The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

LIVE AT FIVE – 10.25.10

Posted on | October 25, 2010 | 4 Comments


Poll: Brown Has Double-Digit Lead Over Whitman

California AG Jerry Brown handwaves, flames at LA rally

LA Times/USC poll shows lead widening among women, Latinos

Diarrhea Death Toll In Haiti Now Over 250
Did we say diarrhea? Oops. Definitely cholera. Definitely.

Secret War At The Heart Of Wikileaks
As Instapundit says, it’s clear that Julian Assange is a tool. But whose tool?

Obama To Focus On Deficit In Next Two Years

Facing up to dealing with a hostile House that’ll want to cut spending, leave Bush tax cuts in place


Dem Leaders Claim They Can Retain Control Of Congress

DNC chief Tim Kaine, Representative Alcee Hastings (D-Fla) discuss the campaign

Kaine: “We’ve got work to do, but we think we can do it.”

Florida Mulls “Sore Loser” Election Law
You lost the primary? You’re done, buddy.

Rove: Oh, NOW Anonymous Contributions Are A Problem, You Say?
“it’s not a threat to democracy when us Democrats do it” Department


Geithner Meets Wang In Tsingtao
(No homo. Also, not a beer joke)

Japan September Exports Down From Last Month, Up 14% From 2009

Refis Slump As Rates Rise

Fiat’s Italian Business Still Unprofitable, CEO Says


Pats, Steelers Hang On To Join Jets At League Best 5-1

Pats QB Tom Brady prepares to pass in the first half of a 23-20 win

Chargers blunder, Steelers saved by refs – just another week in the NFL

Giants Beat Phillies 3-2, Face Senators Rangers In World Series

Auburn, Oregon Lead BCS Standings

Seahawks Alone Atop The West After Drubbing Cardinals

Brazilian Nunes Wins Pro Bull Riding Championship

Hamlin Gains Ground On Johnson With Another Martinsville Win


Katy Perry, Russell Brand Tie The Knot India Style

Russell Brand & Katy Perry

Katy: “We just love each other and we want to get married in front of our friends and family and keep it very normal. It ain’t about selling the pictures, it ain’t about doing no pre-nup, it’s just a normal thing.”

Randy Quaid, Wife Seek Asylum In Canada
Guys! Guys! The election’s not over yet! :V

LiLo Update: Rushing Back To Work Could Be Hazardous To Her Health

Taylor Momsen Flashes Fans At NYC Concert (Video)

Paris Hilton Goes Halloween Shopping In Costume

Liam Neeson In For Mel Gibson On “Hangover 2”


Afghan War KIAs For Year Reach 600

British Deputy PM Calls For Investigation Of Wikileaks Torture Memos

Israelis, Palestinians Watching U.S. Midterm Results Closely


Ed Morrissey: Hey, Look! Wikileaks Says We Found WMDs In Iraq!

Moe Lane: I Believe The Florida Senate Race Is Now Over

GayPatriot: Old & Burnt – Bush Derangement Syndrome; New Hotness – Tea Party Derangement Syndrome

Cubachi: Even The MSM Thinks Your Attacks On Allen West Smell Of Weakness

Pirate’s Cove: GOP Winning Congress Could Be Good For Obama – Wait, What?

— compiled by Wombat-socho


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