The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Charles Krauthammer Is Wrong About The Main Argument Against ObamaCare

Posted on | March 26, 2010 | 44 Comments

by Smitty

From Fox News All Stars, via the Corner

The main argument against this Obamacare is it’s going to destroy our economy. All the numbers in it are phony. It’s going to create a huge amount of debt.

That may be the proximal cause, Mr. Krauthammer. The main argument is that We The People never gave DC the leave to interfere with us. Progressivism, that overflowing river of crypto-Marxism, has sought to route its way around the Constitutional blocks meant to contain the Federal effluent. Quite successfully this last century, in fact. The flood of debt in which we drown is directly related to the inability to shore up those blocks in a pre-Information Age.

Now, as the POTUS hauls his legislative colostomy-bag-of-tricks around the country on his Time For Talking Over You Is Now tour, the bean counters can begin to do the work they should have before. And yes, a huge amount of debt will be created. The POTUS is either naïve or diabolical, which question is more simply left unresolved.

The main argument against the sheer idiocy of this is that, even if they can find sharks who will support the letter of all this nonsense, the simple truth is that the spirit of responsible government has been thoroughly raped by all this. And precious little, if anything, is discussed about actually fixing the situation. The time is here, and the time is now, to join the struggle against Federal over-reach. The next opportunity will be after the end of the Soviet-style collapse.


44 Responses to “Charles Krauthammer Is Wrong About The Main Argument Against ObamaCare”

  1. Robert Birch
    March 26th, 2010 @ 10:53 pm

    You know what is obnoxious, condescending and pathetic? All the major newspapers from the New York Times to the Denver Post coming out with editorials from some half-wit that thinks they know Constitutional law. They did no investigative journalism, they didn’t interview any lawyer, yet they declare the joint states lawsuit as baseless. AND I LOVE THEIR ARGUMENT OF HOW A MANDATE ISN’T A TAX! Go talk to Doug Bruce about that one…

  2. Robert Birch
    March 26th, 2010 @ 5:53 pm

    You know what is obnoxious, condescending and pathetic? All the major newspapers from the New York Times to the Denver Post coming out with editorials from some half-wit that thinks they know Constitutional law. They did no investigative journalism, they didn’t interview any lawyer, yet they declare the joint states lawsuit as baseless. AND I LOVE THEIR ARGUMENT OF HOW A MANDATE ISN’T A TAX! Go talk to Doug Bruce about that one…

  3. Joe
    March 26th, 2010 @ 11:00 pm
  4. Joe
    March 26th, 2010 @ 6:00 pm
  5. Adobe Walls
    March 26th, 2010 @ 11:06 pm

    Charles Krauthammer is trapped in the Beltway bubble. The polits and the pundits just don’t understand that things are different this time and believe that the old ways of our reaction to these assualts will continue. The radical over reach of these Social Democrats as compared to the old liberal Democrats has indeed awakened a sleeping giant. I grew up in Arlington Co. and remember the protests against Vietnam, abortion and the Iranian protests just to name a few. While the Tea Party was protesting against HCR and the left for it there was also an immigration protest all on the same day. I predict a long hot summer in DC.

  6. Adobe Walls
    March 26th, 2010 @ 6:06 pm

    Charles Krauthammer is trapped in the Beltway bubble. The polits and the pundits just don’t understand that things are different this time and believe that the old ways of our reaction to these assualts will continue. The radical over reach of these Social Democrats as compared to the old liberal Democrats has indeed awakened a sleeping giant. I grew up in Arlington Co. and remember the protests against Vietnam, abortion and the Iranian protests just to name a few. While the Tea Party was protesting against HCR and the left for it there was also an immigration protest all on the same day. I predict a long hot summer in DC.

  7. Lonely Conservative
    March 26th, 2010 @ 11:12 pm
  8. Lonely Conservative
    March 26th, 2010 @ 11:12 pm
  9. Lonely Conservative
    March 26th, 2010 @ 6:12 pm
  10. Joe
    March 26th, 2010 @ 11:38 pm

    I am not in the beltway, but the public really does not know how bad this is yet. All of us have to explain to everyone we know why this “reform” is bad. So while I agree with you in part about Krauthammer, I also think you are over reading the current tea leaves on this. The giant is stirring, but woken up yet? Not quite. That will come when all the “benefits” of Obamacare become apparent but unfortunately by then it may be too late. There will be people who benefit from the largeness of this mess and who will like the idea of legislating theft from their neighbors.

