Andrew Breitbart: ‘I Have to Take This Call, I Think It’s Diane Sawyer’
Posted on | July 22, 2010 | 30 Comments
That’s how my phone call to the man concluded today. When he answered, I heard him say to whoever he was with, “This is what it’s been like today.” And then, “Hello?”
He’s on my speed-dial, but I’m not on his.
“How’s it going, Andrew?”
“Stacy, what’s going on?”
A conversation ensued and, since there was no time to clarify whether we were on or off the record, I’ll say only that (a) he had just gotten off the phone with Bill Plante of CBS News, (b) Breitbart is planning a four-day camping trip this weekend, and (c) we had only been talking a minute when he signed off as per the headline.
Do not envy the famous. It’s not easy being Andrew Breitbart.
Dan Riehl has a good defense of Breitbart today. Of course, it’s not easy being Dan Riehl, either, but at least Dan doesn’t have to deal with network news anchors calling him all the time. It’s hard enough for Dan that I’m calling him all the time.
30 Responses to “Andrew Breitbart: ‘I Have to Take This Call, I Think It’s Diane Sawyer’”
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July 22nd, 2010 @ 5:48 pm
Yeah,even Ann Coulter says it was wrong for him to release the the video in the manner that it was.Of course, she also thinks that Breitbart was set up.
Amazingly there have been some surprises as to people that are coming down on Breitbart, people on the Right side of the aisle no less.
Dan Riehl, like most Conservatives, doesn’t seem to have a clue as to what constitutes racism. He, like many other Cons, are going to stick to the story that Sherrod is a racist, despite testimony from the farmers in question and despite the rest of the video, which Riehl I guess has not seen yet.
Oy vey…And Tea Bagging racist Mark Williams is still sitting pretty in the eyes of Conservatives…
July 22nd, 2010 @ 1:48 pm
Yeah,even Ann Coulter says it was wrong for him to release the the video in the manner that it was.Of course, she also thinks that Breitbart was set up.
Amazingly there have been some surprises as to people that are coming down on Breitbart, people on the Right side of the aisle no less.
Dan Riehl, like most Conservatives, doesn’t seem to have a clue as to what constitutes racism. He, like many other Cons, are going to stick to the story that Sherrod is a racist, despite testimony from the farmers in question and despite the rest of the video, which Riehl I guess has not seen yet.
Oy vey…And Tea Bagging racist Mark Williams is still sitting pretty in the eyes of Conservatives…
July 22nd, 2010 @ 6:05 pm
Dan Riehl is right on this one, and usually I want to smack him.
Sherrod’s tale is not one of redemption. She was and continues to be race obsessed, flinging accusations of racism at anyone who disagrees with her on a political issue such as the health care bill. The “farmer” that was paraded before the cameras to rehabilitate her image must have a story to tell, since Sherrod first claimed that he had died. The farmer’s wife claims that they were never referred to white lawyers, yet another inconsistency with Sherrod’s story.
The bottom line is this: Sherrod, working at a non profit which no doubt received government funding (and thus could not discriminate) admitted that she did not help a white farmer as fully as she could have, solely based on his race. Later, after she decided that he met some secret requirement in her own mind, she decided that he was poor enough to warrant more help, EVEN THOUGH HE WAS WHITE, from his “own kind.”
Never once did Sherrod apologize for any of this. In fact, in a CNN interview this week, she denied that her behavior and attitudes were racist in any way. How is this a tale of a redeemed woman who has been wronged? It isn’t, and few commentators on the right have had the common sense and insight to see the forest for the trees.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 2:05 pm
Dan Riehl is right on this one, and usually I want to smack him.
Sherrod’s tale is not one of redemption. She was and continues to be race obsessed, flinging accusations of racism at anyone who disagrees with her on a political issue such as the health care bill. The “farmer” that was paraded before the cameras to rehabilitate her image must have a story to tell, since Sherrod first claimed that he had died. The farmer’s wife claims that they were never referred to white lawyers, yet another inconsistency with Sherrod’s story.
The bottom line is this: Sherrod, working at a non profit which no doubt received government funding (and thus could not discriminate) admitted that she did not help a white farmer as fully as she could have, solely based on his race. Later, after she decided that he met some secret requirement in her own mind, she decided that he was poor enough to warrant more help, EVEN THOUGH HE WAS WHITE, from his “own kind.”
