The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Hot Times In Houston

Posted on | May 31, 2015 | 11 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

It’s hot and wet here in Baytown, but not in a good way, so the best thing to do is stay inside in the air conditioning, work on beating back the ever-rising wave of spam, and in the fullness of time, whip out our weekly tribute to the beauty of the female form. This week’s appetizer is Andrea of the Houston Texans.

Check out those Texas elbows!

As usual, exercise discretion in your clicking, since some or all of the following links may be to pictures normally considered NSFW. You is been warned.

Randy’s Roundtable returns to kick this week off with Hanna Davis, followed by Goodstuff and Natalie “that smirking whore from Highgarden” Dormer. Ninety Miles from Tyranny is up next with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns; Animal Magnetism wraps up the first round with Rule 5 Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd of heifers this week includes Game of Thrones “The Gift”, Elizabeth Banks, and The Clinton Crime Family.

A View from the Beach serves up Audrina Patridge – Long Lived Queen of the HillsOld Fuddy Duddy Thinks Modern Singers are Sluts“Oh My God”Model Cries Wolf“Standing in My Shoes”, and The Naked News.

Meanwhile, at Soylent Siberia, it’s your morning coffee creamer, Monday Motivationer Apres Ski, Tuesday Titillation Auburn Awesome, Humpday Hawtness Country Girl, Fursday Infatuation, Corset Morsels, T-GIF Friday – Lunchtime Lesbians for Leonard, Overnighty Harry Palmer, Weekender Garden Of Earthly Delights, and Bath Night – Got Snooch?

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Abigail Ratchford, his Vintage Babe is Diana Dors, and Sex in Advertising is covered this week by Versace. At Dustbury, it’s Pam Grier and Idina Menzel.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery! Deadline to submit links to the Rule 5 Wombat mailbox for next week’s Rule 5 roundup is midnight on Saturday, June 6.

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11 Responses to “Rule 5 Sunday: Hot Times In Houston”

  1. Proof
    May 31st, 2015 @ 10:27 pm

    Andrea would be just about worth going to Texas for. If you see her, ask if she has a sister?
    Try to avoid cabin fever until you’re on the road again!

  2. Good Stuff
    June 1st, 2015 @ 2:24 am

    thanks Dude!

    Follow the Wombat Dude for a new leash on life

  3. Goodbye, Blue Monday | Animal Magnetism
    June 1st, 2015 @ 5:07 am

    […] It’s hard to believe that today is the first of June already.  Before we start a new month of bloggery, here’s another shout of gratitude to The Other McCain for the Rule Five links! […]

  4. RKae
    June 1st, 2015 @ 9:00 am

    Ben Levin: Child pornography charges were the least of it.

    At the time of his arrest in July 2013, Levin was a world renowned expert in childhood education and was a professor of education at the University of Toronto. At one time he held the position of deputy minister of education in Manitoba.

  5. Wombat_socho
    June 1st, 2015 @ 10:54 am

    Wrong thread?

  6. Obligatory Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner Meme Rule 5 | Batshit Crazy News
    June 2nd, 2015 @ 12:21 pm

    […] Rule 5 and FMJRA […]

  7. Quartermaster
    June 2nd, 2015 @ 9:19 pm

    The next rule 5 will be from sin city.

  8. Birgitte Hjort Sørensen Wildling Chief-tress Karsi Game of Thrones Debut | Batshit Crazy News
    June 4th, 2015 @ 6:01 am

    […] Professor terrified of Liberal Students… Instapundit: Ed Driscoll: The left devours itself Rule 5 and […]

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    June 5th, 2015 @ 10:15 am

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  10. Birgitte Hjort Sørensen: Pitch Perfect 2 | Batshit Crazy News
    June 6th, 2015 @ 4:01 pm

    […] Rule 5 and FMJRA […]

  11. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove
    June 7th, 2015 @ 8:54 am

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