    Since Florida is an important state, 54% support the state suing over health care–which is good for those of us who think this “reform” is a disaster, but 36% oppose doing that. That probably means they think this health care thing is a good thing.

    Obama still has 31% strongly approving and 41% strongly disapproving. Not good but hardly fatal. If the economy makes improvements between now and November 2012, you can expect Obama to be a very tough candidate to beat. If the economy completely tanks, he would be a dangerous candidate but obviously easier to beat.

  11. Joe
    March 26th, 2010 @ 11:38 pm

    I am not in the beltway, but the public really does not know how bad this is yet. All of us have to explain to everyone we know why this “reform” is bad. So while I agree with you in part about Krauthammer, I also think you are over reading the current tea leaves on this. The giant is stirring, but woken up yet? Not quite. That will come when all the “benefits” of Obamacare become apparent but unfortunately by then it may be too late. There will be people who benefit from the largeness of this mess and who will like the idea of legislating theft from their neighbors.

    Since Florida is an important state, 54% support the state suing over health care–which is good for those of us who think this “reform” is a disaster, but 36% oppose doing that. That probably means they think this health care thing is a good thing.

    Obama still has 31% strongly approving and 41% strongly disapproving. Not good but hardly fatal. If the economy makes improvements between now and November 2012, you can expect Obama to be a very tough candidate to beat. If the economy completely tanks, he would be a dangerous candidate but obviously easier to beat.

  12. Joe
    March 26th, 2010 @ 6:38 pm

    I am not in the beltway, but the public really does not know how bad this is yet. All of us have to explain to everyone we know why this “reform” is bad. So while I agree with you in part about Krauthammer, I also think you are over reading the current tea leaves on this. The giant is stirring, but woken up yet? Not quite. That will come when all the “benefits” of Obamacare become apparent but unfortunately by then it may be too late. There will be people who benefit from the largeness of this mess and who will like the idea of legislating theft from their neighbors.

    Since Florida is an important state, 54% support the state suing over health care–which is good for those of us who think this “reform” is a disaster, but 36% oppose doing that. That probably means they think this health care thing is a good thing.

    Obama still has 31% strongly approving and 41% strongly disapproving. Not good but hardly fatal. If the economy makes improvements between now and November 2012, you can expect Obama to be a very tough candidate to beat. If the economy completely tanks, he would be a dangerous candidate but obviously easier to beat.

  13. Joe
    March 27th, 2010 @ 12:18 am
  14. Joe
    March 27th, 2010 @ 12:18 am
  15. Joe
    March 26th, 2010 @ 7:18 pm
  16. Adobe Walls
    March 27th, 2010 @ 12:33 am

    Joe FNC reported today that AT&T is reporting they will lose a BILLION dollars in the 1st quarter under this bill and will have to make changes to the health plans of current workers and retirees. Caterpiller has announced that HCR will cost them $100 million in the 1st year due to what is described as an unintended consequence. There undoubtedly will be thousands of these UIEDs (un intended explosive devices) found buy various number crunchers in the private sector as well as NGOs etc. The private sector has waited to do this until after this legislation became signed law due to lack of time and reluctance to expend time and money resources on what might be. Unpleasant facts will be dribbling out of this bill for months as company lawyers, accountants, the press and both parties have time really dig into this monstrosity. While you are correct that many are not even yet paying attention they will when their employers HR departments start having to apologize for what this forces them to do. While those on the left and right look at this from multiple angles for American businesses it’s all about business. We’ve been telling all who would listen that this is an economic disaster let’s not be surprised that we were right. Long Hot Summer.