Never once did Sherrod apologize for any of this. In fact, in a CNN interview this week, she denied that her behavior and attitudes were racist in any way. How is this a tale of a redeemed woman who has been wronged? It isn’t, and few commentators on the right have had the common sense and insight to see the forest for the trees.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 6:27 pm
Is there a requirement that conservative sites must have liberal trolls who all write like they’ve snorted about a dozen lines of coke before they start typing. It’s bad enough that they’re often illogical, but they can’t even write coherently.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 2:27 pm
Is there a requirement that conservative sites must have liberal trolls who all write like they’ve snorted about a dozen lines of coke before they start typing. It’s bad enough that they’re often illogical, but they can’t even write coherently.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 6:29 pm
4eyes I would suggest it is you who does not understand what racism is …
continue believing that conservative=racist, your own ignorance is holding you back from becoming a serious adult …
July 22nd, 2010 @ 2:29 pm
4eyes I would suggest it is you who does not understand what racism is …
continue believing that conservative=racist, your own ignorance is holding you back from becoming a serious adult …
July 22nd, 2010 @ 2:39 pm
I am setting my sights higher. Going for Breitbart, since Olbermann is trying to go for him. I am going to leave RSM for gg and young4eyes.
The only way left to drive traffic is to attack, attack, attack. People have stopped paying attention to me.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 6:39 pm
I am setting my sights higher. Going for Breitbart, since Olbermann is trying to go for him. I am going to leave RSM for gg and young4eyes.
The only way left to drive traffic is to attack, attack, attack. People have stopped paying attention to me.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 7:01 pm
Is anyone surprised?
I mean really. These Obama Democrats are just like the old Democrats, that is to say, they have no qualms about resorting to race-baiting tactics that their party not only created, but perfected, like the scum that they are.
Scary times we live in with a complicit media more than happy to bang the drum for the Administration.
Kudos to Breitbart and to Riehl.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 3:01 pm
Is anyone surprised?
I mean really. These Obama Democrats are just like the old Democrats, that is to say, they have no qualms about resorting to race-baiting tactics that their party not only created, but perfected, like the scum that they are.
Scary times we live in with a complicit media more than happy to bang the drum for the Administration.
Kudos to Breitbart and to Riehl.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 7:14 pm
We conservatives know EXACTLY what constitutes raaaaacism! to the modern liberal fuckwit like young4eyes and gg.
It means they’re losing the argument.
End of fucking story.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 3:14 pm
We conservatives know EXACTLY what constitutes raaaaacism! to the modern liberal fuckwit like young4eyes and gg.
It means they’re losing the argument.
End of fucking story.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 7:58 pm
I have no doubt that Breitbart was had – not necessarily “set up” but led to jump the gun on the video when the NAACP wouldn’t give him a full copy (interestingly, the NAACP joined the chorus of criticism for Sherrod, and they HAD the whole vid, just hadn’t bothered to look at it yet). He should have gone back to his source to get the full edition, but he didn’t.
Now, his greater point that the NAACP audience is quite accepting, even approving, of Sherrod’s announcement that she discriminated against a white man is quite valid, but gets lost in the cacophony over the injustice to Sherrod (which was actually perpetrated by the Obama Administration, not AB). He’s going to have to out his source, or risk having himself blackballed by legacy media even moreso than before.
Paul Zummo @ #5 ~ Don’t ascribe to drugs what can be explained by mere stupidity. Suffice it to say that if the little children trolling were half as intelligent as they think they are, they would be twice as intelligent as they actually are.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 3:58 pm
I have no doubt that Breitbart was had – not necessarily “set up” but led to jump the gun on the video when the NAACP wouldn’t give him a full copy (interestingly, the NAACP joined the chorus of criticism for Sherrod, and they HAD the whole vid, just hadn’t bothered to look at it yet). He should have gone back to his source to get the full edition, but he didn’t.
Now, his greater point that the NAACP audience is quite accepting, even approving, of Sherrod’s announcement that she discriminated against a white man is quite valid, but gets lost in the cacophony over the injustice to Sherrod (which was actually perpetrated by the Obama Administration, not AB). He’s going to have to out his source, or risk having himself blackballed by legacy media even moreso than before.
Paul Zummo @ #5 ~ Don’t ascribe to drugs what can be explained by mere stupidity. Suffice it to say that if the little children trolling were half as intelligent as they think they are, they would be twice as intelligent as they actually are.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 9:55 pm
Don’t ascribe to drugs what can be explained by mere stupidity. Suffice it to say that if the little children trolling were half as intelligent as they think they are, they would be twice as intelligent as they actually are.
