The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Dear ManBearPig: We Know, Climate Is Not Static

Posted on | March 25, 2011 | 8 Comments

by Smitty (via Bluegrass Pundit)

Yes, Al, we’re cereal. Via The Hill:

“Not since the dark days of the Bush administration have we seen a Republican-controlled Congress that is so intent on pushing their agenda in Washington — protecting tax breaks for oil companies making record profits, attempting to roll back environmental regulations, and not only refusing to pass climate change legislation in any form but refusing to acknowledge that climate change even exists,” Gore wrote in a fundraising pitch for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).

Ah, yes, those pre-financial crisis days were indeed dark. And the thought of Congress doing its job, instead of letting the EPA go APE with its PEA brain on the economy is indeed terrifying. We could actually stave off economic collapse if there was enough energy to run the country.
Everybody knows that climate is not static, and good stewardship of resources and the environment is common sense. The problem you have, Mr. Gore, is that you are viewed as a slightly slenderized version of Michael Moore, the image of a hypocritical, self-serving buffoon who regularly urinates down the public back while congratulating himself on his rain-making capacity.
So, yeah, this post is rather harsh in tone, but your actions either merit an extended public apology, or a retirement in silence with your Oscar and your Nobel. No one envies you or likes what you have to say or views you as other than an economic predator. Begone, or face increasing ridicule.


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