The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Palin Vindicated on Russia, Ukraine: ‘I Could See This One From Alaska’

She who laughs last: Sarah Palin may be having a bragging rights moment. In 2008, when she was the GOP vice presidential nominee, Palin questioned in a speech whether then-Sen. Barack Obama would have the foreign policy credentials to handle a scenario in which Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine. “After the Russian army invaded […]

How @JAMyerson Blamed @SarahPalinUSA for Tucson

While the beatdown on Jesse Myerson’s communist advocacy will continue — compelled by the impersonal forces of history — we can take a brief detour to examine what he wrote after Jared Loughner’s deadly January 2011 shooting spree in Tucson, Arizona. Beyond Blood Libel: A Refudiation of Sarah Palin’s Lone Gunman Theory You can read […]

Martin Bashir Resigns from MSNBC, Disappointing Dozens of Viewers

Of course, if MSNBC fired every one of their hosts who said something stupid, they've be left broadcasting a test pattern. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 4, 2013 When you think about all the evil things the liberal media have said about Sarah Palin over the years, you know it took a special kind […]

Go, @SarahPalinUSA, Go! Whacks Lauer, ObamaCare on ‘Today’ Show (VIDEO)

Matt Lauer tried to steamroll Mama Grizzly — fail! Lauer asked Palin about President Barack Obama’s apology at the end of last week after it was discovered that five percent of Americans can’t keep their existing policies because they don’t meet the standards of the new healthcare law. “What apology?’’ Palin said. “He kind of […]

By God, @SarahPalinUSA Is Right!

Last week, a Breitbart News article highlighted Sarah Palin’s criticism of the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill, and on Sunday, she wrote a Facebook post excoriating this “bipartisan” sellout: Great job, GOP establishment. You’ve just abandoned the Reagan Democrats with this amnesty bill, and we needed them to “enlarge that tent” of which you so […]

Selling Out Early To Avoid The Rush

— by Wombat-socho Ripped from the pages of this morning’s Memeorandum, we have this piece of half-witted blogging by Professor Bainbridge, in which he masks a none-too-clever slam at Sarah Palin and Mark Levin with a reference to an entirely too long and (toward the end) insanely boring alternate history series by Harry Turtledove. Look, […]

‘Billions and Billions and Billions’: Biden Has No Comment on Fisker Failure

“This is seed money that will return back to the American consumer in billions and billions and billions of dollars of good new jobs.” — Joe Biden, Oct. 27, 2009 “With the help of UAW lobbying efforts for advanced vehicle manufacturing and federal dollars, the plant will become a production facility for Fisker Automotive, a […]

Sarah Palin, Phillis Schlafly, Mrs. Other Smitty, And #CPAC2013

by Smitty Taking in the afternoon at CPAC, I thought Sarah was rousing, and spot-on in her criticism: While a great example of whipping up the crowd to a froth, the speech sounded a bit Ann Coulter-ish, NTTAWWT. In other words, and excellent outing from a media personality, and not from someone laying the foundation […]

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