The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats Nominate Pro-Abortion Lesbian Feminist for Congress in Texas

  Yesterday, I explained that Democrats have nominated an anti-white hate-monger to challenge Republican Pete Sessions in Texas’s 32nd Congressional District. Today, I’m highlighting another extremist Democrat in Texas, Gina Ortiz Jones, who finished first in a five-way primary, with 42% of the vote and then defeated Rick Trevino in the May runoff, to challenge […]

Sex, Power, Weakness and Evil

“I would be happy to give [Bill Clinton] a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their Presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.” — Nina Burleigh, 1998 “Feminists keep trying to explain Weinstein in terms of […]

Harvey Weinstein, Ashley Judd and the Democrat Party’s Doubtful Future

Harvey Weinstein in 1997 (left); Ashley Judd in Kiss the Girls (right. In 1997, 29-year-old Ashley Judd was one of Hollywood’s hottest young actresses, and 45-year-old Harvey Weinstein was one of the most powerful movie producers in the world. His company, Miramax Films, had been bought by Disney for $60 million in 1993, and the […]

Liberal Feminism, Radical Feminism and the Ultimate Failure of All Feminism

“We want to end gender inequality — and to do that we need everyone to be involved. This is the first campaign of its kind at the UN: we want to try and galvanize as many men and boys as possible to be advocates for gender equality. . . . I was appointed six months […]

Lena Dunham Declares White Women Need ‘Enlightening’ by Feminists

  Pudgy tattoo-covered multimillionaire liar Lena Dunham did an interview on ABC’s The View, explaining what’s wrong with women: “I think it’s really important to remember that it is an incredible problem that . . . 53% of white women in this country voted for Donald Trump which means that they’re not only voting against the […]

You’re #WhyTrumpWon, Nancy Pelosi

  She’s a 76-year-old white woman whose father was the boss of the corrupt Democrat machine in Baltimore during the segregation era, and being married to a multimillionaire California real-estate investor, she’s one of the top 10 richest members of Congress. Democrats in Congress couldn’t have picked a more out-of-touch leader if they had tried. […]

Democrats Surrender to ‘Fear Itself’

  Republicans are celebrating Happy Fun Victory Week with such amusements as video of Democrats saying Donald Trump would never be president. Democrats, meanwhile, are surrendering to despair. Now that the election is over, liberals are just beginning to notice the extent of losses Democrats have suffered at the state level during the Obama Era: […]

Morning-After Death Pills

  Did you know that abortion drugs — Mifeprex or Mifepristone, originally known or RU486, a/k/a “the morning-after pill” — can kill you? Dozens of women have reportedly died as a result of complications from using Mifepristone, but this is a minor “side effect” compared to destroying the lives of some 2 million unborn children, […]

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