  17. Adobe Walls
    March 27th, 2010 @ 12:33 am

    Joe FNC reported today that AT&T is reporting they will lose a BILLION dollars in the 1st quarter under this bill and will have to make changes to the health plans of current workers and retirees. Caterpiller has announced that HCR will cost them $100 million in the 1st year due to what is described as an unintended consequence. There undoubtedly will be thousands of these UIEDs (un intended explosive devices) found buy various number crunchers in the private sector as well as NGOs etc. The private sector has waited to do this until after this legislation became signed law due to lack of time and reluctance to expend time and money resources on what might be. Unpleasant facts will be dribbling out of this bill for months as company lawyers, accountants, the press and both parties have time really dig into this monstrosity. While you are correct that many are not even yet paying attention they will when their employers HR departments start having to apologize for what this forces them to do. While those on the left and right look at this from multiple angles for American businesses it’s all about business. We’ve been telling all who would listen that this is an economic disaster let’s not be surprised that we were right. Long Hot Summer.

  18. Adobe Walls
    March 26th, 2010 @ 7:33 pm

    Joe FNC reported today that AT&T is reporting they will lose a BILLION dollars in the 1st quarter under this bill and will have to make changes to the health plans of current workers and retirees. Caterpiller has announced that HCR will cost them $100 million in the 1st year due to what is described as an unintended consequence. There undoubtedly will be thousands of these UIEDs (un intended explosive devices) found buy various number crunchers in the private sector as well as NGOs etc. The private sector has waited to do this until after this legislation became signed law due to lack of time and reluctance to expend time and money resources on what might be. Unpleasant facts will be dribbling out of this bill for months as company lawyers, accountants, the press and both parties have time really dig into this monstrosity. While you are correct that many are not even yet paying attention they will when their employers HR departments start having to apologize for what this forces them to do. While those on the left and right look at this from multiple angles for American businesses it’s all about business. We’ve been telling all who would listen that this is an economic disaster let’s not be surprised that we were right. Long Hot Summer.

  19. rod stanton
    March 27th, 2010 @ 12:40 am

    I’ve said it before but It needs to be said more. The “conservatives” at the Post (like Frum) are described with another C word in the Road (at least the 60 year old copy I used in college). That C word is neither conservative nor communist. It is collectivist. Romney/Obamacare’s worst defect is it is a collectivist machination. The “good Dr.” dose not address this because he himself is a collectivist.He is a Republican so he attacks trivial issues. The most important issue is personal freedom and responsibility. As Orwell would have said 65 years ago Romney/Obamacare is Big Brother in action. I would rather be free and jpoor than rich and a slave to the Ubermeisteren in DC.

    As a great American said in a church in Va 250 years ago “five me freedom; or give me death!” I’ll worry about the trivial after I have my freedom.

  20. rod stanton
    March 27th, 2010 @ 12:40 am

    I’ve said it before but It needs to be said more. The “conservatives” at the Post (like Frum) are described with another C word in the Road (at least the 60 year old copy I used in college). That C word is neither conservative nor communist. It is collectivist. Romney/Obamacare’s worst defect is it is a collectivist machination. The “good Dr.” dose not address this because he himself is a collectivist.He is a Republican so he attacks trivial issues. The most important issue is personal freedom and responsibility. As Orwell would have said 65 years ago Romney/Obamacare is Big Brother in action. I would rather be free and jpoor than rich and a slave to the Ubermeisteren in DC.

    As a great American said in a church in Va 250 years ago “five me freedom; or give me death!” I’ll worry about the trivial after I have my freedom.

  21. rod stanton
    March 26th, 2010 @ 7:40 pm

    I’ve said it before but It needs to be said more. The “conservatives” at the Post (like Frum) are described with another C word in the Road (at least the 60 year old copy I used in college). That C word is neither conservative nor communist. It is collectivist. Romney/Obamacare’s worst defect is it is a collectivist machination. The “good Dr.” dose not address this because he himself is a collectivist.He is a Republican so he attacks trivial issues. The most important issue is personal freedom and responsibility. As Orwell would have said 65 years ago Romney/Obamacare is Big Brother in action. I would rather be free and jpoor than rich and a slave to the Ubermeisteren in DC.

    As a great American said in a church in Va 250 years ago “five me freedom; or give me death!” I’ll worry about the trivial after I have my freedom.

  22. Adobe Walls
    March 27th, 2010 @ 12:48 am

    The negative personal health insuranc and economic impact as it starts to affect those who still have jobs in the great muddled middle will be the final bag of straws that break that g*d damn donkeys back.

