The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Who Warned Us About Brett Kimberlin?

Less than six months before Andrew Breitbart died: This was important, and Andrew Breitbart understood why it was important: The “TwitterGate” episode in October 2010 exposed Democrat operative Neal Rauhauser’s role in an apparent conspiracy to harass Tea Party activists online. Shortly thereafter, Mandy Nagy (aka “Liberty Chick”) documented Brett Kimberlin heinous criminal history. Kimberlin […]

Say Good-Bye, Dick; Orrin’s Next

Sen. Dick Lugar lost the Indiana GOP primary to challenger Richard Mourdock and it wasn’t even close: 61% for Mourdock, 39% for Lugar. The response from Republican leadership? RINO-tastic: Looking toward the November election, National Republican Senatorial Committee chairman Sen. John Cornyn of Texas said two weeks ago that “it will probably make it more of […]

RINO Hunters: Nice Six-Term Senate Career You Had There, Dick Lugar

In the span of barely a month, polls in the Indiana Republican primary race between incumbent Sen. Dick Lugar and challenger Richard Mourdock have gone from a 7-point lead for Lugar to a 10-point lead for Mourdock. With the primary now just four days away, the headlines: Dick Lugar In Deep Trouble, A New Poll […]

Is Reboot Congress Senator Dick Lugar’s Biggest Booster?

by Smitty I’m looking at this rack of links from Reboot Congress, and I’m thinking: wow, DSM digs him some Lugar about as much as I enjoy cheering on ‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran, which is to say, not at all: Dick Lugar: Living Large in New York City Dick Lugar Gambles Big on Phonebanks Dick Lugar […]

So, Will Lugar Be The New Murkowski?

by Smitty Legal Insurrection points to some National Journal polling showing Tea Party favorite Mourdock  in a statistical dead heat. Politico notes: The Lugar campaign’s 3-to-1 spending advantage has allowed it to portray Mourdock as an untrustworthy tax cheat who has “sold out to D.C. outsiders,” practices “the politics of personal destruction” and “will say anything […]

Unions File Suit Against Mitch Daniel’s Right-To-Work Law And His Hairstyle, But Mostly The Right-To-Work Law

by Smitty Mitch Daniels came under attack from The International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150, who appear to have smoked a staggering amount of that new ‘Pelosi’ material circulating in Progressive circles. Emphasis mine: The lawsuit argues that the “defendants have exacted compulsory service and/ or involuntary servitude from the Union through the combination […]

Mitch Daniels Reacts To This Morning’s Comb-Over Post

by Smitty Indiana Governor and The Other McCain reader (?) Mitch Daniels used body language to emphasize the proper configuration of the comb-over, whether adorning a conservative or progressive noggin. It’s OK, Mitch: nobody thinks the less of you because you’ve vast tracts of. . .forehead. Just go cue ball already, man. Then again, via […]

Indiana Republican’s Campaign Gives Lesson in How Not to Deal With Bloggers

I’d never previously heard of Richard Mourdock, who’s running for Senate in Indiana, but I’m thinking his campaign manager Jim Holden didn’t win him any fans by grabbing Rebel Pundit‘s camera:

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