The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Terrorism: Obama’s Against It

Posted on | January 2, 2011 | 13 Comments

“I strongly condemn the separate and outrageous terrorist bombing attacks in Egypt and Nigeria.”

Nice of him to make this clear, considering his long association with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers.

Associated Press video of the reaction in Egypt:

This whole throwing-rocks-at-the-police thing doesn’t strike me as the Christian thing to do, but consider how Christians have been abused in the Middle East:

The devastating New Year’s Day terrorist bombing at a Coptic church in Egypt that killed 21 people was the latest in a spate of violent assaults against the Middle East’s vulnerable Christian communities. . . .
The attack in the ancient Mediterranean coastal city was the latest in a wave of violence against once-resilient Christian communities in the Muslim world, some of which date back to antiquity.
Christmas Eve assaults by Muslim extremists killed dozens of Christians in the Nigerian cities of Jos and Maiduguri. And Iraq’s Christians have endured a relentless campaign of attacks and intimidation by the local branch of Al Qaeda.
An Oct. 31 siege on a Baghdad church that killed at least 58 parishioners and staff members sparked a new Christian exodus from the Iraqi capital and the northern city of Mosul. About 1,000 families sought refuge in Iraq’s semiautonomous Kurdish enclave afterward, according to the United Nations. Further threats of violence by Islamic militants caused many Christians in Iraq to tone down Christmas celebrations, and attacks Thursday against 10 Christian targets left an elderly couple dead.

More at  Gateway Pundit, Jihad Watch and Israel Matzav.


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