The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Man-Hater @AlannaBennett Promotes #Ghostbusters as Feminist Revenge

Posted on | July 11, 2016 | 67 Comments


Alanna Bennett is the kind of selfish feminist who attends elite Oberlin College (annual tuition $50,586) and then spends the rest of her life angry because nobody gives her as much pity as she feels she deserves.

“As a professional writer, my life now is stuffed with privileges I’ve longed for since I found out they existed. . . . And yet: The money I make barely covers a life in New York and my student loans.”
Alanna Bennett

Yeah, it’s terrible that somebody put a gun to your head and forced you to attend Oberlin, because obviously Oregon State (annual tuition $10,107) wasn’t good enough for a Special Snowflake™ like yourself.

Feminism is motivated by anti-male revenge fantasies, providing selfish women a chance to bask in applause for their deliberate acts of cruelty. Feminists consider it “courageous” to inflict harm on males, which is why Alanna Bennett knew she would be praised for urging women to cause “male tears” by supporting the feminist Ghostbusters remake:


The new Ghostbusters remake is hate propaganda, promoting the fundamental feminist belief that males are useless, stupid and/or evil.

Like all feminists, Alanna Bennett hates men, and it is therefore not surprising she hates movies with heterosexual themes.


Was anyone surprised that Alanna Bennett tweeted out images of kissing her girlfriend (a “non-binary” “queer” feminist) during BuzzFeed’s LGBT Pride celebration? (Are there any heterosexuals employed at BuzzFeed? If so, are they afraid to admit they’re heterosexual?)

Rather than being honest about her man-hating motives for supporting the feminist remake of Ghostbusters, however, Alanna Bennett insisted that it was critics of this project who were motivated by “hatred.”


In other words, if you don’t like seeing old movies hijacked by feminists and turned into anti-male propaganda, you’re a hater. As I’ve explained, the whole project is just a feminist political statement:

The message of the all-female cast is simple: Males are useless, because girl power saves the day!
Sometimes I’ve called this “Lesbian Ghostbusters” because it was predictable, from the moment the project was announced, that this new movie would emphasize a familiar “Third Wave” feminist theme of males as either (a) incompetent idiots or (b) evil oppressors. Like so many recent feminist movie projects, the new Ghostbusters aims to pass the “Bechdel Test,” which originated with lesbians who did not want to see either male heroes or heterosexual romance in movies.

Keep in mind that I wrote that without knowing anything more about the new Ghostbusters than could be learned by reading a couple of reviews. However, if you understand what “Third Wave” feminism is about (Feminism Is Queer), the implicit premise was obvious enough. And, as Matt Zion’s “rage review” shows, my prediction was right:

“They make Chris Hemsworth . . . he’s an idiot. They make him an idiot. Then they have the guy who delivers the Chinese food to them — it’s a running gag throughout the movie — he’s terrible at his job and he’s an idiot. And then the villain is not an idiot, he certainly is very intelligent, but he’s creepy, weird and he’s just antisocial. . . . Every man is portrayed like a complete a–hole. The mayor is an a–hole. . . . They go to like a rock concert or something, and the guy who is in charge of that . . . he’s an a–hole. Every man in this movie is an a–hole. . . . Basically, it was a man-bashing film.”

Twenty-first century feminism is about demonizing and silencing males, teaching young women to despise men as either irrelevant or dangerous.

Alanna Bennett‘s mind is completely warped by her vicious hatred of men. Because feminists are psychologically incapable of relating to males in a normal way — they are “without natural affection” (Romans 1:31) — they consider it “hate” for any man to defend himself against the relentless slander of feminism’s anti-male rhetoric. This means that any man who disagrees with feminist ideology is a sexist. This is a “Kafkatrapping” tactic, where denying the accusation is cited as proof of your guilt.

Because she is a feminist, and therefore views males as inherently inferior, Alanna Bennett considers all male opinions invalid. So the fact that men don’t like the new Ghostbusters is as irrelevant to her as any other male preference or belief, except insofar as her anti-male belief system means that this wretched movie is good because men don’t like it.

Anything men hate is good, and anything men like is bad — this is a fair summary of the basic feminist worldview, the anti-male political ideology around which Alanna Bennett has organized her life. Therefore, no matter how awful the new Ghostbusters actually is, it must be praised!


You see that Alanna Bennett is emotionally invested in this anti-male propaganda film. Feminists demand the new Ghostbusters be praised, in the same way Goebbels demanded praise for Triumph of the Will.

