The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

What Doctor Zero Said

Posted on | July 30, 2010 | 8 Comments

by Smitty

Doctor Zero picks up directly and briefly after Prof. Angelo Codevilla, pointing out that the Federal government is not your friend and corruption is a function of time.

It’s worth adding, as a result, that incumbency is a function of the structural factors encouraging it and the fact that DC is where the money is located.

Thus, if you’re interested in doing anything else, you have to be talking about diminishing Federal over-reach. YouCut is a fine start, but trimming the edges is about maintaining the problem, not diminishing it.

Capitol Hill, like any compost heap, must be turned over at a regular frequency.


8 Responses to “What Doctor Zero Said”

  1. young4eyes
    July 30th, 2010 @ 6:07 pm

    “How many possibilities has the ruling Party declared to be permanently foreclosed, in just the past year and a half?”
    Yes, how many?
    Dr.Zero’s apocalyptic rhetoric is just one symptom of the intellectual bankruptcy of the Right. Peddling vagaries and speaking abstractions is the easy way out when you have nothing to offer by way of solutions.
    It is why you can mobilize legions of idiots to show up with signs proclaiming that their liberties have been taken away from them, without said idiots ever having to offer specifics about said lost liberties.
    It is why you can mobilize an army of morons to cry about deficits while putting Dick Cheney on a pedestal, the same Dick Cheney who said “deficits don’t matter”.
    It is the way to avoid having to admit that your ideology offers no new solutions, simply a retread of what has been done before. Nevermind that what has been done before is what got us into this mess in the first place…
    Conservatism is a sham religion created by radio talk show hosts.And nothing proves that more than the legions of followers who would persuade us into going back to their failed policies as a supposed relief to the problems they created….

  2. young4eyes
    July 30th, 2010 @ 2:07 pm

    “How many possibilities has the ruling Party declared to be permanently foreclosed, in just the past year and a half?”
    Yes, how many?
    Dr.Zero’s apocalyptic rhetoric is just one symptom of the intellectual bankruptcy of the Right. Peddling vagaries and speaking abstractions is the easy way out when you have nothing to offer by way of solutions.
    It is why you can mobilize legions of idiots to show up with signs proclaiming that their liberties have been taken away from them, without said idiots ever having to offer specifics about said lost liberties.
    It is why you can mobilize an army of morons to cry about deficits while putting Dick Cheney on a pedestal, the same Dick Cheney who said “deficits don’t matter”.
    It is the way to avoid having to admit that your ideology offers no new solutions, simply a retread of what has been done before. Nevermind that what has been done before is what got us into this mess in the first place…
    Conservatism is a sham religion created by radio talk show hosts.And nothing proves that more than the legions of followers who would persuade us into going back to their failed policies as a supposed relief to the problems they created….

  3. KG
    July 30th, 2010 @ 8:16 pm

    What Doctor Zero said is absolutely true, and things will get much worse as the ruling class becomes more desperate.

  4. KG
    July 30th, 2010 @ 4:16 pm

    What Doctor Zero said is absolutely true, and things will get much worse as the ruling class becomes more desperate.

  5. republicanmother
    July 30th, 2010 @ 8:49 pm


    I can agree with part of your statement, that what has been masquerading as conservatism has been a sham. I may make some people upset, but I don’t care for Dick Cheney at all. There’s something creepy about a guy who is so chummy with the Rockefellers, you know the nice people who threw Barry Goldwater under the bus.

    Conservatism as defined by Barry Goldwater, however is not a sham, it’s just that most of those in the media calling themselves conservatives over the last 15 years, are more like what democrats used to be. The Department of Ed was supposed to be gone by now, but every “republican” president just makes it bigger.
    Well this idiot does have specific things to say about my lost liberties in my blog post, Repeal it ALL.
    I would submit that CFR Democrats and Republicans are proponents of the same policies, which as you say, are failed.

  6. republicanmother
    July 30th, 2010 @ 4:49 pm


    I can agree with part of your statement, that what has been masquerading as conservatism has been a sham. I may make some people upset, but I don’t care for Dick Cheney at all. There’s something creepy about a guy who is so chummy with the Rockefellers, you know the nice people who threw Barry Goldwater under the bus.

    Conservatism as defined by Barry Goldwater, however is not a sham, it’s just that most of those in the media calling themselves conservatives over the last 15 years, are more like what democrats used to be. The Department of Ed was supposed to be gone by now, but every “republican” president just makes it bigger.
    Well this idiot does have specific things to say about my lost liberties in my blog post, Repeal it ALL.
    I would submit that CFR Democrats and Republicans are proponents of the same policies, which as you say, are failed.

  7. Red
    July 30th, 2010 @ 8:56 pm

    “Compost heap”. You’re too kind.

  8. Red
    July 30th, 2010 @ 4:56 pm

    “Compost heap”. You’re too kind.