SAVAGES: Did Libyan Mob Sodomize U.S. Ambassador Before Killing Him?
Posted on | September 13, 2012 | 38 Comments
This report is so shocking that it seems impossible: According to one unconfirmed Arab-language account from a Libyan news agency, citing the French agency AFP, “the U.S. ambassador to Libya was raped sexually before killing by gunmen who stormed the embassy building in Benghazi.” It appears that the first English version of this account was published last night at the NOPC blog, then made its way to I Own the World, was picked up by Riehl World News, and then reported at the Washington Times by Kerry Picket.
My apologies in advance if I’ve gotten the sequence of events in any way confused. I learned of it via a Tweet from Michelle Malkin, and wish to emphasize — as Picket did in an update — that this is an unconfirmed report. Obviously a mob that would attack our consulate and kill four Americans is capable of anything, but we do not yet have confirmation that this reported atrocity actually happened.
Last November, journalist Mona Eltahawy described being sexually assaulted by Egyptian security forces after she was detained in Cairo, prompting me to remark:
A few weeks ago, discussing Libya on Red Eye, Kevin Williamson used the phrase “desert savages,” which is politically incorrect, but when we see savagery like this, who can say it isn’t also accurate?
The question remains valid, for obvious reasons.
UPDATE: One of the things about liberal bias is how it creates a bizarre disproportion in attitudes toward events. While mobs of enraged Muslims are now besieging U.S. embassies worldwide — in Yemen and elsewhere — the liberal media continues to unblinkingly accept the administration’s assertion that the real problem is not Islamic thuggery, but rather an obscure anti-Islamic video that no one in American had even heard about until Tuesday. Political correctoids are more offended by Kevin Williamson’s “desert savages” description of Libyans than they are by actual Libyan savagery. And we must remember, of course, that political correctness is ultimately about politics:
Which is more offensive to media: Libyan mob killing U.S. ambassador or Romney criticizing Obama?… via @lonelycon
— Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 13, 2012
38 Responses to “SAVAGES: Did Libyan Mob Sodomize U.S. Ambassador Before Killing Him?”
September 13th, 2012 @ 1:24 pm
They are the lowest life, they are not people they are animals.
Please tell your son who is in training never hesitate with these animals never ever think twice.
September 13th, 2012 @ 1:26 pm
Bear in mind that Khadafi was sodomized with a stick before his death, also. Quaint Libyan custom, it seems.
September 13th, 2012 @ 1:31 pm
Left over from the Turks and Greeks
September 13th, 2012 @ 1:33 pm
We do not have this confirmed yet, but it may have happened.
Where is Mencken when you need him…his legacy is in the blogosphere and not the mainstream media.
September 13th, 2012 @ 1:50 pm
And yet Obama says he’s going to work with the Libyan government to bring the killers to justice, which begs two questions:
1) What Libyan government?
2) How is that supposed to work if the killers were also working with what is passing itself off as Libya’s government?
September 13th, 2012 @ 2:04 pm
” One of the things about liberal bias is how it creates a bizarre disproportion in attitudes toward events.”
Just look at Whoopi Goldberg’s asinine “It’s not rape rape!” comment. Which I expect lefties to parrot in this case. Or maybe even offer advise to their comrades under the Islamic banner.
September 13th, 2012 @ 2:09 pm
Also not being reported anywhere’s. Ambassador Stevens was un-married, 51 year old male, from the San Francisco Bay area. The irony.
September 13th, 2012 @ 2:23 pm
[…] Obama used the deaths of US troops to score political points against John McCain.Update: Linked by The Other McCain who reports that there are unconfirmed accounts of Ambassador Stevens being raped by the savages […]
September 13th, 2012 @ 2:25 pm
[…] SAVAGES: Did Libyan Mob Sodomize U.S. Ambassador Before Killing Him? : The Other McCain […]
September 13th, 2012 @ 2:32 pm
What irony, exactly, is that?
Say that he was gay. That’s an excuse for Muslim desert savages to rape him? That justifies it somehow?
WTF do you think you’re trying to put across here?
September 13th, 2012 @ 2:50 pm
[…] Stacy McCain offers his thoughts on this report and other matters here. […]
September 13th, 2012 @ 2:53 pm
This is the story that has me wanting impeachment charges against Obama:
They “trusted” the Muslim Brotherhood to protect them instead of the US Marines. I am furious.
September 13th, 2012 @ 2:56 pm
[…] First, Did the Libyan Mob that Killed Our Ambassador Sodomize him first? […]
September 13th, 2012 @ 2:57 pm
Based on the photo of him being carried by the guy with the cell phone between his teeth I’m skeptical. That photo appeared to be someone who died from smoke inhalation, especially due to his skin color and the smoke/soot around his face and mouth. Also his head and most of his torso was clearly visible and there was no indication of any sort of gunshot wounds,
September 13th, 2012 @ 3:06 pm
[…] SAVAGES: Did Libyan Mob Sodomize U.S. Ambassador Before Killing Him? : The Other McCain […]
September 13th, 2012 @ 3:11 pm
I concur. There are reports that one of the security guys managed to get several staff members out and returned for the ambassador but was driven back by thick smoke. It is logical to conclude he was suffocated by the smoke. Those entering the building after the fire burned out found his body. In the picture he is fully clothed and his pants and shirt are blackened somewhat by smoke/soot. I think they did not even know who he was. Any violence perpetrated was post mortem. Not that this in any way mitigates the outrage of the killings.
