The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | April 20, 2024 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

There is a widespread mental health problem in Chicago:

Protesters showed up Thursday night at a Chicago Police Board meeting demanding the firing and prosecution of officers who fired 96 shots at Dexter Reed during a traffic stop last month.
Dozens packed a conference room at CPD Headquarters, 3510 S. Michigan Ave., in Douglas, while dozens more waited behind barricades outside, clamoring to be let in. Hundreds had gathered for a rally in support of Reed outside headquarters earlier in the evening.
Grace Patino, with the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, said during public comment that Chicago police Supt. Larry Snelling — who was at the meeting — should be dismissed.
“Dexter Reed should be here today,” Patino said. “The officers involved in the execution of Dexter Reed must be immediately fired and prosecuted to the fullest extent possible.”
“We need an immediate end to pretextual traffic stops, and Larry Snelling should be fired,” she added to loud applause.
Miracle Boyd, an activist with Good Kids Mad City, said Reed was “racially profiled,” and his death was detrimental to Black communities.
“We demand the tactical units be banned, and Mayor Johnson, Supt. Snelling and COPA fire the officers,” she said. “We no longer need police to perform traffic stops because it’s not safe.”

Got that? No more traffic stops in Chicago. This is insane — a demand to end enforcement of traffic laws, because Dexter Reed got killed after he shot first in a confrontation with five police officers. Do these people think it’s irrelevant that Reed shot first? Do they care nothing about the facts that (a) Reed was packing a 9mm pistol despite (b) being out on pre-trial release for a 2023 weapons charge, and (c) this shooting happened in one of Chicago’s most violent neighborhoods? (See “What CNN Didn’t Tell Its Audience About the Police Shooting of Dexter Reed Jr.,” April 10.)

If you are sane (unlike Democrat voters in Chicago), you are not likely to believe Reed was “racially profiled,” except insofar as at least 70% of the shootings in Chicago involve black suspects, so that if cops in Chicago want to “get guns off the street” (as liberals keep telling us they want to do), they’re probably not going to be looking for Korean suspects.

Was the death of Dexter Reed “detrimental to Black communities”? Perhaps someone should ask Dexter’s uncle about that:

Before Dexter Reed shot a Chicago police officer during a traffic stop and set off a gunfight that claimed his life, he was seriously wounded in another shooting over two years earlier when he threatened to kill a family member while brandishing a knife, records show.
Police records indicate Reed was in the throes of a mental health crisis when he attacked his uncle in August of 2021, leading his uncle to shoot him. Reed was left in a coma for weeks and struggled with his mental and physical health as he recovered.
Amid a series of lawsuits Reed filed after he was shot in 2021, he acknowledged that he suffered from schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Details of the earlier shooting, which haven’t previously been reported, along with the lawsuits and Reed’s social media posts, provide a clearer picture of a troubled life that ended in a hail of gunfire in Humboldt Park earlier this year. . . .
On the morning of Aug. 25, 2021, the uncle told police that Reed “was acting weird” and “just didn’t seem right” when he came to the basement of a family home in Austin after spending the night. Reed then pulled a six-inch kitchen knife from his pants and held it “in a menacing way,” according to a police report.
“I’m going to kill you,” Reed allegedly said as he approached his uncle with the knife in his right hand.
The uncle grabbed a gun and started yelling upstairs to his mother to call 911, the report states. His uncle’s mother, who was Reed’s grandmother, then came downstairs and tried to intervene but was pushed to the ground.
Reed then lunged at his uncle with the knife, and his uncle fired a single gunshot, according to the report. The uncle lost track of the gun during a subsequent struggle and ultimately ran inside a bedroom as Reed continued to threaten him and pulled on the doorknob.
While Reed was pulling the door open, his uncle grabbed another gun and fired multiple times as Reed entered the bedroom, the report states. Reed was shot once in the back and twice in the groin and was rushed to Mount Sinai Hospital.
The uncle told police he didn’t want to press criminal charges but noted that Reed needed mental health treatment, according to the records. Reed’s grandmother said he had “mental problems but does not want to get checked out.”

Dexter Reed tried to stab his own uncle, and wouldn’t stop even after his uncle grabbed a gun. This is the guy whose death has become a cause célèbre for “activist” types in Chicago. It takes a special kind of crazy to think that way, to be so obsessed with race that you want to basically shut down the police department over the death of a dangerous lunatic.


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