The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Hit-It-and-Quit-It on Tinder’

Online dating apps are fueling an “apocalypse” of hook-up culture, Nancy Jo Sales reports in a frightening Vanity Fair feature: [Alex] says that he himself has slept with five different women he met on Tinder — “Tinderellas,” the guys call them — in the last eight days. Dan and Marty, also Alex’s roommates in a […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Hot Babes In Space

— compiled by Wombat-socho I don’t know why I didn’t do this last weekend, considering it was Worldcon weekend…oh, right. Anyway, I want to kick off this week’s Rule 5 post with a Kelly Freas cover from the March 1974 Analog, for Jerry Pournelle’s “High Justice”, because Kelly was an awesome artist and a fine […]

FMJRA 2.0: For The Strength Of The Wolf Is The Pack…

— compiled by Wombat-socho War Against Human Nature: Radical Feminism’s Anti-Maternal Rage Trevor Loudon Noisy Room The Right Planet Nice Deb VA Right Grumpy Opinions Watcher of Weasels Political Hat The Camp of the Saints Maggie’s Notebook Viewpoints of a Sagittarian Batshit Crazy News Rule 5 Sunday: RIP Batgirl, Viva Jeannie! Animal Magnetism Batshit Crazy […]

Dear Feminists: You Think Too Much

Not everything has meaning. Not everything requires critical analysis. Not everything is in need of a theory to explain it. Some things are really simple. They are what they are, and the temptation to intellectualize everything should be resisted. Consider, for example, a New York Times column by Emily Witt: Who could be cynical about […]

Romans Had Slavery, So I Guess The Roman Alphabet Requires Replacement

by Smitty Via Instapundit, it sounds like some people at his university may be smoking mother nature: University of Tennessee tells staff and students to stop using ‘he’ and ‘she’ – and switch to ‘xe’, ‘zir’ and ‘xyr’ instead What’s blatantly obvious to even the most casual observer is that a certain “gay rights official […]

In The Mailbox: 08.28.15

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: Guess I’ll Hang My Tears Out To Dry Louder With Crowder: Buzzfeed Caught Blatantly Lying While Trying To Defend Planned Parenthood Proof Positive: Return With Us Now To Those Thrilling Days Of Yesteryear… Michelle Malkin: What Is Obama’s Top Population Control Freak Hiding? Twitchy: FBI “A-Team” Investigating […]

University Student Raped, Police Say; Another Crime Feminists Will Ignore

Rape suspect Sakhone Phianemanh. The new school year has barely begun and there are already reports of sexual assault on campus. A 20-year-old Chico State University student said she was abducted while walking home from a party: An Olivehurst man who allegedly drugged and raped a college student who became separated from her friends after […]

A Reminder for ‘Male Feminists’

They hate you, too: tell a self proclaimed male feminist that he cant be a feminist and watch him turn in to the biggest misogynist abusive s–t within 0.2 seconds. happens 100% of the time. That 31-word post got more than 25,000 notes on Tumblr in the past year, and the same Tumblr feminist had […]

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