Zing! Estragon, that’s one of your best. Bravo.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 5:55 pm
Don’t ascribe to drugs what can be explained by mere stupidity. Suffice it to say that if the little children trolling were half as intelligent as they think they are, they would be twice as intelligent as they actually are.
Zing! Estragon, that’s one of your best. Bravo.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 10:29 pm
Oh Randy, your side gets exposed for starting a phony race scandal and WE are losing the argument. Don’t look now, but the Tea Party is still harboring Mark Williams, racist extraordinaire. End of fucking story, you douchebag.
Zummo has a hard time comprehending anything that doesn’t fit into his neat little narrative, which explains why he thinks logic is drug induced. That’s what happens when you listen to talk radio all day, you begin believing your own paranoia.
Yeah, while you shitheads go patting yourselves in the back for your make-believe victory, the rest of the world ( including some intelligent Cons) are laughing at Breitbart’s FAIL of the century.
Nice try, dude!
July 22nd, 2010 @ 6:29 pm
Oh Randy, your side gets exposed for starting a phony race scandal and WE are losing the argument. Don’t look now, but the Tea Party is still harboring Mark Williams, racist extraordinaire. End of fucking story, you douchebag.
Zummo has a hard time comprehending anything that doesn’t fit into his neat little narrative, which explains why he thinks logic is drug induced. That’s what happens when you listen to talk radio all day, you begin believing your own paranoia.
Yeah, while you shitheads go patting yourselves in the back for your make-believe victory, the rest of the world ( including some intelligent Cons) are laughing at Breitbart’s FAIL of the century.
Nice try, dude!
July 23rd, 2010 @ 3:14 am
Marking the zillionth-time moment, the Left again attacks the messenger while attemptoing to bury the message.
Bury the message in a mountain of attacks on the messenger, Breitbart.
Shirley IS a racist but that’s the least of anyone’s concerns and possible interest at this point. Breitbart exposed in his first release of the video portion made available to him the enthusiastic enjoyment OF her racism by an equally racist audience (of NAACP members).
That was clearly the point of what Breitbart provided and why (to show that racism that exists among the NAACP, after their attack on such feigned allegations about the Tea Party).
Many Americans *got that point* from what Breitbart showed in that first video-portion he made available to the public.
The only people who are alluding to *not getting that* are the Left with their latest smokescreen, Shirley Sharron — she’s their latest Violin Victim while the issue of Elena Kagan’s ethical amorality carries on, among so much else of similar travesty and corruption among the Left.
Oh, and attacking Breitbart, that’s useful, now, isn’t it? Useful to people who can’t stand up for their own corruption and bear it like adults.
Breitbart did a good thing, his point was made and clearly so. The only people wandering around the actual issue are the Left who never do face up to their own corruption.
Shirley’s a racist, it’s somewhat understandable in her life story, but her statements made while employed with the USDA identify a “racial policy” at work — and Vilsack doesn’t get an excuse in that regard, either (nor does Mr. Obama).
Meanwhile, the latest round of Leftwing attack-commenters troll the internet and harp on about “Breitbart” and “teabaggers” and perpetuate their own, Leftwing rotten source. “Hate speech” and “racism” do.not.even.come.close to describing the deplorably amoral ideologies of the Left, nor their dreadful online behavior.
By comparison, Andrew Breitbart is a Kinght in Shining Armor.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 11:14 pm
Marking the zillionth-time moment, the Left again attacks the messenger while attemptoing to bury the message.
Bury the message in a mountain of attacks on the messenger, Breitbart.
Shirley IS a racist but that’s the least of anyone’s concerns and possible interest at this point. Breitbart exposed in his first release of the video portion made available to him the enthusiastic enjoyment OF her racism by an equally racist audience (of NAACP members).
That was clearly the point of what Breitbart provided and why (to show that racism that exists among the NAACP, after their attack on such feigned allegations about the Tea Party).
Many Americans *got that point* from what Breitbart showed in that first video-portion he made available to the public.
The only people who are alluding to *not getting that* are the Left with their latest smokescreen, Shirley Sharron — she’s their latest Violin Victim while the issue of Elena Kagan’s ethical amorality carries on, among so much else of similar travesty and corruption among the Left.
Oh, and attacking Breitbart, that’s useful, now, isn’t it? Useful to people who can’t stand up for their own corruption and bear it like adults.
Breitbart did a good thing, his point was made and clearly so. The only people wandering around the actual issue are the Left who never do face up to their own corruption.