  23. Adobe Walls
    March 27th, 2010 @ 12:48 am

    The negative personal health insuranc and economic impact as it starts to affect those who still have jobs in the great muddled middle will be the final bag of straws that break that g*d damn donkeys back.

  24. Adobe Walls
    March 26th, 2010 @ 7:48 pm

    The negative personal health insuranc and economic impact as it starts to affect those who still have jobs in the great muddled middle will be the final bag of straws that break that g*d damn donkeys back.

  25. Yes, the number one reason ObamaCare is bad is…… « The Daley Gator
    March 26th, 2010 @ 8:16 pm

    […] reason more pressing than the effects the bill will have on our economy. Smitty of The Other McCain corrects Krauthammer. From Fox News All Stars, via the Corner The main argument against this Obamacare is it’s going to […]

  26. Right-Wing Links (March 26, 2010)
    March 26th, 2010 @ 8:27 pm

    […] Charles Krauthammer Is Wrong About The Main Argument Against ObamaCare I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs. — Thomas Jefferson, Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin (1802) […]

  27. Huey
    March 27th, 2010 @ 1:56 am

    It all depends on to whom the argument is directed.

    I agree with Krauthammer in that the most EFFECTIVE argument for the bulk of the populace is going to be to hammer on the COST. People understand this on a visceral level.

    Any argument as to CONTROL is more theoretical — something which might happen in the future.

    Both arguments need to be advanced — COST and CONTROL, but the WINNING argument to advance — especially with those who aren’t as “conservative” as others — is COST.

  28. Huey
    March 27th, 2010 @ 1:56 am

    It all depends on to whom the argument is directed.

    I agree with Krauthammer in that the most EFFECTIVE argument for the bulk of the populace is going to be to hammer on the COST. People understand this on a visceral level.

    Any argument as to CONTROL is more theoretical — something which might happen in the future.

    Both arguments need to be advanced — COST and CONTROL, but the WINNING argument to advance — especially with those who aren’t as “conservative” as others — is COST.

  29. Huey
    March 26th, 2010 @ 8:56 pm

    It all depends on to whom the argument is directed.

    I agree with Krauthammer in that the most EFFECTIVE argument for the bulk of the populace is going to be to hammer on the COST. People understand this on a visceral level.

    Any argument as to CONTROL is more theoretical — something which might happen in the future.

    Both arguments need to be advanced — COST and CONTROL, but the WINNING argument to advance — especially with those who aren’t as “conservative” as others — is COST.

  30. The Javelineer
    March 27th, 2010 @ 2:42 am

    Smitty, that is a great post. My basic approach with liberals who support the health care initiative is simply to ask: does it matter whether or not the bill is legal under the Consitution? The most common answer is embarassed silence.

    If the government can regulate medical insurance, which could not legally be sold across state lines before the bill, then what exactly are the limit of federal power? Can they regulate everything? Embarrassed silence.

    Of course, the liberals I know actually have a conscience. Your milage my vary.

  31. The Javelineer
    March 26th, 2010 @ 9:42 pm

    Smitty, that is a great post. My basic approach with liberals who support the health care initiative is simply to ask: does it matter whether or not the bill is legal under the Consitution? The most common answer is embarassed silence.

    If the government can regulate medical insurance, which could not legally be sold across state lines before the bill, then what exactly are the limit of federal power? Can they regulate everything? Embarrassed silence.

    Of course, the liberals I know actually have a conscience. Your milage my vary.

  32. Reaganite Republican
    March 27th, 2010 @ 11:34 am

    Sehr guht und richtig!

    Everybody should see this post, good stuff- linked today at Reaganite Republican

  33. Reaganite Republican
    March 27th, 2010 @ 6:34 am

    Sehr guht und richtig!

    Everybody should see this post, good stuff- linked today at Reaganite Republican

  34. MNRobot
    March 27th, 2010 @ 12:57 pm

    “Congress’s authority to regulate interstate commerce” as quoted in the NYT article Joe linked. Someone help me on this. I’m mind-boggled by the argument. The fed prohibits selling health insurance “across state lines” but is regulating “interstate commerce” with this p.o.s. legislation? I’m no lawyer, so I fail to see the connection.

