The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The ‘Male Feminist’ Who Understands Neither Himself Nor Feminism

Posted on | January 19, 2017 | 2 Comments

“I am a danger to myself and others.”
Hugo Schwyzer, Sept. 30, 2013

“Let’s be clear: Hugo Schwyzer is mentally ill, he has been mentally ill for a long time, and it is highly unlikely that someone suffering from such a chronic psychiatric disorder will ever be completely sane again. . . .
“Schwyzer’s indefensible behavior should alert us to the problematic nature of feminism as an ideology, especially when that ideology is embraced by men.”

Robert Stacy McCain, June 17, 2014

You may remember Hugo Schwyzer, The Psychotic Professor, whose status as a “male feminist” was destroyed in 2013 when he had a breakdown after the exposure of his abusive behavior toward women, including the young community college students he was having sex with. His Twitter account hasn’t been active since March and his personal blog has disappeared, but Schwyzer has kept writing at And by “writing,” of course I mean, embarrassing himself.

For the benefit of Hugo Schwyzer or anyone else who hasn’t figured this out yet, let me explain that the reason men don’t talk about their feelings is because nobody cares about a man’s feelings. Sure, some women say they like “sensitive” guys who are “in touch with their feelings,” but what women actually mean by that it is much easier for them to manipulate a guy who’s stupid enough to expose his weaknesses. The last thing any sane woman wants to do is to have to deal with a guy who is constantly talking about his feelings. The guy’s job, insofar as he is “sensitive,” is listening to her talk about her feelings. What women want from men is simple:

A. Shut up;
B. Pay the bills.

Did I mention Hugo Schwyzer has been divorced four times? Did I mention that he nearly killed a woman in a September 2013 auto crash? Did I mention who he endorsed three days before Election Day?

Hillary won me over in 1995, with her speech at the Beijing Conference, declaring “women’s rights are human rights, and human rights are women’s rights.” And what won me over far more was the hatred she engendered on the right. . . .
Please join me in voting for this incandescently talented, immensely qualified, deeply compassionate candidate. Please join me in electing Hillary.

Yeah, that didn’t work out so good, did it, Professor?

Two days after Election Day, Schwyzer wrote this:

People are scared. They have every right to be. Trump’s words speak of an intent to violate fundamental liberties; Trump’s words inveigle violence; Trump’s words abrogate a social contract that says that we should quietly respect election results.

Professor Psycho Coed-Boner Felony DUI With Four Ex-Wives is worried about the “social contract” and “fundamental liberties.” How touching!

Beyond politics, however, Hugo has been embarrassing himself by writing about how awesome it was that his parents got divorced, and how awesome it was that his high-school girlfriend got an abortion in 1985, and a bunch of self-dramatic gush about his December breakup with a 27-year-old girlfriend in Texas: “I am older than her mother.”

However, these recent embarrassments are not why I’m writing about Hugo Schwyzer today. What happened was that, while perusing feminist Tumblr, I came across someone who had reblogged this:


Amid the general reaction of outrage, one blogger pointed out: “Hugo Schwyzer is also a rapist, a rape apologist, and an abuser so I’m sure that comes in to play with his ‘attraction’ to lesbians.” Ouch.

It turns out this was an article Schwyzer published in 2011, and the story focuses on Schwyzer’s second wife, whom he met circa 1993:

After a disastrous and brief first marriage, I met “Courtney,” the woman who would be my second wife. We met at a Twelve Step meeting, and became fast friends. I fell hard. . . .
Our mutual friends assured us we were perfect together. One, Jenny, remarked, “You guys make so much sense. Court’s just a little bit masculine, and Hugo, you’re just a little bit femmy in some ways. You two are meant to be!”

Well, not so much, as it turns out. Their sex life was abnormal, and two weeks after they got married, she lost interest completely, and Hugo had a relapse and an affair, and they divorced after less than two years of marriage, and she almost immediately moved in with her girlfriend.

Much of the article is devoted to Schwyzer’s navel-gazing about why he’s attracted to butch women. And the true answer is this: Hugo Schwyzer is a man who is keenly aware of his own inescapable inadequacy.

Hugo Schwyzer is a loser, and he knows it. He hates himself so much that he cannot respect anyone who admires him. Obviously, if a woman likes him, there must be something wrong with her. He find women who hate him to be more attractive. This is the “male feminist,” see?

Also, dude — you met your second wife at a Twelve Step meeting?

Just get “LOSER” tattooed on your forehead, OK?


It’s like the fact that you, at age 49, are still trying to date women who are in their 20s. That ship has sailed, Professor. All those years you spent having sex with your college students? Over. Finished. Gone.

Flashback to Hugo Schwyzer in 2008:

I’ve been divorced three times. That doesn’t mean I’ve had three failed marriages. . . . Though all three of my divorces were painful, all three of my former marriages were, to my mind, ultimately successful in accomplishing the goal of facilitating the personal growth of the two parties involved. None were failures. I was not and am not a failure, and neither were my ex-wives.

Now, of course, his fourth marriage has ended in divorce, proving that the problem in all of Hugo Schwyzer’s marriages was Hugo Schwyzer.

“Male feminist” — a synonym for failure.



2 Responses to “The ‘Male Feminist’ Who Understands Neither Himself Nor Feminism”

  1. “The ‘Male Feminist’ Who Understands Neither Himself Nor Feminism” | inversionsuicide
    January 21st, 2017 @ 10:11 am

    […] “The ‘Male Feminist’ Who Understands Neither Himself Nor Feminism” […]

  2. News of the Week (January 22nd, 2017) | The Political Hat
    January 22nd, 2017 @ 3:22 pm

    […] The “Male Feminist” Who Understands Neither Himself Nor Feminism You may remember Hugo Schwyzer, The Psychotic Professor, whose status as a “male feminist” was destroyed in 2013 when he had a breakdown after the exposure of his abusive behavior toward women, including the young community college students he was having sex with. His Twitter account hasn’t been active since March and his personal blog has disappeared, but Schwyzer has kept writing at And by “writing,” of course I mean, embarrassing himself. […]

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