“If you look at the argument of a lot of these reviews [of the new ‘Ghostbusters] that have come out, there are so many of them that are like, it’s not good or it’s average, but it’s going to do so much for women. Go see it.”
Matt Zion, “Ghostbusters 2016: How Every Man Is An Idiot Or An A–hole”

This bizarre attitude — requiring that a mediocre movie must be praised, because it is politically incorrect not to like it — reminds me of Lysenoism under Stalin in the Soviet Union. Facts don’t matter to an ideologue like Alanna Bennett, whose commitment to feminism is an all-encompassing loyalty. The feminist is a True Believer, fanatically devoted to the movement, and ferociously hostile to the male enemy.


What is sad about such women is how their anti-male beliefs function as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because feminists like Alanna Bennett are so profoundly prejudiced against men, smart men avoid them. There are 3.5 billion women on this planet, and most women actually like men. Therefore, no intelligent guy with any sense of self-respect would waste his time hanging around an ax-grinding man-hater like Alanna Bennett. Because the only men who ever hang around feminists are stupid (or perhaps, desperate), it is easy for women like Alanna Bennett to believe there are no intelligent or virtuous men in the world. Feminism acts as a sort of force-field of hatred that drives good men away.


It’s a good thing she likes her cat. At least she won’t be lonely.

“The fanboys rallied against the project and it turns out . . . those f–kers were right.”
Ed Whitfield




67 Responses to “Man-Hater @AlannaBennett Promotes #Ghostbusters as Feminist Revenge”

  1. Steve Skubinna
    July 12th, 2016 @ 1:48 pm

    She doesn’t. There is a huge amount of narcissism inherent in SJWhood. Every aspect of reality is part of their struggle.

    And in most cases, their struggle is with their own dissatisfaction.

    But yeah, dance all you want. Whatever it is you’re dancing in, it isn’t going to be male tears. And it isn’t going to affect me one whit.

  2. Steve Skubinna
    July 12th, 2016 @ 1:52 pm
  3. There will he an accounting. [Mt 25] | Dark Brightness
    July 12th, 2016 @ 2:43 pm

    […] What is sad about such women is how their anti-male beliefs function as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because feminists like Alanna Bennett are so profoundly prejudiced against men, smart men avoid them. There are 3.5 billion women on this planet, and most women actually like men. Therefore, no intelligent guy with any sense of self-respect would waste his time hanging around an ax-grinding man-hater like Alanna Bennett. Because the only men who ever hang around feminists are stupid (or perhaps, desperate), it is easy for women like Alanna Bennett to believe there are no intelligent or virtuous men in the world. Feminism acts as a sort of force-field of hatred that drives good men away. […]

  4. Quartermaster
    July 12th, 2016 @ 2:56 pm

    Takei has given Abrams the cover he needs to keep Sulu as he was. If he goes forward with it now, he’s dooming Star Trek. Doing such things may seem to be deriguer, but it is besmirching the history of Trek universe in a way that will turn much of fandom away from it.

    Perhaps Abrams doesn’t care, but if he doesn’t, he’s an idiot.

  5. Quartermaster
    July 12th, 2016 @ 3:03 pm

    I’m sure you are no more surprised than I.

  6. Steve Skubinna
    July 12th, 2016 @ 5:30 pm

    All artistic types, and film directors for the most part are firmly convinced that they are artists, want to create their own works. Abrams may resent fans’ expectations of what he should do based on a series that was cancelled fifty years ago and that was never a success when originally aired.

    On the other hand, a smart person would take a look at the fans and ask why these people are so rabidly protective of “their” vision.

    I remember reading about how the actors became so immersed in their roles that when a director told Takei to press a series of buttons to fire photon torpedoes, he actually argued that was the wrong way to fire them and it was supposed to go like this… So I can see Takei feeling protective of Sulu as well and being dismayed that suddenly his character is being drastically altered from what he created.

    But if Abrams really wants to go a different way, he ought to abandon Star Trek and develop his own franchise. It’s poor form to assume custodianship of a beloved property and decide to raze it and rebuild it to his own vision.

