The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

From Mountains Jenghis Roamed About

Posted on | March 20, 2011 | 9 Comments

by Smitty

This week’s FMJRA is a throwback to a blogging life I distantly remember, trying to come up with a suitable FMJRA backronym for the week. The bad news is that the Wombat is still recovering. The good news is that I happen to have a few spare minutes and bandwidth to pinch-hit for the doughty fellow.
Stacy McCain remains one of the better teachers I’ve ever met, while simultaneously possessed of an aversion to learning anything toward which he’s not inclined, for example, invoking the back-end spell that extracts our last week’s efforts and does a preliminary HTML arrangement thereof.
So, yeah, I’ll do this, Stacy, but don’t think for a moment anyone is buying the whole ‘caveman’ routine. 😉

Japan is heavily in our thoughts and prayers

May the Almighty continue to speed the recovery efforts, and strengthen the survivors.
Finally: Japanese Official Admits ‘Possible Partial Meltdown’ at Nuclear Power Plant

Shepard Smith, Live From Tokyo

Bad to Worse: Third Explosion at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant UPDATE: Japanese Officials ‘Freaked Out’

The Sarah Palin shadow Presidency continues

Lefty voters are glomming onto the fact that the Left’s rhetoric is generally pure shinola. When they apply that realization specifically to the Left’s Palin rhetoric, and grasp that she’s not the dunce they’ve been saying, the Left is going to be well, truly, and deservedly tubed.
Judd Gregg Succumbs to Palinphobia

Of Pundits And Palin

Cubachi Assesses Sarah Palin’s Trip To Israel As A ‘Run’ Indication

Stacy McCain: ‘Forget the rule of holes; I’m tunneling’

Can you dig it? Not like Stacy can. I recommend the dextrosphere support the Shoe Leather Fund and keep Stacy on the road, where he is too busy for phyrric pen pugilism.
What I Said to Pete

Even In The Shrunken Google Reader Version, I Was Sure That Little Miss Attila Was Not Talking About Me

Re-Reading Susan Brownmiller
Confronting the Radical Facts of Feminism

Coyote and Roadrunner

Is Stacy McCain’s Fashion Sense Roughly Equivalent To His Skill At Arguing With Women?

‘Other’? I Mean, Really? ‘Other’?

‘Stacy Threw Out Fake Statistics
That Portray a Skewed Reality’

What was I saying about Lefty rhetoric being pure shinola?

New Motherf–g Tone Update: ‘A Sense of Entitlement That Leads to Criminality’ UPDATE: Althouse Cyberstalker Says ‘Forced to Commit Identity Suicide’

Dan Riehl Always Gets His Man: Madison Althouse Stalker James L. Shankman UPDATE: Social F–ing Justice Theory? Shankman Quotes … Pope Leo XIII!

In E-Mail to Dan Riehl, Shankman Claims ‘Very Mainstream Catholic Theology’

The rest of the story

Gawker Misspells ‘New Hamshire’ [sic] in Article Slamming Bachmann as Ignorant

James Wolcott: ‘Those Sort of People’

Rule 5 Sunday Falls On A Monday This Week

What Da Tech Guy Didn’t Mention About Herman Cain

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Alternative Reality)

Guilty Twitter Pleasures

It’s the New Motherf–ing Tone!

Define ‘Hate Group’

If I Had A Dollar For Every Time Someone Like A Fat Film Maker With A Baseball Cap Blathered About Insufficient Taxation, I Could Buy A Death-Porn Doorstop

Dan Collins Should Be Linked, And Often, And By Someone Who Knows How

‘Valley Of The Shadow’ Reports From A Convening Of Springs In The CA Republic

Mises on ‘Christian Socialism’

California GOP: Falling Down

OPERATION ODYSSEY DAWN: U.S. Launches Attacks on Targets in Libya

There’s your FMJRA. Deep apologies to the Blogger crowd who loyally links us but doesn’t show up on the pingback radar. You can feel free to send about ten emails per missed link to Stacy McCain for prompt processsing.


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