Her Fakeness, Hillary Clinton
Posted on | April 16, 2015 | 75 Comments
David Martosko reports at the Daily Mail:
Hillary Clinton’s astroturf candidacy is in full swing in Iowa.
Her Tuesday morning visit to a coffee shop in LeClaire, Iowa was staged from beginning to end, according to Austin Bird, one of the men pictured sitting at the table with Mrs. Clinton.
Bird told Daily Mail Online that campaign staffer Troy Price called and asked him and two other young people to meet him Tuesday morning at a restaurant in Davenport, a nearby city.
Price then drove them to the coffee house to meet Clinton after vetting them for about a half-hour.
The three got the lion’s share of Mrs. Clinton’s time and participated in what breathless news reports described as a ’roundtable’ — the first of many in her brief Iowa campaign swing.
Bird himself is a frequent participant in Iowa Democratic Party events. He interned with President Obama’s 2012 presidential re-election campaign, and was tapped to chauffeur Vice President Joe Biden in October 2014 when he visited Davenport.
‘What happened is, we were just asked to be there by Troy,’ Bird said Wednesday in a phone interview. . . .
The other two, he confirmed, were University of Iowa College Democrats president Carter Bell and Planned Parenthood of the Heartland employee Sara Sedlacek.
‘It was supposed to be a strategy meeting,’ Bird recalled, ‘to get our thoughts about issues. But then all of a sudden he says, “Hey, we have Secretary Clinton coming in, would you like to go meet her?”‘
‘And then we got in a car — Troy’s car — and we went up to the coffee house, and we sat at a table and then Hillary just came up and talked with us.’
You can read the whole thing. The point isn’t so much that Democrats are being brought in by the campaign as “plants” at these events, but rather that the media are playing along and pretending that the events (and the people at the events) are “spontaneous.” That is to say, the media are just there to provide free campaign publicity for the Democrat. Meanwhile, the real journalism is in the National Enquirer:
The ENQUIRER learned the list of Hillary’s lesbian lovers includes a beauty in her early 30s who has often traveled with Hillary; a popular TV and movie star; the daughter of a top government official; and a stunning model who got a career boost after allegedly sleeping with Hillary. Hillary made the huge mistake of mixing public and private messages while using her personalized email server – before risking a massive scandal by refusing to make the documents public. . . .
(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) Can we believe this supermarket tabloid? Just remember it was the National Enquirer that broke the John Edwards cheating scandal. They’ve got more credibility than Rolling Stone.
75 Responses to “Her Fakeness, Hillary Clinton”
April 16th, 2015 @ 2:52 pm
Wow, they got the cankles dead on.
April 16th, 2015 @ 2:52 pm
Nice cankles! Is that Sandra Fluck in the pretty pink dress?
April 16th, 2015 @ 2:55 pm
Ahh, those were heady days (pun intended). I remember Newsweek was sitting on it and Drudge found out.
April 16th, 2015 @ 3:04 pm
And then Buchanan did such a bad job that both asexuals and homosexuals are reluctant to claim our first bachelor president (and only lifelong bachelor) as their own, though each could make a case.
He not only repeated Pierce’s trick of failing to get the nomination, he also practically handed the election to Lincoln. They only had two terms between them, followed by a Republican, so the pattern could be generalized as “no third Democratic term since Jackson and Van Buren.”
April 16th, 2015 @ 3:34 pm
Yeah, in 2008 I cringed everytime McCain would speak in public because I knew he was completely unprepared to do what was necessary to expose barack as the empty suit that he still is.
April 16th, 2015 @ 3:36 pm
April 16th, 2015 @ 3:40 pm
No wonder Ahm-a-dooin-a-jihad left office shortly after that. He found out she was packing more than him.
April 16th, 2015 @ 3:43 pm
Yeah, it would be like trying to make Agnew the nominee in ’76.
I really don’t see how she can win, but Republicans have a way of stealing defeat from the jaws of… oh to hell with it.
