soon to announce that she will now go hunting  the “real killers” . . .

UPDATE: The Orlando Sentinel:

The verdict means 25-year-old Anthony was found not guilty of all charges except for four counts of providing false information to law enforcement officer. She will be spared a death sentence, but could still potentially face years behind bars in a Florida prison.
She will be sentenced Thursday at 9 a.m.
Jurors deliberated for less than 11 hours over two days, pondering the witness testimony and hundreds of pieces evidence they were presented with over the several-week trial. The jury found Anthony not-guilty of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter of a child.

Frankly, I thought she deserved the death penalty for hogging up endless hours of cable-TV news coverage, but apparently that’s not a capital felony in Florida.

UPDATE II: Donald Douglas is updating what is sure to be a comprehensive aggregation and already has video of the lying murderous slut’s reaction to her acquittal:

While Casey has been acquitted of murder, she is certainly guilty of being a lying slut but — just like hogging up cable-news coverage — that’s not a death-penalty crime in Florida.

Professor Glenn Reynolds says the moral of the story is, “Don’t talk to the cops.” No, I’d say the moral is, “Never trust a lying slut.” Or challenge my equanimity, for that matter.

UPDATE III: An Orlando TV station declares that the trial “captivated the nation.” Which is, I suppose, a way of saying that TV ran wall-to-wall coverage for the benefit of idiots who were “captivated,” which no sane person could have been. Some postgraduate student of communication theory will undoubtedly write his Ph.D. dissertation on what the Casey Anthony saga tells us about the process by which network TV producers decide which crimes to turn into media circuses.


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