The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

World’s Youngest Blogger Demos Mollusc Missile System; DoD Contract To Follow?

by Smitty By way of explanation, we went to Mason Neck State Park today, and he waded out into Belmont Bay and threw a snail.

World’s Youngest Blogger: MUST-SEE @TedCruz On Defeating #ObamaCare

World’s Youngest Blogger: Fear Fast-Food Future? Fuhgeddaboudit!

World's Youngest Blogger: I, for one, welcome my paper-hatted future career. Thanks, BHO! — Smitty, JokeCracka (@smitty_one_each) July 31, 2013

The World’s Youngest Blogger Salutes The New Brit: “Ask For An Aircraft Carrier.”

Also: “You showed up four days shy of ‘Just so!’, on my birthday. Oh well, stiff upper lip, and all that.” The Worlds Youngest Blogger salutes the new Brit: "Standing by to bail you out in a pinch, Limey." — Smitty, JokeCracka (@smitty_one_each) July 22, 2013

The World’s Youngest Blogger Gets His Vanilla Shake On

World's Youngest Blogger: Was that a vanilla shake, or Pink Floyd? — Smitty, JokeCracka (@smitty_one_each) July 7, 2013

World’s Youngest Blogger: “Get Your Motor Runnin'”

The World’s Youngest Blogger Gets His Mac Daddy On

World’s Youngest Blogger: Is There Fruit At The Bottom Of This Yoga?

by Smitty World's Youngest Blogger: is there fruit at the bottom of this yoga? — Smitty TheWackoBird (@smitty_one_each) June 17, 2013

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