April 16th, 2015 @ 4:05 pm
Liberals tend to be sexually confused… Notice the restrooms in public schools in Commiefornia; if you’re a boy, use the girls room, no problem!
April 16th, 2015 @ 6:15 pm
Her maternal grandfather died in 1946; he did not tell his grandchildren anything.
It would not surprise me if the biographical sketches of her mother were fictionalized. Supposedly, her mother and aunt were dispatched after her parents’ divorce ca. 1927 to live with their grandparents in California (maternal or paternal, I forget) and her mother and grandmother met one additional time when her mother walked out on her grandparents and moved to Chicago where HRC’s maternal grandmother was then living. Hillary’s aunt is recorded by census enumerators in 1940 as resident in Illinois with her mother and step-father but older sister Dorothy is not and the official story is that her mother wouldn’t have any dealings with her. Grandma died in 1960 and her third and last husband in 1984, so I suppose that Hillary could have met her.
Paternal grandmother died in October 1952 and her death certificate lists her as a lifelong resident of Lackawanna County, Pa, so not everyone was was told an immigration story. Her husband was the immigrant (and he died in 1965). Hillary’s first-hand knowledge of her grandparents would have been predominantly of him.
April 16th, 2015 @ 6:18 pm
Somewhere I have a veto message President Pierce wrote that is rather eloquent and in the Spirit of The Founding Fathers.
April 16th, 2015 @ 6:48 pm
The Magic Negro Dethroned?
Methinks Friend In The Ether RS [aka: Shermlaw], in a comment left in a post by Stacy McCain [which I do urge you to read because it considers that some well-hidden facts about Hillary Rodham may — may, mind you — be coming into the light — out of the…
April 16th, 2015 @ 8:05 pm
I hope “I’m-a-dinner-jacket” washed his hands after that. If he didn’t, there’s no telling what he might spread.
April 16th, 2015 @ 8:44 pm
Right, I remember that now.
April 16th, 2015 @ 9:28 pm
Yep, yep, looks like a man in drag …. it’s Fluck.
April 16th, 2015 @ 10:40 pm
I feel kinda sick now.
April 16th, 2015 @ 11:25 pm
I found it using my secret weapon, Bag News. Like Nate Silver, Michael Shaw leans left, but it’s still worth keeping an eye on his unique form of analysis — in his case, “reading” news images. If you can ignore his slant, he’s always a valuable resource for tracking the visual narrative of the media in an election cycle, or digging up old photos with a “site:bagnewsnotes.com” qualifier.
April 16th, 2015 @ 11:50 pm
That’s a weird site you linked to. Kind of disorienting. Then again, disorienting seems to be the latest craze in web design. I don’t like the new NRO site design at all.
April 16th, 2015 @ 11:51 pm
Yeah, I had to hit my hands with a ruler for typing that.
April 17th, 2015 @ 12:12 am
Great googly moogly, you have to watch this interview of Christopher Hitchens by David Gregory on the eve (or therebaout) of Hillary being nominated for Sec. State by barack, just a few weeks after the election in 2008. I only wanted to watch a few moments of it to see a bit of Hitch in his prime, talking about Hillary. I ended up watching the whole thing. It really shows that every word Hitchens said was on target, now that we have had six more years of the sleazebag, hedgerow hegemon.
Gregory was left speechless.
The Clintons: awful people.
April 17th, 2015 @ 7:15 am
April 17th, 2015 @ 1:08 pm
Was Hillary the first Lesbian Secretary of State? Well, what about Mika’s daddy?
April 18th, 2015 @ 6:40 am
Saturday morning links
There is a musical called Menopause Who Owns the Copyright to "Happy Birthday"? Middle age now lasts until 74 as baby boomers refuse to grow old – Old age does not begin until 74, researchers suggest in a new report which looks at the r
April 19th, 2015 @ 1:17 pm
[…] Her Fakeness, Hillary Clinton Batshit Crazy News Da Tech Guy Liberty News […]
April 19th, 2015 @ 9:07 pm
Ah, yes.
What I’ve read about the incident is this:
Paints an odd mental picture, doesn’t it?