The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and Don’t Go Messing With the U.S. Marine Corps

The Pentagon issues a study on the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  A military veteran points out that “opposition and skepticism is highest, a majority, among those in the Marine Corps, Army and combat units,” and adds: [T]he report also represents a rather cavalier attitude at the top toward those troops who either have […]

Good-Bye, Harry and Maggie

When your Big Three morning show has got ratings in the cable-TV range, something’s got to give: CBS News’ “The Early Show” ousted long-time anchors Harry Smith and Maggie Rodriguez on Tuesday to rescue the low-rated, third-place finisher among morning talk shows. Starting on January 3, Erica Hill and Chris Wragge, who have been co-anchors of the […]

Asking Tip-Jar Hitters to Send Me to Cancun? Probably Not Worth Trying

Chris Horner at The American Spectator calls to our attention the fact that the latest effort to coerce us into adopting the Kyoto protocols — the holy writ of the global-warming cult — involves bringing 15,000 participants to the Mexican beach resort of Cancun for two entire weeks. (Video via Instapundit.) The overwhelming majority of these […]

‘Roman Polanski Has a Rival as the World’s Most Notorious Fugitive Pervert’

That was a friend’s reaction on Twitter to the news that Interpol has issued a warrant for Julian Assange on sex-crimes charges: The WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, is tonight facing growing legal problems around the world, with the US announcing that it was investigating whether he had violated its espionage laws. Assange’s details were also […]

Best. Cable. Movie. Evah!

Maybe you had plans for Monday, Dec. 6, at 9 p.m. ET. Jets vs. Patriots, or whatever. But whatever your plans were, cancel them now! It’s an epic television event of global importance!

‘Most of the Miseries of the World Were Caused by Wars . . .’

” . . and, when the wars were over, no one ever knew what they were about.” — Ashley Wilkes, Gone With the Wind Captain Wilkes might well have added that, the further wars recede from memory, the more difficult it becomes to explain them to people who only know what they were taught in school. Why, […]

From ‘Blame Bush’ to ‘It’s All Rigged’

Wherein a Democratic senator complains that the agenda of Senate Democrats is un-democratic: Via Hot Air and the Daily Caller. Sen. Bennett has discovered Hall’s Iron Law of Leadership: There are people who make lists, and there are people who are on lists. Bennett’s not a list-maker, so he’ll vote the way he’s told and […]

She’s Certainly Making the Right Enemies

Congratulations, Governor Palin: You can add the hatred of Charles Johnson, next to the pathological obsession of Andrew Sullivan, in your trophy case. As to Joe Scarborough’s accusation that Palin is a “cultural icon” of “anti-intellectualism” . . . Hey, let’s go to the video: “To all you people who want to send me e-mails: Don’t waste […]

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