The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nation-Building President Ain’t Got Time For Backstabbery

by Smitty Jazz Shaw over at HotAir is off the mark, methinks, with: “In three tweets, Trump undoes all the gains he made during Irma and Harvey” Trump is showing loyalty to FEMA and military responders who are doing optimal work. If you want them to work above “adequate”, you don’t let your peoples’ efforts […]

Fact Checking The Ralph Peters Allegation Concerning The Totality Of Our President

@MsEBL Thurston responds to Ralph Peters @rsmccain @instapundit @BobBelvedere @jscroft @wombat_socho @LaDowd — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) December 8, 2015 More at HotAir

Lunch With Noah Rothman

by Smitty You may have seen this a few years back: That ad comes to mind reading Noah Rothman over at Hot Air as he surveys a few recent URLs concerning the Convention of States notion. Rothman makes a fair point: there is no risk-free way to revisit our founding document: For conservatives who ostensibly […]

Props To Prof. William Jacobson And Judicial Watch

by Smitty Legal Insurrection does the Founder’s Work: The short version is that the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department warned NBC News that it could not possess an actual high-capacity magazine, but NBC News went ahead and did it anyway. The MPD recommended a warrant for Gregory’s arrest, but that request was nixed by the D.C. […]

Ah, So: Normalize Relations With Cuba, Import A Few Legions Of Doctors

by Smitty Over at Hot Air, Morrissey points out what a despicable [redacted] liar Harry Reid is/was during ObamaCare’s quest for stillbirth: The “doc fix” dodge had been going on for some time, but Reid took it to a new level in order to fool the CBO into scoring ObamaCare as deficit-neutral. He submitted the […]

Sarah Palin Is Doing A Far Better Job Of Not Running For President Than Jeb Bush

by Smitty She seems to be having a much better effect on actual conservatives in office than His Jebness: Governor Palin endorsed 22 candidates for various offices during the midterm finals, including senators, governors, lieutenant governors, congressmen, and attorneys general. Of those so endorsed, an incredible 20 were elected – contrasted with, for example, Hillary […]

Mandatory Reading: “Collectivism and the Presumption of Guilt”

by Smitty Go over and read this excellent piece by Hayward in full. A taste (emphasis original): This presumption of guilt is absolutely crucial to collectivism. The Left must teach its subjects to think of themselves as criminals. That’s the only way law-abiding people will endure levels of coercive power that would normally require specific […]

“Blinded By Delight”

by Smitty With apologies to Springsteen, and admiration for his lyrical density, here is some love for Eric Holder: “Blinded By Delight” Hippies Yippies Drippies and pinheads named Zippy with a Commie zampolit In the dumps with these chumps as the environmentalist pumps his head all full of ‘it With the border in disorder, due […]

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