The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Julian Assange Wins; Swedish Appeal Denied; Will Be Freed on Bail

Posted on | December 16, 2010 | 5 Comments

Latest news from Great Britain:

WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange was granted bail by a London court Thursday, meaning he is free to leave jail until his next scheduled court hearing in January.
The exact timing of his release will depend on the speed of the paperwork, his lawyer Mark Stephens said in a statement outside the court, adding that he hoped Assange would be free later Thursday. . . .
A judge granted him bail on Tuesday, but lawyers representing Sweden immediately filed an appeal, keeping Assange behind bars until the High Court judge decided on the Swedish appeal.
Assange won the appeal Thursday. . . .

Remember this is only about the sexual assault charges in Sweden. U.S. officials are still trying to build a conspiracy case against Assange.

Meanwhile, Glenn Greenwald asserts that “it is impossible to invent theories to indict [Assange or his sources] without simultaneously criminalizing much of investigative journalism.” Which is false, and absurdly so. Army Pvt. Bradley Manning committed a crime — he was, at the very least, guilty of insubordination — and WikiLeaks abetted that crime.

Contrary to whatever cloak-and-dagger fantasies may exist in the imagination of Glenn Greenwald, “investigative journalism” is not dependent on illegally obtaining classified national security documents.

UPDATE: What Sweden needs is its own Antoine Dodson: “Julian Assange be snatchin’ yo’ people up and rapin’ ’em out here!”


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