The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Africans Riot in Madrid

Posted on | March 18, 2018 | Comments Off on Africans Riot in Madrid


If all you know about the world is what you learn from watching CNN or other liberal media, you wouldn’t know that this happened:

Madrid’s “most multicultural neighbourhood” was set aflame in riots against “racist” authorities after a Senegalese street vendor reportedly died of a heart attack.
At least 20 people were injured in the clashes, which lasted from 9pm Thursday evening until after midnight and saw dustbins, trees, and furniture set alight, and patrol cars, buildings, and bus stops smashed in the city’s Lavapiés district. . . .
“We want the neighbourhood to burn and for everyone to know about what happened this morning,” one protester told reporters, referring to the Senegalese man Mame Mbaye who died on Thursday after going into cardiac arrest.
Protesters said the 35-year-old street vendor, who was living in Spain without a residence permit, collapsed while he was being chased by officers on motorcycles — a claim denied by city police and emergency services.

Police say the man simply dropped dead of a heart attack, and that a rumor was spread via social media falsely claiming that he was being pursued by police. Left-wing activists quickly turned the situation into a riot. But how many Senegalese are there in Madrid?

“As of 2014, there were over 5,023,487 foreign-born people in Spain, over 10.7% of the total population,” according to Wikipedia. Immigration to Spain has quite recently surged, as the foreign-born population has more than doubled, from about 2 million in 2002 to more than 5 million now. The three biggest sources of immigration to Spain, as of 2014, wre Romania, Morocco and Great Britain, and there were barely 50,000 Senegalese in the country. It seems difficult to believe that Madrid could erupt in anti-police riots by angry Africans, but nevertheless it happened. And you wouldn’t know it, if you were watching CNN.



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