The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Alyssa Milano Told Me This Video Was Cute — And She Was Right!

Posted on | December 15, 2010 | 5 Comments

Why I am blogging about this silliness? Because I’m fighting sudden-onset Blogger Mood Disorder. I spent many hours yesterday trying to develop a complete aggregation on the Florida school board shooting — see also here — and while perhaps it wasn’t a complete waste of time, others got credit for blogging today what I first blogged last night.

Because I suck.

Given that there is no incentive to be the first to blog breaking news, to report and analyze events as they happen, I might as well be the first conservative blogger to post this video of a 2-year-old fascinated by his Christmas toy. 

Enjoy your childhood, kid. It’s all downhill from there.

Please, all my blogger “friends,” be sure to post this video later. Don’t even hat-tip me. My utter worthlessness might be contagious.


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