  35. MNRobot
    March 27th, 2010 @ 7:57 am

    “Congress’s authority to regulate interstate commerce” as quoted in the NYT article Joe linked. Someone help me on this. I’m mind-boggled by the argument. The fed prohibits selling health insurance “across state lines” but is regulating “interstate commerce” with this p.o.s. legislation? I’m no lawyer, so I fail to see the connection.

  36. dad29
    March 27th, 2010 @ 5:35 pm

    The Main Objection is that ObamaCare will take money from all US taxpayers to kill innocent pre-born life.

    AND it will not allow doctors and nurses to ‘refuse to participate’ in that slaughter.

    I suggest that Dr. Krauthammer’s elymosinary concerns are secondary, at best, albeit they are certainly well-founded.

  37. dad29
    March 27th, 2010 @ 5:35 pm

    The Main Objection is that ObamaCare will take money from all US taxpayers to kill innocent pre-born life.

    AND it will not allow doctors and nurses to ‘refuse to participate’ in that slaughter.

    I suggest that Dr. Krauthammer’s elymosinary concerns are secondary, at best, albeit they are certainly well-founded.

  38. dad29
    March 27th, 2010 @ 12:35 pm

    The Main Objection is that ObamaCare will take money from all US taxpayers to kill innocent pre-born life.

    AND it will not allow doctors and nurses to ‘refuse to participate’ in that slaughter.

    I suggest that Dr. Krauthammer’s elymosinary concerns are secondary, at best, albeit they are certainly well-founded.

  39. Adobe Walls
    March 27th, 2010 @ 6:55 pm

    As I’m about piss off a whole bunch of people I’ll start with this Abortion Is Murder period.
    As there are so many atrocities in the health care bill many of which we’re not even aware of yet it would be impossible for there to be only ONE “The Main Objection” in Obama care. As far as I’m concerned what this bill does to our Constitution and our Liberty and personal Independence is every bit as evil, immoral and abominable as abortion. The un-born are innocent life and killing them is immoral. While we lose our innate innocence as we grow older and gain the ability to make informed choices, until we cross certain lines we are entitled to life. While the dead, innocent or not, may not be free at least they can no longer be slaves. As your post is limited in scope it is not my intention to impugn your opinion on the other nefarious elements of this crime against humanity the Social Democrats like to call Health Care Reform. However ANYONE who could live with this despicable piece of legislation if only there no federal funds for abortion is not really pro-life and are certainly not patriots. I assume most who write here oppose abortion on demand, not allowing fed funding may or may not reduce the number of abortions but certainly does not stop them. As more and more Americans come to oppose abortion one could hope that at some point consensus on stopping abortion will some day be achieved. One would be wrong. Protecting innocent life as well as other issues important to the Christian Right and social conservatives are mere pipe dreams if we of the right are unable to expel the left from the halls of government, our school systems and important positions in our culture. For those of us who support all three legs of conservative principles, the economic drawbacks of HCR may not rank as highly in our opposition to the left’s agenda in general and this bill in particular. For it is those who make up the great muddled middle, who perhaps have weaker less sophisticated moral compasses many of whom are at best vaguely aware of the contentions of their times and therefore don’t sense the danger to Life, “Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” will have to help if we are to be successful in saving our country. It would be “nice” if they recognized the dangers as we do. For those who don’t, won’t or can’t, the negative economic and health care effects will be the whip that the left uses to drive them to opposition to this cruel bill and hopefully opens their eyes to the dangers the Social Democrats pose to humanity.

