The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Julian Assange Has ‘Got the Editor of Time Magazine Hanging Breathlessly on His Every Word’

Posted on | December 2, 2010 | 27 Comments

That’s Allahpundit’s description of the biggest celebrity anti-American since Cindy Sheehan. Assange is like John Kerry, Bill Ayers and Alger Hiss rolled into one great big ball of adorable subversion. He’s as sexy as Che Guevara.

Julian Assange is to liberal journalists what Justin Bieber is to 11-year-old girls. He’s Sinatra at the Paramount, Elvis on the Ed Sullivan Show, the Beatles at Shea Stadium.

“Oh, please, Julian — it’s OK if I call you Julian, isn’t it? — please, release some more documents that will undermine America’s national security and, by the way, I want to have your babies.”

Pathetic, is what it is.

This guy is the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of the Internet. Kim Jong Il with a blog.

The appropriate U.S. response to Julian Assange could be summarized in four words: Predator drone. Hellfire missile.

And then let all these damned journalistic apostles of “transparency” try to get an exclusive interview with the smoking crater.

Yeah. I wrote that. And put it on the Internet.

UPDATE: Does Assange face arrest in Britain?

UPDATE II: The noose tightens.


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