The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In the Mailbox: 12.27.16

Posted on | December 27, 2016 | Comments Off on In the Mailbox: 12.27.16

— compiled by Wombat-socho

BattleSwarm: Venezuelan Socialism Out-Grinches Itself
EBL: So Why Is Biden Trashing Hillary?
Twitchy: Outrage Mob Descends On Cinnabon Over (Now-Deleted) Carrie Fisher Tribute
Louder With Crowder: Netanyahu Spox Says Obama Helped Craft Abominable Anti-Israel UN Resolution

Adam Piggott: Why Are Progressives Always Afraid?
American Power: Watership Down Author Richard Adams Dead At 96
American Thinker: Baby Skins For Sale, $325
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily News
BLACKFIVE: The Soul Of A Seal by Anne Elizabeth
Da Tech Guy: Christopher Harper – What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger
Don Surber: Has Trump Killed Colbert’s Career?
Dustbury: Potential Seizure Warning
Joe For America: Suing The Taxpayer Enriches Extremists
Power Line: Thomas Sowell In Pictures
Shark Tank: Trump Taps Bossert As Homeland Security Advisor
Shot In The Dark: Anniversary
STUMP: CALPERS – Moving Targets, In More Ways Than One
The Geller Report: Harvard Offers Fellowships On Islamic Law To Sway US Towards Sharia
The Jawa Report: The Princess Has Passed – Drowned In Moonlight, Strangled By Her Own Bra
This Ain’t Hell: Taylor Swift And Her Fans, also, Niloofar Rahmani Seeks Asylum
Weasel Zippers: Harry Reid Says Dems’ 2020 Field Looks Like “Old Folks Home”, also, Obama To Recognize Palestine As A State?
Megan McArdle: Go Ahead, Exchange Gifts; Forget The Economic Logic
Mark Steyn: Going Solo

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