The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Big Breitbart: Scenes From Thursday’s Righteous Indignation Reception in DC

Posted on | April 22, 2011 | 5 Comments

A huge crowd turned out Thursday at the DC offices of Americans for Tax Reform, where the Daily Caller co-hosted a book-signing party for Andrew Breitbart’s Righteous Indignation.

When I saw Andrew signing books in front of the giant picture of himself, I said, “Big Breitbart Is Watching You!”

Strangely enough, neither Travis Korson nor Matt Martini asked to see Alyssa Farah‘s birth certificate.

Jason Mattera of Human Events talks to a friend. If you look carefully, you can see Ace of Spades in the background.

Ben Johnson of Accuracy in Media greets Byron York of the Washington Examiner.

Reason magazine editor Matt Welch eyes me suspiciously.

Andrew Marcus of Founding Bloggers and CNN’s lovely Amy Holmes.

Breitbart checks his text messages while, in the background, you can see Derek Hunter and Erik Telford discussing what they’re going to do when the next truckload of unmarked cash arrives from the Koch Brothers.


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