The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Biden Commission

Posted on | April 20, 2011 | 4 Comments

by Smitty

Really? How will Slow Joe possibly help in any way that Bowles-Simpson did not? The assignment says more about giving the VP some LEGOs to play with than it says about serious analysis of the crisis.

In his “excessively partisan” speech last week at George Washington University, Obama announced the creation of a second deficit commission to be led by Vice President Joe Biden. He also asked congressional leaders to appoint four members each to represent them at the talks, for a total a 17 participants, including the VP.

But so far only six have officially been tapped to attend the May 5 meeting.

One desperately wants to be surprised by this sad turn of events, but even that is out of reach.

Disagreeing with Dyer at Hot Air, we don’t need to ‘Think Big’. We need to think small, think limited, think about what requirements we are meeting at which levels of government. OK, I’m not really disagreeing with Dyer on substance, merely his title.

The graphical take, via PowerLine:


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