The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Blackmail: Paradoxical As It Is Raaaaacist

by Smitty Blogs written by lawyers tend to be high-quality and thoughtful. And the legal blogs, naturally pose thoughtful legal questions. But now and again you see one that really doesn’t seem so hard. I am generally perfectly free to publish embarrassing information about you — in fact, I generally have the constitutional right to […]

That Puts Stacy And Me At +7, Right?

by Smitty Volokh reproduces a study in institutions and public confidence by the AP-National Constitution Center poll, showing that the extreme/no-confidence value for blogs is –39, but the military is +46. I guess we just sum those figures for this blog, since I’m in the military and Stacy’s the marquee blogger. Yeah, new math: yeah.

Go For The Trifecta

by Smitty Volokh has links to a debate on the repeal of the 17th Amendment. Let me take a broad, general swipe at lawyers and say that they often stand too close to the problem. If you consider the 16th & 17th Amendments, plus the Federal Reserve act in isolation, you can come up with […]