The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Eric Holder Blames Congress for Blocking Trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Posted on | April 5, 2011 | 8 Comments

Even when they do the right thing, the Obama administration refuses to take responsibility:

The Obama administration Monday abandoned its effort to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other alleged plotters of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on trial in civilian courts, saying the accused terrorists will instead face military trials at Guantanamo Bay, in the prison President Barack Obama had promised would be closed more than a year ago.
The move, announced by Attorney General Eric Holder on the same day that Mr. Obama formally launched his bid for re-election, marked a significant reversal . . .
Mr. Holder blamed politics for the continued delay in bringing the defendants to justice.
“We were prepared to bring a powerful case against the 9/11 defendants in federal court,” he said, visibly frustrated and striking a defiant tone. “Unfortunately, members of Congress have intervened and imposed restrictions blocking the administration from bringing any Guantanamo detainees to trial in the United States.”

Daily Kos accuses Obama of “caving to fearmongers.” (Let’s hear it for fearmongers!) In an editorial, the New York Times condemns the move: “That retreat was a victory for Congressional pandering and an embarrassment for the Obama administration, which failed to stand up to it.” (Let’s hear it for pandering!)

The ACLU slams Obama for having “abandoned one of his major promises from 2008.” (Liberals have recently begun noticing this about a lot of Obama’s campaign promises.)

In his official statement, Holder accused his critics of using the KSM case for “settling ideological arguments or scoring political points.” Which is, of course, what Holder’s official statement was all about.

 Michelle Malkin has more background.


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