The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Lockerbie Punchline

Posted on | July 5, 2010 | 4 Comments

by Smitty

The blogosphere has been reacting to the news that Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, could survive another couple of decades.

BlogProf has a great clip that casts dhimmi Justice Kenny MacAskill’s craven words back into Braveheart for a William Wallace reaction.

Ace has hate in his heart, but no flaming skull.

The punchline, though, is that Al Megrahi will likely succeed the 68 year old Charles JohnsonMoammar Qaddafi as ruler of Libya at some near date.


4 Responses to “The Lockerbie Punchline”

  1. Col. Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gad
    July 5th, 2010 @ 8:04 pm

    You want a punch line?

    The Obama administration has notified Congress of the State Department’s intention to contribute $400,000 to foundations run by Muammar Qaddafi’s two children — $200,000 each for daughter Aisha and son Saif.

    You Americans are now such bitches! I love it. I have not had so much fun since Jimmy Carter.

  2. Col. Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi ???????????? ???????????
    July 5th, 2010 @ 4:04 pm

    You want a punch line?

    The Obama administration has notified Congress of the State Department’s intention to contribute $400,000 to foundations run by Muammar Qaddafi’s two children — $200,000 each for daughter Aisha and son Saif.

    You Americans are now such bitches! I love it. I have not had so much fun since Jimmy Carter.

  3. Col. Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gad
    July 5th, 2010 @ 8:07 pm

    Your imperalist colonial website translates my noble name written in Arabic, the language of Allah and the Prophet (PBUH), into question marks. You and that Geller are so racist and biased against the one true religion. Yes, Charles Johnson does have your numbers. Yes he does.

  4. Col. Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi
    July 5th, 2010 @ 4:07 pm

    Your imperalist colonial website translates my noble name written in Arabic, the language of Allah and the Prophet (PBUH), into question marks. You and that Geller are so racist and biased against the one true religion. Yes, Charles Johnson does have your numbers. Yes he does.