The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Try to Act Surprised

Posted on | March 28, 2011 | 36 Comments

You know how, when somebody gives you a gift and for some reason you already knew what they were going to give you, as a courtesy you make a point of acting surprised anyway?

“A sweater! Wow! Aunt Mary, how thoughtful of you!”

Byron York just gave you a sweater:

Evidence is emerging that United States forces are waging war in Libya on behalf of rebels whose ranks include jihadis who fought against the U.S. in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Right. Like we didn’t see that one coming.

Also, Obama gave his big Libya speech, which was drunkblogged by VodkaPundit, who may or may not have gotten a perfect score while playing “Barack’s Bullshit Rationalization Bingo.”

UPDATE: Any excuse to drop bombs will always satisfy Bill Kristol, but I’m sticking with my gut-hunch instinct that, if this war was actually good for America, Obama would be 100% against it.

It’s like with John Kerry. When he voted for the Iraq invasion, that should have been a big red-flag warning that it was a bad idea. It was only after we’d already invaded, and Kerry turned against the war he’d voted for, that I was 100% in favor of the war. We should always try our best to win any war that John Kerry opposes, and never support any war if John Kerry is in favor of it.

Here’s an entire op-ed column by John Kerry about what a humdinger nifty war this Libya thing is. That’s how you know it’s going to be a complete disaster.

UPDATE: Linked by Republican Redefined, Uncoverage, Practical State and Ed Driscollthanks! — and welcome Instapundit readers!


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