The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Online Career Counseling, Inc.

Posted on | June 3, 2010 | 35 Comments

“[W]hen she got fired last summer from her job as a banker at a Citibank branch in Midtown . . . [s]he sued Citigroup, claiming that she was fired solely because her bosses thought she was too hot. . . .
“This is the way Debbie Lorenzana tells it: Her bosses told her they couldn’t concentrate on their work because her appearance was too distracting. . . .
“Lorenzana claims that her bosses basically told her she was just too attractive. And when she raised hell and refused to do anything about it — as if there was anything she really could do about it — she lost her job.”

— from “Is This Woman Too Hot To Be a Banker?”
The Village Voice

How unfortunate that Ms. Lorenzana felt compelled to file a lawsuit, which has the effect of criminalizing the truth.

Of course, her bosses were right: She is too hot to be a banker.

However, Ms. Lorenzana is not too hot to be a blog intern. And she’s in luck — I understand that Steve Bartin at Newsalert might be looking for help. The pay is low, but the benefits . . .


35 Responses to “Online Career Counseling, Inc.”

  1. Joe
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 2:18 pm

    Oh sweet baby gerkins!

    She may have a point. My wife would not allow her to work with me, I am pretty certain of that.

  2. Joe
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 9:18 am

    Oh sweet baby gerkins!

    She may have a point. My wife would not allow her to work with me, I am pretty certain of that.

  3. Count Vikula
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 2:32 pm

    those aren’t real.

    and i don’t care

  4. Count Vikula
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 9:32 am

    those aren’t real.

    and i don’t care

  5. KingShamus
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 2:43 pm

    Whoa, whoa, whoa…let’s not get too far ahead of themselves.

    I could use a blog intern. Specifically; her as my blog intern.

    Just sayin’.

  6. KingShamus
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 9:43 am

    Whoa, whoa, whoa…let’s not get too far ahead of themselves.

    I could use a blog intern. Specifically; her as my blog intern.

    Just sayin’.

  7. SGT Ted
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 2:54 pm

    I’ve seen hotter women working at banks. She was probably fired for incompetence and is playing the Woman card. Or, she was dressing inappropriately.

  8. SGT Ted
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 9:54 am

    I’ve seen hotter women working at banks. She was probably fired for incompetence and is playing the Woman card. Or, she was dressing inappropriately.

  9. Don’t Fire Me Because I’m Beautiful « The Camp Of The Saints
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 10:21 am

    […] is suing Citibank for.  Being the concerned investigative reporter he is, Stacy McCain is all over this story [and probably would be all over Miss Lorenzana if Mrs. Other McCain weren't packing some serious […]

  10. EngineerGuy
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 3:37 pm

    Too hot for banking? Boolsheet! Banking is full of hot chicks. The only area where I regularly see more hot chicks is in medicine. Now, put her in Computer programming, any scientific research field, engineering, something like that – people would be constantly walking into walls, productivity would drop to nothing.

  11. EngineerGuy
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 10:37 am

    Too hot for banking? Boolsheet! Banking is full of hot chicks. The only area where I regularly see more hot chicks is in medicine. Now, put her in Computer programming, any scientific research field, engineering, something like that – people would be constantly walking into walls, productivity would drop to nothing.

  12. ak4mc
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 3:41 pm

    I’ll hire her as a nanny for my kids. <calls to wife> Hey honey, let’s have some kids!

  13. ak4mc
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 10:41 am

    I’ll hire her as a nanny for my kids. <calls to wife> Hey honey, let’s have some kids!

  14. H. G. Fielding
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 3:54 pm

    I think she has cause. What else is a total biscuit supposed to do when her employer prevents her from using her assets to obtain the goal of her career, bank executive trophy-wife? It’s not like, in this post-feminist movement age we live in, that she has the option of bank executive mistress open to her anymore.

  15. H. G. Fielding
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 10:54 am

    I think she has cause. What else is a total biscuit supposed to do when her employer prevents her from using her assets to obtain the goal of her career, bank executive trophy-wife? It’s not like, in this post-feminist movement age we live in, that she has the option of bank executive mistress open to her anymore.

  16. ak4mc
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 4:06 pm

    H.G., don’t hate her because she’s beautiful. Hate her because she’d never give you a second look.

