Marty Peretz and the Inevitable Obsolescence of Yesterday’s Liberalism
One of the beauties of conservatism is that, if we define it as William F. Buckley Jr. did — standing athwart history, yelling “stop!” — the conservative never need to change his ideology, which is essentially a stance of opposition to whatever innovations liberals propose on their march toward the Utopia of Social Justice. The […]
Sour Grapes for Mid-Term Losers
Victory has many fathers, but defeat is an orphan, they say. Another difference is that only defeat requires a scapegoat: “The Tea Party movement really is quite a bit different than the old Republican conservative movement,” [Delaware loser Mike] Castle said. “They’re more than willing to take out Republicans, call us Republicans in name only, […]
LIVE AT FIVE – 12.28.10
TOP NEWS New York Airports Open After Heaviest Snowfall Since 1948 Northeast begins to dig out from record “global warming” Israeli Talks With Turkey Fall Short Apology not forthcoming for raid on Gaza “peace flotilla”, says Netanyahu Khodorkovski Conviction Brings International Protests Widely seen as proof that rule of law no longer exists in Russia […]
Media Headwinds, Media Tailwinds
Ace of Spades describes a basic truth of American politics: The liberal media sells liberal candidates as brilliant and even-tempered and “sophisticated” and “nuanced” of thought; all of these are non-ideological attributes which appeal to most, whatever one’s politics. And they need to do this, as only about 25% of the country can be persuaded […]
More Proof Exercise Is Bad for You
A marathon runner is diagnosed with stress damage to her gluteal tendons, a malady called “dead butt syndrome.” Exercise is to yuppies what Islam is to suicide bombers. “Fitness” has become a cult among the college-educated and upwardly mobile. Tom Wolfe noticed this phenomenon nearly 30 years ago when he described the “social X-rays” — those bone-thin yuppie […]
Rule 5 Sunday Falls On A Monday This Week
I won’t bore you with excuses as to why this is so; content yourselves with the knowledge that after a crappy day shoveling snow, fighting gale-force winds, or whatever it was you were doing outside today, you have a cornucopia of lush Rule 5 pulchritude to warm yourself with as you sit before your monitor […]
Unwatchable BloggingHeadsTV Episode in Which I’m Mentioned
Amanda Marcotte and Maureen “Moe” Tkacik discuss the rape accusations against Julian Assange — including the feminist rage over “rape apologism” — and one of my posts is allegedly discussed but (a) like most episodes of BloggingHeadsTV, this is quite nearly unwatchable; and (b) even if it were watchable, my house is too doggone noisy […]
Natalie Portman: ‘Paint the Shotgun White, Pa! It’s Gonna Be Formal!’
Donald Douglas beat me to this one: The Oscar-buzzed actress is pregnant and now engaged to marry the guy who knocked her up. This is very good news, of course. It is vitally important that beautiful people have babies, because otherwise the human race would become progressively uglier with each succeeding generation. Go to any […]
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