The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

It Was Not ‘Violence-Violence’

by Smitty (via Memeorandum) Andrew Sullivan treats us to the Full Whoopi in relating the IDF raid on the Gaza flotilla, emphasis mine: A simple point. The violence by the activists is pretty abhorrent. These are not followers of Gandhi or MLK Jr. But the violence is not fatal to anyone and it is in […]

Matthew Yglesias Attempts — And Rather Sadly Fails — to Understand Economics

It’s kind of touching, really. Like watching an infant attempting to walk and falling down: We right now have the capacity to produce more—much more—than has ever been produced before in the history of the planet. There are dozens of supply-side policies that could be improved in every country on earth, but that’s not a […]

Gags Sarah Palin Shouldn’t Even Try

by Smitty (h/t Little Miss Attila) One can’t imagine Sarah doing dry, absurd humor. The Sarah Palin equivalent of the Dead Parrot sketch probably involves her walking into a repair joint and very calmly dealing with a deadbeat service twerp. The twerp asserts that, as a classy lady, she knows little about cars. She’s complaining […]

Basil’s Underpants Gnome Theory of the South Carolina GOP Blogger Scandal

Pretty succinct, really: I’m going to share the real reason that men become bloggers: Hot Republican Babe Sex. . . . You may be wanting to know how all this works. Well, here’s the plan: Start blog ? Hot Republican Babe Sex Of course, being married to Mrs. Other McCain, I began with Step 3.

VIDEO: Chris Cassone ‘Memorial Day’

You can buy Chris Cassone’s “Memorial Day” CD here.

So, ‘Words Matter’ Does Not Mean
‘Words Affect Matter’?

by Smitty (h/t Weasel Zippers via American Glob) Liz Cheney is clearly the new hotness: Barack Obama epitomizes the challenge of homo bureaucratus. While management skills are indeed skills in their own right (not to accuse BHO of possessing such), they are of the necessary but not sufficient variety. True, leaders delegate to subordinates. Leaders […]

Israel Update: Prime Minister Netanyahu Cancels White House Meeting

Not giving Obama another chance to snub him: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has canceled plans to meet U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington on Tuesday, an Israeli statement said, in the wake of a deadly Israeli raid on Gaza-bound ships. “Netanyahu decided to cut short his visit to Canada and return to Israel early,” […]

Memorial Day: Virginia Third-Graders Sing ‘Thank You, Soldiers’

Thank you, oh, thank you, Men and women, brave and strong! To those who served so gallantly, We sing this grateful song! Thanks to Dave at Point of a Gun for finding this video featuring third-graders at Tussing Elementary School in Colonial Heights, Va.

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