  7. robertstacymccain
    July 12th, 2016 @ 8:00 pm

    Seriously, over the past 25 years, TV comedies like Sex in the City and Friends somehow convinced a generation a young women that the greatest of all possible careers is to be a writer living in Brooklyn. So there has been this enormous tsunami of girls fresh out of college, living in crappy apartments with their cats while they spend all day grinding out forgettable garbage for sites like Gawker and Buzzfeed and date the kind of hipster douchebag dudes you would expect idiotic feminists to date. This is a lifestyle that the beloved TV shows of their youth told them was glamorous, but there’s really not anything glamorous about herpes and student loan debt. Their disappointment turns to bitterness and rage and, instead of blaming their own naivete — HELLO, LIFE IS NOT A TV SITCOM — instead they blame Republicans and the patriarchy.

  8. JT
    July 12th, 2016 @ 8:34 pm

    But 3 is because of 1 & 2!

  9. JT
    July 12th, 2016 @ 8:49 pm

    For those of you with an Amazon Prime account, I recommend _Wolf Hall_ for a bit of historical fiction in the era of Henry IV.

  10. Words Mean Things: @kate_manne and the Elastic Definition of ‘Misogyny’ : The Other McCain
    July 12th, 2016 @ 8:50 pm

    […] This is the real tragedy of elite education in the 21st century. Parents pay $49,116 a year to send their kids to Cornell, hoping that an Ivy League education will qualify their child for successful careers, and instead the kids are being indoctrinated in bizarre “progressive” nonsense that renders students incapable of functioning in the real world. Honestly, what parent would want their child to turn out like Alanna Bennett, who went to Oberlin College (annual tuition $50,586) and ended up ranting about Ghostbusters at BuzzFeed? […]

  11. Anonymous
    July 12th, 2016 @ 9:42 pm

    Your misogynistic view of this movie is amusing to me

  12. Marvin
    July 13th, 2016 @ 2:27 am

    Whatever lie you need to cope with the actual truth which is: the movie is crap like green lantern, tmnt, transformers, and other crappy movies. I like the part where you proved it was misogynistic, oh wait you just brought feelings, my mistake. Feminists can’t face the truth or facts so they always run to their safe space like children do, unaccountable like children are and are afraid of the imaginary patriarchy like children are afraid of the imaginary boogeyman. <—- that's tiers funnier.

  13. PCachu
    July 13th, 2016 @ 12:48 pm

    …sweet Zarquon, the Ghostbusters “reboot” is the big-budget studio version of a Ghostbusters fanfic with four self-insert Mary Sues.

    Maybe they should have released it as a novel instead. They’d be a shoo-in for a Social Justice Hugo.

  14. Squid Hunt ?Patriarch
    July 13th, 2016 @ 2:41 pm

    You can’t tell angry cat ladies anything. They know it all already and you’re just a misogynist.

  15. Windy Wilson
    July 14th, 2016 @ 10:55 am

    What does SJW mean? Special Jewel Whiner?

    When the screwball comedy “Bringing Up Baby” was a first run movie, it was a flop. I recall reading an interview with Howard Hawks where he said he thought the reason was that every character in the film was nuts. He had no normal people to act as foils for the nuts to play off of and that made it a lesser movie. He said he never did that again. It is a similar problem when a movie becomes a vehicle for politics. The characters and character development take a back seat to political diatribes. It is the problem with a lot of books, too. Anthem, Atlas Shrugged, and The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand come to mind, as well as B.F. Skinner’s Walden Two, and Robert Heinlein’s “For Us the Living.” Ghostbusters (3) doesn’t try to tell a good story, it tries to convince the viewers of a political doctrine.

  16. DisneyVillain
    July 14th, 2016 @ 1:05 pm

    This is no big deal. Despite what these bitches are saying, this movie will still flop. It’s already been proven that SJWs are a small group just very loud. Some are already denouncing this film as racists cuz of the black chick, many don’t give a damn about entertainment at all and won’t see it a many are busy protesting and using social media to whine if a white man so much as says hello and walks away. My best estimate, I’d say only about 8 to 12% of SJWs will actually see this movie. And if I had to make a guess at how much money this movie will make, I’d say maybe 4 million or lower. Any higher would shock me.
    Plus, you’ve even said the toys have already hit the clearance sale.

  17. News of the Week (July 17th, 2016) | The Political Hat
    July 17th, 2016 @ 7:05 pm

    […] Man-Hater @AlannaBennett Promotes #Ghostbusters as Feminist Revenge Alanna Bennett is the kind of selfish feminist who attends elite Oberlin College (annual tuition $50,586) and then spends the rest of her life angry because nobody gives her as much pity as she feels she deserves. […]