The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Thanks to Whoever Bought the Universal Network 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player

Posted on | July 1, 2011 | 19 Comments

Somebody got a sweet deal — only $499! — on that piece of high-end home video equipment via one of the Amazon links here, which earned me a sweet $20 commission through the Amazon Associates program.

This is the program Democrats destroyed for Californians with their stupid Internet tax, but apparently the Democrats who run Maryland’s government aren’t quite as stupid as California Democrats, so I’m still eligible for Amazon commissions.

From time to time, Instapundit feels obliged to remind his readers how the Amazon Associates program works, and I guess it bears repeating: You click the links, you buy some stuff, and Amazon pays me 4% commission. It’s simple, and if you buy enough stuff in one order, the shipping’s free.

Most people think of Amazon as a book seller — and hey, you can get Ann Coulter’s new book Demonic for just $15.65 — but they sell all kinds of stuff. They’ve got food, like delicious Old Wisconsin Beef Summer Sausage, a pack of 3 for $27.60. They’ve also got power tools like the Black & Decker BD12PSK 12-Volt Smart Select Drill for $41.99. And they even sell clothes, like the SpicySpot Sexy Micro Mini Thong Back Halter Top Bikini, a real bargain at $19.99.

These are just random selections, and should not be interpreted as recreational suggestions for your Fourth of July weekend. But whatever you buy, thanks for shopping through the Amazon Associates links here.


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