September 13th, 2012 @ 3:40 pm
We need to build a few of these for community relations along the Mediterranean littoral… cost effective and useful.
September 13th, 2012 @ 3:40 pm
Yeah, and OJ’s still working with LAPD…
September 13th, 2012 @ 3:41 pm
So, when will we act like this is a problem?
Or, Mr. Obama and his media enablers are saying “Crisis? What Crisis?”
September 13th, 2012 @ 3:41 pm
If you’re going to posit the brutal murder of unarmed diplomats, I see no reason to preclude necrophilia…
September 13th, 2012 @ 3:51 pm
There’s something to be said for a tactical nuke being used to turn the area around the Libyan Presidential palace into a glass topped parking lot. or as we used to say back in the day…”Nuke ’em ’til they glow in the dark.”
Do you think our standing in the world would go up after that?
September 13th, 2012 @ 4:23 pm
I don’t care if he was sweeter than pink Christmas trees and a Liza Minnelli drag tribute show, he did not deserve what happened to him. There is no irony here. Thre are situations when a high school boy joke just doesnt’ cut it. This is one.
September 13th, 2012 @ 4:42 pm
Doubtful; Greek influence in that area ended roughly 2500 years ago.
September 13th, 2012 @ 4:57 pm
Not the same government but this is still the country who insisted the released Lockerbie bomber was about to die at any second. I still don’t believe he’s dead. I country in chaos is a great place to just disappear and become someone else.
September 13th, 2012 @ 8:07 pm
I believe Mr. Dondero is trying to deflect the conversation. Let’s not let him.
September 13th, 2012 @ 8:42 pm
Ironically, Libya once financed its own Mohammed movie that led to deaths in the US…
September 13th, 2012 @ 9:00 pm
Sodomy and Islamic extremism: the two pillars of Obama foreign policy?
September 13th, 2012 @ 11:43 pm
September 14th, 2012 @ 10:16 am
Once again, the elite media have succeeded in persuading most Americans of their agenda. The problem is not Obama’s ineptitude, but Romney’s criticism of it. I’ve heard from too many people who buy this line of thinking. Even when they agree Obama is inept, they adopt the line that Romney was wrong to criticize him so.
This sort of thing will lead inexorably to the president’s re-election. The rules have changed.
September 14th, 2012 @ 1:44 pm
this is just the begining…they aren’t through with us as long as we do not respond in kind they will continue
September 15th, 2012 @ 8:18 pm
I’ve seen the remark ”glass topped parking lot”. Please explain for those like me that haven’t heard that phrase before.
September 15th, 2012 @ 9:00 pm
Man oh Man, You Republicans have really outdone yourselves this time.
I’d check Cheney, Rove, Preibus, McConnell and Boner’s alibies.
These rapists, torturers, murderers have the blood of a million innocents on their hands.
They sacrificed the lives of thousands of Americans for oil. Murdering an Ambassador to win the Presidential election?? They wouldn’t think twice!
September 16th, 2012 @ 2:57 am
When a nuclear device goes off, the massive heat that it creates turns sand into glass . . . and levels everything around the blast ring (aka: the “kill zone”) into the flatness of a parking lot . . . Resulting in your basic “glass-topped parking lot”.
September 16th, 2012 @ 3:02 am
Keep in mind that the Ayatollah Khomeini (of Carter’s ignominious fame) wrote about the acceptability of Mohammed’s followers sodomizing goats and sheep.
Guess this wouldn’t be a stretch for them.
September 16th, 2012 @ 3:10 am
For whose oil, A*s*s*w*i*p*e** ? ? ?
You DO know that NO American company helped itself to anybody’s oil, don’t you?
Or have you only been out of kindergarten for just a few months ?
You are a vile, despicable P.O.S. – hope your Mommy is very proud of you !
September 16th, 2012 @ 5:40 pm
Do you eat with that mouth?
Right back at ya!
Profanity is the signal of a simple mind.
September 19th, 2012 @ 9:42 pm
[…] picked up by Riehl World News, and*then reported at the Washington Times by Kerry Picket." SAVAGES: Did Libyan Mob Sodomize U.S. Ambassador Before Killing Him? : The Other McCain __________________ "Liberalism is financed by the dividends from […]
September 22nd, 2012 @ 9:17 pm
Murdering a homosexual is equally heinous to murdering a heterosexual. The Ambassador’s sexual life is not the issue. The murderous savages who tortured, abused, and killed him—to say nothing of the society that seeks to justify such behavior because they didn’t like a ridiculous film clip—must be brought to justice with all the force and power the US can bring to bear.
. Obama’s ludicrous attempt to justify the outrageous by blaming it on a film clip is the outrage. RABBI DR. BERNHARD ROSENBERG