  40. Adobe Walls
    March 27th, 2010 @ 6:55 pm

    As I’m about piss off a whole bunch of people I’ll start with this Abortion Is Murder period.
    As there are so many atrocities in the health care bill many of which we’re not even aware of yet it would be impossible for there to be only ONE “The Main Objection” in Obama care. As far as I’m concerned what this bill does to our Constitution and our Liberty and personal Independence is every bit as evil, immoral and abominable as abortion. The un-born are innocent life and killing them is immoral. While we lose our innate innocence as we grow older and gain the ability to make informed choices, until we cross certain lines we are entitled to life. While the dead, innocent or not, may not be free at least they can no longer be slaves. As your post is limited in scope it is not my intention to impugn your opinion on the other nefarious elements of this crime against humanity the Social Democrats like to call Health Care Reform. However ANYONE who could live with this despicable piece of legislation if only there no federal funds for abortion is not really pro-life and are certainly not patriots. I assume most who write here oppose abortion on demand, not allowing fed funding may or may not reduce the number of abortions but certainly does not stop them. As more and more Americans come to oppose abortion one could hope that at some point consensus on stopping abortion will some day be achieved. One would be wrong. Protecting innocent life as well as other issues important to the Christian Right and social conservatives are mere pipe dreams if we of the right are unable to expel the left from the halls of government, our school systems and important positions in our culture. For those of us who support all three legs of conservative principles, the economic drawbacks of HCR may not rank as highly in our opposition to the left’s agenda in general and this bill in particular. For it is those who make up the great muddled middle, who perhaps have weaker less sophisticated moral compasses many of whom are at best vaguely aware of the contentions of their times and therefore don’t sense the danger to Life, “Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” will have to help if we are to be successful in saving our country. It would be “nice” if they recognized the dangers as we do. For those who don’t, won’t or can’t, the negative economic and health care effects will be the whip that the left uses to drive them to opposition to this cruel bill and hopefully opens their eyes to the dangers the Social Democrats pose to humanity.

  41. Adobe Walls
    March 27th, 2010 @ 1:55 pm

    As I’m about piss off a whole bunch of people I’ll start with this Abortion Is Murder period.
    As there are so many atrocities in the health care bill many of which we’re not even aware of yet it would be impossible for there to be only ONE “The Main Objection” in Obama care. As far as I’m concerned what this bill does to our Constitution and our Liberty and personal Independence is every bit as evil, immoral and abominable as abortion. The un-born are innocent life and killing them is immoral. While we lose our innate innocence as we grow older and gain the ability to make informed choices, until we cross certain lines we are entitled to life. While the dead, innocent or not, may not be free at least they can no longer be slaves. As your post is limited in scope it is not my intention to impugn your opinion on the other nefarious elements of this crime against humanity the Social Democrats like to call Health Care Reform. However ANYONE who could live with this despicable piece of legislation if only there no federal funds for abortion is not really pro-life and are certainly not patriots. I assume most who write here oppose abortion on demand, not allowing fed funding may or may not reduce the number of abortions but certainly does not stop them. As more and more Americans come to oppose abortion one could hope that at some point consensus on stopping abortion will some day be achieved. One would be wrong. Protecting innocent life as well as other issues important to the Christian Right and social conservatives are mere pipe dreams if we of the right are unable to expel the left from the halls of government, our school systems and important positions in our culture. For those of us who support all three legs of conservative principles, the economic drawbacks of HCR may not rank as highly in our opposition to the left’s agenda in general and this bill in particular. For it is those who make up the great muddled middle, who perhaps have weaker less sophisticated moral compasses many of whom are at best vaguely aware of the contentions of their times and therefore don’t sense the danger to Life, “Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” will have to help if we are to be successful in saving our country. It would be “nice” if they recognized the dangers as we do. For those who don’t, won’t or can’t, the negative economic and health care effects will be the whip that the left uses to drive them to opposition to this cruel bill and hopefully opens their eyes to the dangers the Social Democrats pose to humanity.

  42. Bill Walker
    March 30th, 2010 @ 11:50 pm

    For reference. All 50 states have submitted over 700 applications for an Article V Convention call far in excess of the 34 applications required by the Constitution to cause Congress to call a convention. The applications can be read at

  43. Bill Walker
    March 30th, 2010 @ 11:50 pm

    For reference. All 50 states have submitted over 700 applications for an Article V Convention call far in excess of the 34 applications required by the Constitution to cause Congress to call a convention. The applications can be read at

  44. Bill Walker
    March 30th, 2010 @ 6:50 pm

    For reference. All 50 states have submitted over 700 applications for an Article V Convention call far in excess of the 34 applications required by the Constitution to cause Congress to call a convention. The applications can be read at
