The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

March Goes Out Like a Lion

Posted on | April 1, 2011 | 4 Comments

The March End-of-the-Month Bonus Fundraiser was a huge success. Thanks to tip-jar hitters Charlie in Oregon, Sissy in Massachusetts, Stephen in Texas, Brendan in New Jersey, Jeff in Walla Walla, Will in Texas, Mike in Ardmore, Larry in North Carolina, James in Texas, Victor in Virginia, and Dana in Ohio. My wife is impressed with you guys.

So that’s 11 readers who showed their appreciation in one day — a day in which we had more than 10,000 visitors to the blog. So that’s 0.011% of readers who are paying the freight for the other 99.989%, I guess. C’mon, freeloaders: Hit the tip jar for $10 or $20 to help me get a head start on impressing my wife in April.

UPDATE: Belated thank to Susan in Jacksonville, Steven in El Cerrito and Michael in Haymarket, whose generous contributions have increased to 0.014% the proportion of readers with whom my wife is impressed. (I’m kidding. She loves all the readers. But she just loves the tip-jar hitters a little extra. You know how wives are.)


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