The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Dark Psychic Forces’ 2020

  As John Hoge reminds his readers this morning, when I went to South Carolina in March to cover Marianne Williamson’s presidential campaign, I was the only national reporter covering her. Nobody thought she had a chance, but last night in the CNN debate, she got the biggest applause of the night with her advocacy […]

In The Mailbox: 07.30.19

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM 357 Magnum: Shoot First, Ask Questions Later, Then Lie About It EBL: Once Upon A Time In Hollywood – A Review Twitchy: Democratic Candidates Agree Obamacare Is Horrible, Didn’t Fix Anything Louder With Crowder: Rat Runs Through Broadcast On Trump’s Baltimore Rat Comments RIPPED FROM THE HEADLINES Adam […]

MSNBC Guest Threatens ‘Civil War’

Because — you guessed it — ORANGE MAN BAD! America may be on the verge of a “horrible civil war” because President Donald Trump criticized a crime-ridden major city that has exclusively been run by Democratic mayors for decades, according to a guest on “Morning Joe,” reports Fox News. . . . Speaking on “Morning Joe,” […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Karl ‘Evie’ Amati in 2015, after sex-change surgery in Thailand. Karl Booth Amati grew up in privileged circumstances, the son of two senior labor-union representatives, and graduated from prestigious Shenton College in the suburbs of Perth, Australia, with top grades in 2009. Amati moved across the country to Sydney where, through family connections, he obtained […]

In The Mailbox: 07.29.19

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM 357 Magnum: UK to Mandate That Phones/Dishwashers/etc. Be Too Expensive for the Average Person EBL: You Know What Rat-Infested Baltimore Needs? Twitchy: Woman Who Exposed Baltimore In Video Series Notes That Confederate Statues Were Removed Overnight Louder With Crowder: Dear Race-Baiting Leftists – Only Racists See Racism Everywhere […]

‘Avenge the Patriotic Gore That Flecked the Streets of Baltimore’

During the Civil War, the Lincoln administration suppressed civil liberties in Maryland, where anti-war “Copperhead” Democrats were a majority. Both freedom of the press and the right of habeas corpus were denied to Lincoln’s opponents in Maryland and in April 1861, less than a week after the surrender of Fort Sumter, there was a riot […]

Red Pill: Celebrity Pastor Josh Harris Divorces Wife, Renounces Christianity

Normally, I ignore church scandals, but the apostasy of Josh Harris hurts at a personal level. My wife and I began homeschooling our children in 1996, and so we were — indirectly, but in a real way — part of the same Christian community that produced Josh. When we lived in Gaithersburg, my wife and […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Victoria Baldessara

— compiled by Wombat-socho It’s Canadian Teen Drama Starlet Week here at Rule 5 Sunday, which is why we’re wishing Victoria Baldessara of The Next Step happy birthday. She’s been a regular on the show for six seasons, playing a member of a competition school dance troupe, with all the drama that entails. Baldessara has […]

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