Rule 5 Sunday: Just What It Says On The Label
Posted on | November 1, 2015 | 14 Comments
— compiled by Wombat-socho
With the coming of cool weather to Las Vegas, one’s thoughts naturally turn to hot & spicy foods – and, of course, hot and spicy women. What better example than Kate Upton, who in a classic example of truth in advertising, went to a Halloween party dressed as a bottle of Tabasco? I daresay the McIlhenny folks are missing out on an awesome marketing opportunity if they don’t glom on to this. Since I haven’t done the disclaimer thing for a few weeks, let me take this opportunity to remind our Gentle Readers that many of the following links are to pictures generally considered Not Safe For Work since they are of young women clad in little or nothing. Nothing pornographic, mind you, but any problems you have with wives, girlfriends, bosses, or SOs objecting to them on your computer screen are YOUR problems, not ours.

Mr. Verlander’s not the only one in the couple bringing the heat.
Politically Incorrect Conservative leads off this week with some fine videos by Charlotte McKinney, followed by Tricking and Treating with the Goodstuff, Ninety Miles from Tyranny with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls with Guns, and the debut of Missouri Spectator with some criticism of Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia. Animal Magnetism has Rule 5 Friday and a Super-Sized Saturday Gingermageddon Deluxe, which I can personally verify has no cheese. First Street Journal this week blogged about the women of the IDF (alas, with all their clothes intact) and we also heard from The Last Tradition (another debut!) with Anastagia Pierce.
EBL’s thundering herd this week has Mitzi Gaynor, The Force Awakens, Supergirl, Becky Quick, Mets WAGs, Game 4 World Series Rule 5, Halloween Cheerleaders, and Demi Lovato.
A View from the Beach chips in withElvira’s Halloween Special, Zombie Crabs Haunt Chesapeake Bay, Aussie Develops Sudden Interest in Mexican Weather, But It’s Good to Be a Guy, Modern Vampires Plague New Orleans, Tuesday Morning Golf Tips, “We’re Not the Jet Set”, Is Man the Boxing Ape? (Cave girl), Can the Redskins Maroon the Buccaneers?, and RIP: Maureen O’Hara.
Soylent Siberia’s Sunday coffee creamer is a kitchen elf, followed by Monday Motivationer Carmen, Tuesday Titillation Elena, Humpday Hawtness Carpet & Woodwork, Falconsword Fursday Sushi, Corset Friday Underwear Oversight, T-GIF Friday Don’t Poke Your Eye Out, and best wishes for a Soylent Halloween.
Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Ashley Benson, his Vintage Babe is Norma Talmadge, and Sex In Advertising is covered by Gisele Bundchen. Also, the obligatory 49ers cheerleader! At Dustbury, it’s Mindy Kaling and Maitland Ward.
Thanks to everyone for their linkagery, especially the linkagery that’s made Rule 5 Sunday the most linked post at The Other McCain two weeks running! Deadline to submit links to the Rule 5 Wombat mailbox for next week’s Pre-Veterans Day Rule 5 Sunday is midnight on Saturday, November 7.
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14 Responses to “Rule 5 Sunday: Just What It Says On The Label”
November 1st, 2015 @ 9:06 pm
No cheese, just lots of ginger!
November 1st, 2015 @ 10:21 pm
I have stumbled upon something never discovered! Using keen observations and a few beers, I have isolated a new gene and have filed for a patent! I’m going to name the Gene – addiction2chillies (A2C).
This gene is the reason why Thai women are addicted to prik kee nu chilis
November 1st, 2015 @ 10:28 pm
Thanks for the linky stuff, Wombat Dude!
November 2nd, 2015 @ 1:38 am
Gonna stick my neck out here and state for the record that the Wombats are a better band than the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I mean, what did the Peppers ever come up with as good as Let’s Dance To Joy Division?
November 2nd, 2015 @ 2:59 am
for the folks outside of the USA
November 2nd, 2015 @ 5:43 am
[…] Thanks again to The Other McCain for the Rule Five links! […]
November 2nd, 2015 @ 9:20 am
For romance – why not Frank Zappa’s take on “Bolero?”
November 2nd, 2015 @ 10:41 am
“… coming of cool weather…” (nb: emphasis mine), I just had to ask:
By “cool” do you mean “temperate” or “nifty”?
I’ve passed through eight or twelve times, stopping a few days or a week at Las Vegas during PCS & TDY travel (I love the buffets…), plus visiting the LV LDS Temple— almost always during the very late fall or mid-winter— the daytime temerature always “floored-out” at 80 to 85 degrees, not dropping lower during the time of my stay.
I realize it is a Southern Desert, so “hot” is an entirely natural condition.
But consider: We know the Earth is (…contrary to the AGW wakos…), currently cooling— perhaps heading for another “little ice age”— if you are experiencing untoward cooling, the global cooling trend just might be to blame!
My point, (sorry it took so long to get there… ::sheepish grin:: ), is– unless we want wooly mamouths walking down main street… blocking traffic, endangering BLMs and SJWs at every turn… we all need to get out there and burn fossil fuels— QUICK!
We can’t continue as we’ve been, leaving this important Global Citizen Duty to China or India!
Only America has the know-how (… gained through millenia of despoiling Gia…) to save us from turning our “Fuzzy Blue Marble” into a white, ice-hard, and exceedingly shiney marbel!
We all, need to jump up, light every BBQ, smoker, wood and/or coal stove we own, start burning trash, and yank the air-scrubbers from our cars and heavy industries! And then, climb in our cars to drive to far and distant points of our country!
Heck, if that international parkway BO talked about is in good condition, we should drive to see the world!
It’ll be a pain, upsetting all our lives, I know, but remember, it’s For The Children!
November 2nd, 2015 @ 8:42 pm
OOPS… You double link me Wombat Dude
November 3rd, 2015 @ 7:30 am
November 4th, 2015 @ 9:09 am
[…] The Other McCain […]
November 4th, 2015 @ 4:34 pm
So I did. Fixed, and thanks for letting me know!
November 4th, 2015 @ 9:54 pm
No big deal – the post was a dated post (Halloween stuff)
November 8th, 2015 @ 12:08 am
[…] Rule 5 Sunday: Just What It Says On The Label Animal Magnetism Politically Incorrect Conservative Proof Positive A View from the Beach Ninety Miles from Tyranny Batshit Crazy News […]