Shirley’s a racist, it’s somewhat understandable in her life story, but her statements made while employed with the USDA identify a “racial policy” at work — and Vilsack doesn’t get an excuse in that regard, either (nor does Mr. Obama).
Meanwhile, the latest round of Leftwing attack-commenters troll the internet and harp on about “Breitbart” and “teabaggers” and perpetuate their own, Leftwing rotten source. “Hate speech” and “racism” do.not.even.come.close to describing the deplorably amoral ideologies of the Left, nor their dreadful online behavior.
By comparison, Andrew Breitbart is a Kinght in Shining Armor.
July 23rd, 2010 @ 3:18 am
And Coulter’s criticism about Breitbart (“he shouldn’t have released part of the tape without viewing the full tape” — I paraphrse), was fluffy but badly servicing of the issue that really matters:
Breitbart pointed out and exemplified by the tape just to what degree racism is present among the NAACP.
I was glad to view what Breitbart released and glad that he’d done so. I don’t see any need to even discuss any possible “revisionism” of statement, despite and including what is on the “full tape” because Sharon has gone forth to iterate and reiterate her racist views all over the media afterward. She may have some sparkly moments of insight (don’t most of us, though), but she hardly exemplifies a decent standard among federal employees or humanity in general.
The real story is how and for what purpose the USDA is being used by the Left to siphon (“redistribute”) taxpayer dollars.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 11:18 pm
And Coulter’s criticism about Breitbart (“he shouldn’t have released part of the tape without viewing the full tape” — I paraphrse), was fluffy but badly servicing of the issue that really matters:
Breitbart pointed out and exemplified by the tape just to what degree racism is present among the NAACP.
I was glad to view what Breitbart released and glad that he’d done so. I don’t see any need to even discuss any possible “revisionism” of statement, despite and including what is on the “full tape” because Sharon has gone forth to iterate and reiterate her racist views all over the media afterward. She may have some sparkly moments of insight (don’t most of us, though), but she hardly exemplifies a decent standard among federal employees or humanity in general.
The real story is how and for what purpose the USDA is being used by the Left to siphon (“redistribute”) taxpayer dollars.
July 23rd, 2010 @ 3:23 am
And I do NOT conclude that Breitbart “was had.” He made an excellent point in releasing that first portion of that tape and lifting the head off the corruption that exists among the Left under pretense of name-calling Americans using the tired and predictable pejoratives of “racist” and whatever else they can grab onto.
What the Left has done is prove they are, indeed, irrational if not racist. Worse, behind all their pointing index fingers at the Right, there are their own grubby other fingers pointing back at them.
I don’t think Breitbart’s a victim, I think he’s a smart guy who took a big risk because he sees == so clearly — the dankness on the Left, their lies, their hideous allegations mostly all mere throw-up from very sick people.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 11:23 pm
And I do NOT conclude that Breitbart “was had.” He made an excellent point in releasing that first portion of that tape and lifting the head off the corruption that exists among the Left under pretense of name-calling Americans using the tired and predictable pejoratives of “racist” and whatever else they can grab onto.
What the Left has done is prove they are, indeed, irrational if not racist. Worse, behind all their pointing index fingers at the Right, there are their own grubby other fingers pointing back at them.
I don’t think Breitbart’s a victim, I think he’s a smart guy who took a big risk because he sees == so clearly — the dankness on the Left, their lies, their hideous allegations mostly all mere throw-up from very sick people.
July 23rd, 2010 @ 3:25 am
Just a question, though: CAN the Left ever express themselves without four-letter name-calling about others? Is their point in using ongoing crass language that they don’t actually want anyone else to read what their feeling? Because most decent people stop reading after the first “******”.
July 22nd, 2010 @ 11:25 pm
Just a question, though: CAN the Left ever express themselves without four-letter name-calling about others? Is their point in using ongoing crass language that they don’t actually want anyone else to read what their feeling? Because most decent people stop reading after the first “******”.
July 23rd, 2010 @ 11:16 pm
Tu Quoque (and not even particularly well done tu quoque, nobody even knows or cares who Mark Williams is) is the first last and only refuge of the Leftard exposed.
Keep it up, retards. You’re fucking funny.
July 23rd, 2010 @ 7:16 pm
Tu Quoque (and not even particularly well done tu quoque, nobody even knows or cares who Mark Williams is) is the first last and only refuge of the Leftard exposed.
Keep it up, retards. You’re fucking funny.