  17. ak4mc
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 11:06 am

    H.G., don’t hate her because she’s beautiful. Hate her because she’d never give you a second look.

  18. FenelonSpoke
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 4:13 pm

    The problem came when she wore that outfit to work, and greeted customers like as she leaned against her desk.

  19. FenelonSpoke
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 11:13 am

    The problem came when she wore that outfit to work, and greeted customers like as she leaned against her desk.

  20. H. G. Fielding
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 4:39 pm

    There’s always a chance, ak. I used to play a mean game of Monopoly! I just need to get me an M.B.A. and put my mad Monopoly! skillz to work and she’ll be all over me like I was a cherry flavored Tootsie-Pop.

    And I know, you know what I mean.

  21. H. G. Fielding
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 11:39 am

    There’s always a chance, ak. I used to play a mean game of Monopoly! I just need to get me an M.B.A. and put my mad Monopoly! skillz to work and she’ll be all over me like I was a cherry flavored Tootsie-Pop.

    And I know, you know what I mean.

  22. Joe
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 6:03 pm

    I think this needs more research Stacy.

    Just in case you need to investigate.


    The article with more pictures.


    More photos.

    My professional opinion is she is definitely not cut out for running for political office in South Carolina. They can’t handle attractive women there.

    While it may be true Citibank fired her for the wrong reasons, my guess is she would have no problem finding a job. She might want to settle this lawsuit and focus on getting a new job.

  23. Joe
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 1:03 pm

    I think this needs more research Stacy.

    Just in case you need to investigate.


    The article with more pictures.


    More photos.

    My professional opinion is she is definitely not cut out for running for political office in South Carolina. They can’t handle attractive women there.

    While it may be true Citibank fired her for the wrong reasons, my guess is she would have no problem finding a job. She might want to settle this lawsuit and focus on getting a new job.

  24. » Accounting for tastes
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 2:51 pm

    […] Update: The Other McCain offers a photo of Ms Lorenzana in a more form-fittting outfit. […]

  25. Joe
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 9:44 pm

    Ace is researching this too.

    My wife agrees with her! And confirms she would not let me hire her.


  26. Joe
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 4:44 pm

    Ace is researching this too.

    My wife agrees with her! And confirms she would not let me hire her.


  27. Robert Stacy McCain
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 11:20 pm

    Yeah. He hat-tipped it to JWF. Sigh.

  28. Robert Stacy McCain
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 6:20 pm

    Yeah. He hat-tipped it to JWF. Sigh.

  29. Paco
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 11:34 pm

    Why would she want to work for some beggarly blogger, when I can get her a high-paying job at a glamorous, highly-regarded federal agency in Washington? In fact – What a coincidence! – I just noticed that there’s an opening in my department (note to self: Fire Bob tomorrow).

  30. Paco
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 6:34 pm

    Why would she want to work for some beggarly blogger, when I can get her a high-paying job at a glamorous, highly-regarded federal agency in Washington? In fact – What a coincidence! – I just noticed that there’s an opening in my department (note to self: Fire Bob tomorrow).

  31. Joe
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 11:36 pm

    JWF had it posted before 8 a.m.

  32. Joe
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 6:36 pm

    JWF had it posted before 8 a.m.

  33. BS Monitor
    June 4th, 2010 @ 2:12 am

    Yeah….riiiiight….sure….a bunch of straight men fired a hot woman, because they don’t want hot women around them. This is possibly the most implausible complaint ever. Straight men do NOT get rid of hot women, they want hot women around the office. If she had been ugly, and got fired for that, I might believe it. If she were hot and fired for not dressing sexy enough, I might even believe that. But an office full of straight males firing a hot chick for dressing hotly….

  34. BS Monitor
    June 3rd, 2010 @ 9:12 pm

    Yeah….riiiiight….sure….a bunch of straight men fired a hot woman, because they don’t want hot women around them. This is possibly the most implausible complaint ever. Straight men do NOT get rid of hot women, they want hot women around the office. If she had been ugly, and got fired for that, I might believe it. If she were hot and fired for not dressing sexy enough, I might even believe that. But an office full of straight males firing a hot chick for dressing hotly….

  35. This Week in Automotivators, May 31-June 6 « The TrogloPundit
    June 6th, 2010 @ 8:12 pm

    […] link, link, link, and […]
